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I Have a Question - Volume 310 [Read only] - Dynamic Dave

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Edited by Dynamic Dave on 09/09/2009 at 13:56

Re: Cheap white plastic garden chairs for Mapmaker - deepwith
Someone on NewForestWest Freecycle is offering 70 white stackable plastic chairs which have been used for lectures. Chairs are in Salisbury. No idea if you would be able to collect them but I should imagine the cost of collection would be less than a purchase price! It was posted at 13.30 today, Monday.
Corporate bonds ?? - 1400ted
I have a ' normal ''2 yr savings bond which has just expired. It has been eanring over 6% gross.

I've been to see the bank's financial guy and he has been talking about ' corporate bonds ',
paying a similar amount, as against the 4% of a savings bond.
I'm rather baffled by jargon, similarly with reading the web about it.
Anybody here explain the pros and cons...and risks...in English ?

Corporate bonds ?? - jbif
similarly with reading the web about it. >>

So you have read

Can you expand on what part of it you find baffling?

p.s. also read

Edited by jbif on 07/09/2009 at 17:18

Corporate bonds ?? - Armitage Shanks {p}
I am in a similar position and I have read the links but I am not clear as to whether these instruments have a redemption (payback) date or not. Also the price can vary so if you sold at the wrong time you'd be looking at a capital loss. At least with Barwest etc you invest for a period of your choice, get fixed interest and your capital returned at maturity
Corporate bonds ?? - jbif
... but I am not clear as to whether these instruments have a redemption (payback) date or not. Also the price can vary so ... >>


Corporate Bonds, yields etc. explained in detail here

However, having said that, in very simple terms, in answer to points you raise:

Yes there is a redemption date, when you are supposed to get the bond face value repaid to you.
So say a hypothetical top FTSE 100 company GEC-ArmSarconi[GAS] sold 25 year bonds, face value £100, yielding 10% on date of issue in 1990.

That means GAS will pay £10 every year to the holder of the bond, until the bond is redeemed in year 2015.

On black wednesday 1992, when interest rates reached 15%, say I buy the bonds on the stock market. Possibly the price for the bonds would have dropped to £87. The reason is that £10 income from £87 represents 15% which is what the Government was willing to pay on the day.

Now having bought those bonds for £87, I can get the £10 a year from them until 2015 and cash in on redemption date for £100. But while waiting, I find that in year 2009, Darling Brown's antics mean that Mervyn King BofE is offering only 0.5%

So I figure that the price of the GAS bond on the market should now be nearly £2000 [because £10 earnt on £2000 a year equates to 0.5%].

I rush off to find my bond and look up its price, and realise that I have been a motley fool because the GAS company went down the Twyford toilet pan a few years ago while I had neglected keeping an eye on it, and in fact I have not received any payments from them for years and the GAS bonds are worthless.

Allegedly enough to cause someone's death by a broken heart.

Edited by jbif on 07/09/2009 at 18:25

Corporate bonds ?? - 1400ted
Thanks, JBIF. Have looked at those websites you posted.......things a bit clearer now. The Guardian one was revealing. Of course, the adviser wants his commission,,,4% quoted by him.
Comes to a lot of money. Prob stick with the building society...earn a bit less but dosh will be secure.....ain't gonna live for ever !

Corporate bonds ?? - Armitage Shanks {p}
Let me add my thanks to jbif. I am in the awkward position of discussing this with my partner but not wanting to be, or even appear to be, an adviser. I want to point her in the right direction to find information and make her own decisions! At her age age she is not interested in long term. I don't even buy annual magazine subscriptions any more! -):
Corporate bonds ?? - Pugugly
Principlaity BS are offering 5,10% over five years, anything up to a million pounds. Seems foolproof from a prudent society. I dumped some cash into it on Saturday, they weren't worried I didn't live in Wales.
Corporate bonds ?? - 1400ted
Principality sounds interesting Pug...I'll have a look at the website in a min.
Just had a weekend in the Denbigh area...didn't see you around. Hardly met anyone with a Welsh accent, either.

Corporate bonds ?? - Mapmaker
Beware being locked in for 5 years. Whilst it may look good today, in 4 years time, when interest rates may be in double figures, it may look stingy. Equally, in 4 years time we may have negative interest rates so it may look very good.

Their 4% 2-year fix looks more attractive. And regular saver accounts inevitably have implausibly high interest rates.
(R2) Drive Time will never be the same again - ifithelps
No doubt you all know to what I refer.

The country's most listened to radio presenter is to stand down.

I was never a big fan of Wogan - sure that will worry him - so I'm looking forward to Chris Evans.

But what about his programme? Simon Mayo, I'm told.

Simon who?

Edited by Pugugly on 07/09/2009 at 23:52

Drive time will never be the same again - gordonbennet
I'm shattered, we are losing an institution from the breakfast slot, and almost the final stroke to remove humour and gentle fun and quiet dependability from our main radio station.

Mark my words they'll have Sarah out next she doesn't read the correct (current) script, that will be the end of my motoring listening to radio2, apart from Ken Bruce.

We lost one of the most amusing easy listening presenters a few years ago, dear Ray Moore, early mornings have never been the same for me on the road.

They shifted Jimmy out, and replaced him with PC boredom.
Now Wogans going, a truly sad time for us.

The replacements just don't do it for me.
Drive time will never be the same again - ifithelps
One presenter who I think is under-rated is Alex Lester, who does the graveyard shift on Radio 2.

I was hoping he might get promoted in the reshuffle.

Drive time will never be the same again - AlastairW
Simon who?

Currently on 5 Live, has stood in for Evans in the afternoons occasionally. Not as good, IMO.

Wogan to replace Jonathan Ross on Saturdays? Hooray, if true!
Drive time will never be the same again - csgmart
A sad day indeed.

Thought Jonnie Walker was a very good stand in for Wogan when he was on holiday. Would a better option than Evans IMO.

Ah well - looks like Radio 4 is going to one more listener (do quite a bit of the time anyway).
Drive time will never be the same again - oldnotbold
Mayo is good on R5, but I can't see him filling Evans' shoes on R2.
Drive time will never be the same again - GroovyMucker
Never really understood Chris Evans' appeal. Annoying voice, full of himself, etc.

Simon Mayo - I remember when he used to do the R1 breakfast show. Rather more depth to him, shall we say, than many of the current crop.

I always enjoy it when Maconie stands in on the 5-7pm programme.
Drive time will never be the same again - Robin Reliant
Another Maconie fan, if he doesn't get it I hope Mark Radcliffe does.

Johnnie Walker was the best drive time host and he had some great guests from F1 and motoring in general on the show too. I'm sure Chris Evans is one of the nicest guys you could meet but I can't stand Drivetime with him on it, he is a mixture of Radio 1 and childrens TV.
Drive time will never be the same again - Dave_TD
Up until 3 years ago I only listened to Radio 1 and would have rather shut my neck in the sunroof than put Radio 2 on by choice - then I began a new job with 3am starts, and had two weeks of riding shotgun to learn the routes. The guy who was training me up swore by Radio 2 and wouldn't tolerate anything else. After 2 weeks' training I was sent out alone and I listened to Alex Lester, Sarah Kennedy, Wogan et al by choice every day from then on.

I still listen to R2 in the car (motoring link) by default (much to the annoyance of my children!) and personally I can't think of a better person to take over from Sir Tel after Christmas. Chris Evans' presenting style has changed a lot in recent years and I think he'll make a very decent go of it.

Dave TD
Drive time will never be the same again - alfatrike
i hope he has learned to get up early, i remember his spell at (i think it was virgin radio) as being troublesome.
Drive time will never be the same again - PhilW
Don't our tastes vary? I like Alex Lester 'cos he plays stuff other than on the R2 "playlist" and also think that Johnnie Walker is the best of the lot 'cos he also gets away from the playlist. Can't stand Sarah Kennedy with here showtunes and religious stuff. Wogan good (especially the Janet and John stories which have at times reduced me to tears of laughter like when I was stationary at a roundabout, looked across at the lady driver in the next lane who was in a similar state and she wound down her window, shouted "Janet and John", I nodded and then we both continued on our way!) Ken Bruce? a bit boring I find except for popmaster where I have a high score if I get more than 9 points. Agree with Dave TD above - couldn't stand Chris Evans at one time but he has changed and matured - might make a good job of it I think.
Drive time will never be the same again - oldtoffee
>>i hope he has learned to get up early, i remember his spell at (i think it was virgin radio) as being troublesome.

I think he'll be very good. He said today he was expecting Sir Tel's announcement at a certain time and it happened a bit earlier whilst he was changing a nappy so I doubt he'll now be allergic to early starts.

I've never been a fan of some of Evans' past lifestle choices (eg Gazza, Danny Baker et al) especially in the Virgin Radio days but I've always thought he was entertaining and he is the only R2 show I listen to. I am a TW fan but at the times I travel, I'm on the motorway, pressing on on and TW's voice hides in my car whereas Evans' does very well indeed.
Drive time will never be the same again - Stuartli
>>..remember his spell at (i think it was virgin radio) as being troublesome.>>

Chris Evans was fired from Radio 1 in 1997 for consistently failing to show up to work.

Drive time will never be the same again - boxsterboy
Thought Jonnie Walker was a very good stand in for Wogan when he was on
holiday. Would a better option than Evans IMO.

Of course, Jonnie Walker used to do the drive-time show until he was replaced by ... Evans!

I won't miss Evans - at times he is OK, but too often he is just too immature. Mayo on the other hand is more knowledgable (or at least gives that impression) and quite droll with it.
Drive time will never be the same again - Harleyman
Wogan had to retire some time, best to quit whilst he's ahead; something his old sparring partner Jimmy Young didn't manage to achieve.

Regrettably R2 has lost a morning listener though, can't stand Evans at any price and easpecially not when I'm driving. Silly, noisy, irritating in-your-face people don't do it for me at the best of times and certainly not in the mornings! If his voice was a face I'd slap it.

A previous poster mentioned Danny Baker; anyone who heard him as a stand-in when the Johnathan Ross debacle went on will vouch for the fact that he's grown up now and is much easier on the ear.

Edited by Harleyman on 08/09/2009 at 00:01

Drive time will never be the same again - RicardoB
Well, always remember that there are other stations and CDs available! I sometimes hit Radio 3. Honest.

Agree that it is sad that Sir Terry is going, but hey, even the great man himself can't go on forever, and as has been said, he will be doing a weekend show - I think he said he was going to do it from the Radio Theatre which might mean a live audience?

Johnnie Walker - good stand-in but as someone said he left Drivetime whcih again was good, to be replaced by...

We may be listeners and licence payers but that doesn't mean that we are taken notice of and anyway, you can never please all the people all the time!

And Sarah Kennedy - off ill again. Can't see her staying around much longer but I quite like her quirkiness - better than her current stand in: Aled "what did he say" Jones.

Alex Lester - yeah, very cool and good and destined to stay on graveyard shift I guess.

Now, where's that channel button?...
Drive time will never be the same again - Citroënian {P}
Sad that Tel is leaving but fair play to him he has more than earned his future lie ins. Think Sarah might go next, will miss her too. The relaxed style they both have really works for me although I really hate showtunes :)

after Ken Bruce I can't be bothered with radio2 until Radcliffe and maconie; vine, wright and evans all annoy me for one reason or another

"what's the deal with bus stops. If you have phone and an opinion no one cares about, give us a call" that radio4 also have similar phone in nonsense at lunchtime makes me turn to classic fm more often than not when driving.

Paying people to laugh at your dodgy gags on your big show...not for me.

Similar problem with Evans and I can't see that I'll listen to him in the mornings, he's only vey slightly better than chris moyles. And I'd rather set fire to my radio than listen to him.

Quite sad really, a big part of my enjoyment in the car is listening to good radio and as we've lost or are losing JY, terry, Ed stewart (!) and likely Sarah it'll be less enjoyable for me.

Fwiw I would have given the job to Johnnie walker
Drive time will never be the same again - Stuartli
Sarah Kennedy suffers from the same problem as most members of her sex - she doesn't know when to keep quiet...:-)

Very irritating when it's done over the music (constantly).

I like Evans, but feel that Ken Bruce would perhaps have been a better choice, with Johnny Walker equally well liked.

But the trend these days is to try and bring in a liberal approach...:-(
Drive time will never be the same again - Citroënian {P}
Good point S, agree that Ken Bruce would have also been a good choice. Was laughing at his manatee joke this morning. Terry, Sarah and all the djs I like have fairly self deprecating humour.

Those that wind me up don't...
Drive time will never be the same again - focusman
bring back the hairy cornflake dlt
still as good, now on magic
Drive time will never be the same again - pda
Let's leave Alex Lester where he is, not good for his career but he understands lorry drivers humour!
I'll miss the togmeister, but Johnnie Walker should replace him IMHO.

Evans, not my choice at all and always has been a cue for a good CD.

Was it Simon Mayo or the Hairy Cornflake who used to do the optimum time to dunk a biscuit on the morning show?

I am so old!

Drive time will never be the same again - Harleyman
Twas DLT Pat.

Much missed; one of the few who would (if the BBC hadn't messed him around) made a successful transition from R1 toR2
Drive time will never be the same again - BobbyG
Well I have to confess the only time I listen to radio 2 is when I am going on holiday and travelling through England to and from France.

I used to hear Ken Bruce when he was on Radio Scotland many years ago. Now I find it extremely difficult to tell he difference between him and Wogan, both very similar in their style of delivery.

During drivetime I tend to listen to local Radio, more accurate and relevant travel updates, more relevant news and sports articles and better music!

Don't think I have listened to Radio 1 since the days of taping the chart show many moons ago!
Drive time will never be the same again - ifithelps
...and better music!...

Depends on your taste, but Chris Evans on a Friday is worth a try - all requests from listeners.

And Jonnie Walker now does a Sounds of the 70s show on Sunday afternoons.

Drive time will never be the same again - rtj70
best to quit whilst he's ahead; something his old sparring partner Jimmy Young didn't
manage to achieve.

Perhaps he's quiting before someone like Moyles beats his listening figures? But yes he was going to retire at some time.
HIFI why are we going backwards? - Rattle
My sister has a late 70's Japcrap Pioneer amp which was given to me instead of ending up in a tip. She has had this for several years and it sounds quite outstanding for what was a budget seperate in the late 70's. I think it packs about 40w per channel. It certainly sounds better than any of the sub £100 HIFI amps you can get today.

However my amplifier probably sounds a lot better than even a a very epensive system then so in real terms HIFI is a lot cheaper now yet its so less popular. Back in the early 80's people would spend around £400 on a system on a decent brand music centre with perhaps a couple of Warfedale Lintons or if you felt really exotic on a budget a NAD 3020 amp and Duel turntable.

My question is now that HIFI is so much cheaper why is it also so much less popular? I just don't get this modern lack of sound quality, so many people don't even have a HIFI system any more and play their music via a TV.

Is it because people don't know any better? My sister is a 23 year old girlie girl yet is perfectly happy with her black Cambridge Audio CD player, her large speaker stands, her 1970's amp and her mid 70's Luxman tuner.

To waffle on a bit more I have noticed that most the BBC radio stations on Iplayer are 80kbps which is quite pathetic. I personaly cannot play any MP3s at less than 192kbps and I much prefer lossless or 256kbps plus. The same is true for DAB, I do have a DAB seperate but it sounds awful, its not the hardwares fault but the signal it recieves is usualy 128kbps MP2 which sounds rather lacking through a HIFI system. FM sounds far better.

So why have attitudes changed? Do people not care? Do people not realise? I am convinced its not about money as you can get a half decent system for less than two tyres on a lot of modern cars.

Thankfully some of the high end companies are now producing life style systems which sound good and maybe this will start to change peoples attitudes to sound quality.

There is one major downside to having ears which are easily offended though, 1/3 of my bedroom is taken up with HIFI stuff!
HIFI why are we going backwards? - Armitage Shanks {p}
Rattle, speaking personally my hearing is wrecked, partly thru genetics and partly from a life spent with rockets, bombs, bullets and sharp pointy things with whistling jet engines. However, I think many of your generation have their hearing wrecked by discos and i pods played too loud and their hearing in their 20s may be as bad as mine in my 70s. Hi-fi is a dead loss if you can't hear it properly.

BTW, when I bought my first CD player it was a Marantz seperate unit and it cost £500, VAT free for export! This was about 1978!
HIFI why are we going backwards? - L'escargot
Hi-fi is a dead loss if you can't hear it properly.

As someone whose hearing was damaged by industrial noise in the late 1950s, I agree. I can't hear certain high frequency sounds at all so high fidelity sound reproduction is lost on me.
HIFI why are we going backwards? - Pugugly
Everyone thinks that digital is automatically better - CDs were the start of this fraud in the 80s.
HIFI why are we going backwards? - daveyjp
I only have to switch between analogue and digital signals on TV through my surround sound to experience a noticeable difference.

HD offers a great picture, but compared to analogue channels the sound is terrible.
HIFI why are we going backwards? - Statistical outlier
Daveyjp, what you are noticing with the switch between analogue and digital TV is the difference between low and high quality digital sound. Analogue TV has had NICAM (Near Instanteneous Companded Audio multiplexing) digital audio for about the last 15 years.

The difference is that NICAM is a high quality format, whereas the audio used in freeview is decidedly lower quality. I also heard somewhere that the compression used actually removes some of the phase information that Dolby Surround uses to encode the rear channels, although I can't back up that statement with any sort of reference or certainty.
HIFI why are we going backwards? - SpamCan61 {P}
Everyone thinks that digital is automatically better - CDs were the start of this fraud
in the 80s.

i think most people were happy to swap the snap crackle pop form anything other than decent quality vinyl for the background silence of CDs, and the convenience of track selection.

I do agree in principle that " digital is automatically better" is nonsense and always has been, whether applied to CD or DAB.
HIFI why are we going backwards? - crunch_time
I do agree in principle that " digital is automatically better" is nonsense and always
has been whether applied to CD or DAB.

Add TV to that also.

HIFI why are we going backwards? - perro
One thing could be that they don't build houses anymore, they build rabbit hutches which they call houses so people see houses - bit like "The Emperors Cloths"
In my study/office (read dining room!) I have a perfectly adequate Sony CMT-CPZ1 DAB connected to this computer and I am fairly impressed with the sound but ... when I play the same CD's through my Arcam/Cambridge Audio/Denon/Aiwa/ Tannoy system in the lounge, you can almost see the difference.
Great names btw - Marantz + Pioneer, not japcrap.
HIFI why are we going backwards? - Pugugly
Typical Britain. Motorcyclists called Honda that in the 70s as did Motorists Toyota and the such like,,,,who's laughing now ?
HIFI why are we going backwards? - ifithelps
...who's laughing now ?...

The Japanese - in reasonably high fidelity.

I think purists still prefer the smaller, British makers, although we are tallking quite high-end stuff.

A properly set up hi-fi sytem is a treat to listen to, and need not cost a lot, say £200 each on an amp, CD deck and speakers.

I have something a little better than that, but don't get around to listening to it as much as I'd like.

Too busy, or so I tell myself.

I might just have a dabble with the remastered Beatles CD set due to be released, I think, tomorrow.

Although at £160 or so, it's a bit expensive.

HIFI why are we going backwards? - Pugugly
I opted for a TEAC system - wired to a pair of floor mounted Mission Speakers although they don't feature in my current re-modelling of the lounge - need something smaller. May opt for the OE Teac speakers which currently serve in the under used office upstairs.
HIFI why are we going backwards? - ifithelps
Room acoustics play a big part.

There are high ceilings in the current Ifithelps Towers which make for a harsh, echo-prone sound, whatever the system.

I was once told of a 'clap test'.

Stand in the middle of the room and clap your hands firmly, once.

If you can hear an echo, the room is less than ideal for hi-fi.

If all you can hear is a single clap with next to no reverb, the job's a good 'un.

Edited by Pugugly on 08/09/2009 at 11:25

HIFI why are we going backwards? - Pugugly
If you can hear an echo, the room is less than ideal for hi-fi.

Mitigated by a choice of soft furnishings though
HIFI why are we going backwards? - jbif
Great names ..... ..... , not japcrap >>

Japanese Koi Carp:

Standard ploy used by trawlermen (out trolling on t'internet) is to throw in a juicy worm, amongst an otherwise plausible excuse for a day of innocent fishing, to catch the unwary coy carp, thereby create thread (fishing line) drift and catch a few more koi, and hope that a few more juicy worms get chucked in to the pool and start a flaming war between the carp.

Edited by jbif on 08/09/2009 at 10:48

HIFI why are we going backwards? - Rattle
A partern I have noticed is I seem to prefer jap CD players but British designed amps. I am the sort that would much rather spend time getting the tonal balance right rather than use the tone controls so all the buttons on jap amp I just look and think I wish they had spent the money on a better power supply.

I do have hearing loss myself and it does result in having to crank up the volume a bit to hear the higher frequencies but my mid range hearing is perfect. And anyway my hearloss was from around 15khz which is a problem when you're a kid but if its no worse then most people my age can only hear that range anyway.

One thing about HIFI too is it is one area where the British still do very well in. I remember a top Gear Eposide where Clarkson was talking about the differences between the japs and brits. He showed to amps a £1000k Arcam and a £150 Yamaha (he did not mention the price difference as suspect it he didn't know) the Yamaha had a lot more buttons and concluded it must be better. I just that though that completly missed the point.
HIFI why are we going backwards? - Stuartli
I'm still perfectly happy with my 1979 NAD 7030 tuner amplifier (3020 amp plus tuner, built in Japan at that time to UK specifications), Hitachi D-75s, the firm's first metal tape cassette deck, Thorens 160 turntable and Audiomaster MLS1 speakers.

All of it was expensive in real terms compared to much better specification hi-fi equipment today, but there is still some excellent kit around at present at prices that represent terrific value.

With regard to DAB and similar transmissions' quality levels these days, see:


Freeview radio stations are broadcast at much higher standards...:-)
HIFI why are we going backwards? - Rattle
I've never experiened the NAD 3020 but the 30wpc always put me off as I like my low end to be fast but then NADs in my experience always sound a lot more grippy than their power output figures suggest.

My big question is how would the NAD 3020 compare to a basic £150 Marantz or Sony amp in todays world?
HIFI why are we going backwards? - Stuartli
>>My big question is how would the NAD 3020 compare to a basic £150 Marantz or Sony amp in todays world?>>

It would do very well I suspect based on my 7030, which has a >3dB clipping margin (thanks to 60w output transistors for a 30watts per channel amp), will drive virtually any loudspeaker you put in front of it and sounds fully in control at all times.

Marantz (then part of Philips) was more noted for its CD players (as you would expect from Philips, whose own marker in this area was the 104), with a budget Rotel amp the real NAD challenger at the time.
HIFI why are we going backwards? - Stuartli

You might care to look at these links:




Just found one of my own comments from back in 2002 as well...:-(

HIFI why are we going backwards? - BobbyG
Way back when I was in my 20's I got a nice separates sound system and linked it up to Mission speakers.

I would regularly play some vinyl or the new fangled CD things or even tapes making sure Dolby B was selected on my metal tape.....

Anyway this was entertainment, I would sit and listen to the music as the TV only had 4 channels and mostly was rubbish.

However nowadays I have hundreds of rubbish TV channels which take so much longer to flick through, I have all my music on an ipod that can sit on a docking station linked to my Panasonic surround sound system. However very rarely would I now sit in my living room and purely listen to music so therefore can accept average sound quality. I regularly listen through earphones on the bike, again an average sound quality. Sometimes even listen through the laptop!

Kids and pals are in the background, neighbours Subaru is grumbling away on his driveway, dogs are barking etc etc, it would be money wasted to try and get a very decent sound system.

Guess what I am saying is priorities change, as with many modern day toys.
HIFI why are we going backwards? - Rattle
Get a pair of Grado SR60s that will soon give you some HIFI back, they work well on poorer sources too. I do use my computer as a source but I have a sound card designed for the job.

My original point is that for less than what some people pay on an all singing dancing disco light HIFI from comment you can get a budget seperates system. £200 at some where like Richersounds will get you a lot of HIFI although the problem I discovered is it leaves you wanting more.

I am also limited due to neighbours but if I play music loud I do it during the day when people are at work.
HIFI why are we going backwards? - SpamCan61 {P}
I think you've summed it up pretty well there BobbyG. Other than maybe the home theater set there aren't that many people who just sit down and listen to music anymore, they take it with them in compressed form. Many / most people value convenience much higher than the ultimate sound quality.

I still have my seperates system ( my NAD3020 was nicked many moons ago, replaced by a Kenwood somethingorother) but there isn't time/room to set it up properly in a house full of pets and kids, so it sits in a corner gathering dust: my Pure DAB mini system and Logik WiFI radio are my main music devices these days.
HIFI why are we going backwards? - bell boy
glass of malt whisky in one hand and dark side of the moon under a shure cartridge
and you could be in heaven
HIFI why are we going backwards? - perro
>>>glass of malt whisky in one hand and dark side of the moon under a shure cartridge<<<

Or Pipers under an Autofon with a herbal cig!
HIFI why are we going backwards? - Stuartli
but the 30wpc always put me off >>

Actually it's 20watts per channel as the model number indicates (last two letters).
HIFI why are we going backwards? - bell boy
they have started making these again,
mine are from 1996 and apart from a play with sennheiser open backs ive never found a better pair of cans
or speakers to beat my ditton 44"s
HIFI why are we going backwards? - perro
>>>they have started making these again,

Crickey , I had a pair of these years ago, think I threw them out after one of my house moves in the end ... can't remember exactly why, probably because I bought some Koss open backs.

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 08/09/2009 at 13:48

HIFI why are we going backwards? - Badwolf
My Dad still uses the Rotel seperates system he bought back in 1980 (ish) at great expense at it still sounds absolutely marvellous. It would knock most modern stuff into a cocked hat. I had custody of it for a while but reluctantly gave it him back when I moved into SWMBO's place.
HIFI why are we going backwards? - Stuartli
>>as the model number indicates (last two letters).>>

Digits even....:-(
HIFI why are we going backwards? - SpamCan61 {P}
From memory NAD specified their amps properly i.e. 20W was the RMS figure into 8 ohms, with both channels driven, with 1% THD. One minor irritant I did have to fix on my 3020 and several friends' ones was the mains switched went iffy after a while, causing crackling and intermittant power up. A good does of switch cleaner spray cured them for a few more years. I don't think I ever got the '20' LED to light up on my 3020, nevermind the '35' or whatever the top power level LED was.
HIFI why are we going backwards? - adverse camber
My old 3020a is doing fine. Bought 2nd hand 20 years ago and now acting as the amp to my eldests ipod and my old nad cd player.

Power ratings need to be taken with a pinch of salt, they are not very important in my experience.

(currently listening to R4 through Denon TU-260LII, Arcam 8R and some ancient Bose things from before bose became lifestyle)
HIFI why are we going backwards? - perro
I can remember drooling over the Marantz section of Lasky's, must be 30 or more years ago now, all those luvly silver units with their blue backlights ... couldn't afford it then of course so I had to settle for Pioneer PL12D etc., etc., etc. + Wharfdale Lintons which I later upgraded to a pair of B & W thingy's.
HIFI why are we going backwards? - perro
Re: Marantz ... still sort after = tinyurl.com/mo9n9g
HIFI why are we going backwards? - NVH
I just donated my 1970s Marantz amp + an old tv to next door neighbour' soon who has just had a family split.
This fully justifies collecting my new Project USB turntable from a local shop later this week.
The nasty little ion turntable can now be reserved for playing her ladyship's scratched and worn disco records.

Ah ! Bisto Vinyl !
HIFI why are we going backwards? - Rattle
For me both cheap digital and anaologue sources sound awful. The cheap plastic turntables have far too much treble bias and the cheap CD players sound harsh. When you move up the range CD's can sound pretty warm but also dynamic. I am a big fan of vinyl and CDs and to me I don't have a preference they are just different.

As for the person who said their analogue TV sounded better. Well if it is stereo it will use NICAM which is digital anyway but I too found that NICAM sounded better than freeview. NICAM had a nice lively sound to it. I used to have a Toshibia NICAM VCR I used purely as a source into my amp and connected to a 14" portable.
HIFI why are we going backwards? - perro
I suffered a major breakdown in the late 70's due to v***l (LP's) I still can't bring myself to say the v word, I was told by the trickcyclist that I had conflicting synapse between my frontal lobes and my hypothalamus due to using a Zerostat AND an anti-static mat at the same time, my condition only stabilized when I discovered the CD and Lithium ... batteries?

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 08/09/2009 at 22:01

NOKIA PC SUITE - Martin Devon
Help me please..........Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

I urgently need to transfer my contacts to pc as a back up and using the Nokia PC suite which looks simple doesn't work. I have saved them though into a new folder and they have saved as vcf files, but they will not transfer back to a phone. Using the Nok PC Suite gives an option to drag and drop, but IT DOES NOT WORK. Any help would be much appreciated.

Best reg's..........MD
Martin suite works fine for me.
Are they both Nokia phones?
Have you backed up one, and then connected new phone, made sure it recognises it as a different phone and then select the "Restore desired phone contents...."
Are both phones compatible with Nokia suite?
Alternatively if its contacts only can you sync with Outlook and then vice versa with new phone?
NOKIA PC SUITE - Martin Devon
Bobby I have found a back up file but it can't be read so I am unwilling to risk taking it back to the phone.
It would appear that my backup files are of the type .nbu?
NOKIA PC SUITE - SpamCan61 {P}
Alternatively if its contacts only can you sync with Outlook and then vice versa with
new phone?

That's the route I'd take, indeed the one I use when transferring between different phone brands.
Bad debt against our address. - daveyjp
For the last few months we have had letters to us sent for the attention of someone who doesn't live in the house. All have been returned to sender.

We arrived home today and daughter got to the post and opened the only mail we had. It was another letter not for us, but her opening it revealed it to be from a bank about a sizeable debt which needs repaying.

A call to the bank resulted in a call centre operative who didn't seem to understand the issue and then gave conflicting advice.

None of this is our fault but it seems it is now our problem due to an error by a credit reference agency. Any tips from anyone who has had an incorrect entry on a credit file?
I can see thiis keeping me occupied for many a week, but I'm very unhappy that this error now becomes our problem.

The bank said there was a note about returned mail but lots of debtors do this so they keep sending letters anyway! When asked how many letters they send before actually doing something about it they couldn't give an answer.

Bad debt against our address. - Mapmaker
>>I can see thiis keeping me occupied for many a week

Because... putting return to sender on an envelope is very trying indeed. Poor you!

>>daughter got to the post and opened the only mail we had.

Interfering with the Royal Mail is a criminal offence. Had your daughter not undertaken a criminal act you would not have been worrying.

Find something more useful to worry about like when you should jack up and rotate the wheels on your car so that all the logos are pointing in the same direction.
Bad debt against our address. - daveyjp
Mapmaker. If you have nothing to contribute it is far easier to say nothing.

Your knowledge of credit rating is obviously lacking. For info the debt is associated with our property not the unknown person. This means any outstanding debts affect OUR credit rating.

Daughter is 3.5, not quite old enough to be a criminal.

Thanks espada.
Bad debt against our address. - Optimist
Check your credit file with one of the major agencies to see what it says.

If there is something problematic from the bank in question associated with your file, it's for the bank to correct it when they have the error pointed out to them by you.

Bad debt against our address. - Mapmaker
>>Mapmaker your knowledge of credit rating is obviously lacking. For info the debt is
>>associated with our property not the unknown person. This means any outstanding debts
>>affect OUR credit rating.

Piffle and bunkum.

Urban myth. I try to reassure you, you throw your toys out of the pram showing your complete ignorance. Shalln't bother again. I'll just have another go at bumping that brick wall with my head.

tinyurl.com/ld6lfr as you cannot be bothered.


Now go back and find something worth worrying about like the ideal number of icecubes to put in a gin.
Bad debt against our address. - Dynamic Dave
Mapmaker, can you make sure you get out of the right side of the bed today please and be more polite with your replies. Thanks DD.
Bad debt against our address. - madux
Interfering with the Royal Mail is a criminal offence. Had your daughter not undertaken a
criminal act you would not have been worrying.

Has anyone ever heard of anyone ever being done for this?
I would not hesitate to - and have done so - open any mail addressed to an unknown person at my address. The risk of identity theft far outweighs the risk of opening mail addressed to AN Other-Fraudster.
Join the real world, Cartographer.
Bad debt against our address. - Mapmaker
>>Has anyone ever heard of anyone ever being done for this?
>>I would not hesitate to ... risk identity theft
>>Join the real world.

You completely miss my point.

1. Your own credit rating is unaffected by that of Mr X who happens also to claim to live at your address.
2. You are not entitled - indeed it is a criminal offence (postmen are regularly convicted of stealing post - google it if you don't believe me) - to open post not addressed to you.
3. '2' implies '1'. For how can your credit rating be affected by something of which you know nothing.

Identity theft is something completely different that clearly you have not understood either. It is when somebody else steals your identity and your good credit rating and uses it to obtain a credit line that he uses - effectively stealing from you. Your altea ego, as it were. So somebody else claims to be called Madux, living at your address, opens a new credit card, gets hold of the card and runs up 10k of spending and you get the bill.

So, you join the real world, and stop worrying needlessly. All you need do (indeed, what you must do) if post arrives addressed to somebody who is not you is to put it back in the post box with "not known here return to sender" writ large on the envelope.

To do anything else would be to break the law. How an series of letters delivered to your address with somebody else's name thereupon can be perceived as harassment I do not know. Do you feel harrassed when the local Indian puts its menu through the door twice a week?

Bad debt against our address. - Happy Blue!

Write a letter to the Chief Executive of the bank. You can find his name on the web.

Complain about harrassment in a polite but firm way and ask him to stop his organisation from bothering you again and also ask for confirmation and proof that your credit rating has not been affected.

Anything else and make a claim at the small claims court for harrassment and time at £100 per hour.
Bad debt against our address. - ifithelps
Good call from Espada.

I thought Mapmaker's post was a bit brusque, but you do need to keep this in proportion.

The debt is not in your name, and it is widely accepted credit scammers pluck addresses out of the air.

People worry about their credit rating, but if you are either wealthy enough not to borrow money, or don't as a matter of good housekeeping, who cares about a credit rating?


You're right about the importance of hubcap centre badges all pointing the same way.

If I ever buy a new Roller, it will have to have those counterbalanced ones that always keep the 'RR' upright.

Bad debt against our address. - Falkirk Bairn
Write to the address, recorded delivery - Tell them you are Mr ABC and Mr XYZ does not live at the address

Tell them you will be happy to take any phone calls, they will be noted and invoiced at £25.00
Letters will be answered @ £50.00.

Failure to agree / pay the invoice will end in the small claims court.

Harassment can end up with the bank/lender being charged by the police.
Cheapest online LCD TVs? - Robin Reliant
On Sept 16 we lose our anologue signal due to the switch to digital. The main set is on a dish, so no worries there and the TV upstairs is fairly modern and I have a freeview box ready to go. However, the set we use in the kitchen is an old clunker of 25 years vintage, no scart socket and it is on the way out picture wise. I want to get a small LCD as cheaply as possible, anyone know of online retailers who undercut the likes of Currys & Comet?

Cheers in advance.

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 08/09/2009 at 22:00

Cheapest online LCD TVs? - Rattle
Check out Richersounds I have been buying HIFI stuff from there from years and lately bought a LCD TV on the bahalf of my sister from them.


Microdirect also do sell some LCD specials but beware you will get a loss support than say from Richers who will bent over backward to help you aftersale. There should also be a store close to you :). There are three stores within 7 mile radius of me.
Cheapest online LCD TVs? - SpamCan61 {P}
Do check the viewing angle, I've seen a couple of cheapish LCDs in supermarkets where the picture dissappears if you're more than 30 degrees off the centreline.
Cheapest online LCD TVs? - Mick Snutz
Funnily enough I was looking at Richer Sounds website today. There's a branch near me (Colchester). Its nice to see there are still some 'family' run businesses out there.

Mind you when I want to buy an electronic consumable I tend to look at them in Comet so I can see and 'feel' them then I search Pricerunner for the cheapest on the web.
Cheapest online LCD TVs? - Pugugly
John Lewis had a natty 17" one HD ready on offer for 149 quid - down from 199 quid and a five year warranty, being JL it will be a quality item and they don't mess around on Customer Service.
Cheapest online LCD TVs? - pmh3
Use John Lewis - and then invoke price match promise against the price of any seller who has retail premises. They will match the Richer Sounds prices provided RS has it in stock.
Gives the benefit of a 5yr guarantee.
Cheapest online LCD TVs? - gordonbennet
Don't know where you live, but Argos have a very useful warehouse that sells off end of ranges etc cheaply at Corby Northants.

I have also seen items eg laptops for sale by them on flea bay, so might be worth a perusal on there to see if they have any offers.

A friend of mine picked up a Sony 32"lcd for about a third of it's original price, and they usually have loads of smaller tv's for sale..the best day to visit if on route somewhere is Friday.

Other than that do you have a TJ Hughes shop nearby, they always have offers on such things.
And i'll agree about Richer sounds.
Cheapest online LCD TVs? - NVH

These are the argos "clearance" warehouses.
Corby, Walsall and Stanley ( Co Durham).

I will be visiting the Stanley one ( and Mum) later today.
On previous visits they had loads of tvs which were generally overpriced imho,
while branded PVR and home cinema systems were good value, but very "last-year-spec",
eg PVR with single, not twin tuners. Which is why they are clearance items.

Edit: the above webpage has a link to their very own ebay shop.

Edited by NVH on 09/09/2009 at 09:18

Cheapest online LCD TVs? - nick
Look around, find a make/model you like and pop it into a price comparison site like kelkoo and save £££.
Watch out for real cheapies, things like the contrast ratio may be poor.
Cheapest online LCD TVs? - maz64
2 general points to watch out for with cheap LCDs based on recent experience:

1. Widesrceen TV is 16:9 ratio. A lot of LCD TV/monitors have a resolution of 1440x900, which is 16:10. Hence when watching 16:9 broadcasts (ie. most of them) either:

a) you will see the full picture width, but with narrow black borders top and bottom
b) you will see the full picture height, but lose the left and right edges
c) you will see full picture width and height, but it will be distorted.

A 1440x900 TV should offer modes for at least (a) to allow you to see the whole picture without distortion - the cheap eBuyer F&H one we initially bought didn't, so I sent it back and got a refund. We then played safe and got a more expensive Sharp (on offer at Richersounds) with a resolution of 1366x768, which is 16:9. For an extra £20 (IIRC) the improvement in overall quality is well worth it.

2. Even on the Sharp, the (stereo) sound quality was a lot worse than what we used to get from the mono CRT TV. On the F&H it was terrible - virtually unlistenable. However, the Sharp has a headphone socket to which I attached some fairly cheap Creative PC speakers (no sub) - these have made the sound acceptable. I would hesitate to get an small LCD TV without a headphone socket.

EDIT: I'm assuming you're going for a 19" - best size for kitchen IMHO.

Edited by Focus {P} on 09/09/2009 at 10:22

Cheapest online LCD TVs? - Stuartli
As with anything, you get what you pay for - that's why the big brands' top of the range electronics technology display wizardry sets are still in the high threes or four figure price ranges.

But for a kitchen set it's obviously not so important so long, as already stated, you avoid the No Name cheapo models.
Cheapest online LCD TVs? - maz64
that's why the big brands'
top of the range electronics technology display wizardry sets are still in the high threes
or four figure price ranges.

But do you get the same technology in a top of the range 19" - £300? - which the OP is after for his kitchen?
Cheapest online LCD TVs? - Stuartli
>>But do you get the same technology in a top of the range 19" - £300? >>

No, it only applies (as the prices suggest) to the large screen models, where the differences are clearly apparent thanks to superior display electronics. A small screen set would not really show up the differences or be necessary.

Most top brand manufacturers offer model ranges at around three price points to cater for the full spectrum of buyers. That's why you can buy 32in or even larger sets for prices around the £300 or so mark.

Move a step up and you'll pay around £500 to £700 and, after that, the really top notch TVs.

Incidentally a 19in Humax TV costs only £150 at Argos:


Like its set top boxes and PVRs for Freeview and Freesat, an excellent buy (especially at that price).

Incidentally, the dialysis unit my wife attends has these Humax TVs for patients' use and the display quality is very good. Each patient has an individual TV suspended above the foot of the bed, plus a remote control.
Cheapest online LCD TVs? - Pugugly
19" LCD TV/DVD player in Morrisons today for £149.00 (special offer)