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I Have A Question - Volume 290 [Read Only] - Dynamic Dave

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Edited by Webmaster on 11/05/2009 at 18:50

VHS Videos -who wants them - wotspur
I have had a clear out and want to give away loads of old videos,never have time to watch them,or the kids have outgrown them, any suggestions on organisations that might accept them
VHS Videos -who wants them - deepwith
Put them on your local freecycle site - you will be inundated with requests.
Some charity shops are still accepting them.
VHS Videos -who wants them - BobbyG
Yes charity shops still accept them and we also have a company that takes them away and recycles them when they are not needed.
Tyre Motions - Change of direction - BobbyG
Not sure if this is one for Number Cruncher or its a more simpler explanation.

Watched a program on ITV4 at weekend on crashes from BTCC.
A good few times there were instances of cars crashing where they were obviously driving at speed forwards, been sent into a spin, and then they have went shooting backwards across the track again taking other cars out.

What has happened with the wheels to allow them to go from being driven forward to, in effect, propelling the car backward. Almost like a kiddie's toy car, you know the one that is coiled so you can pull it back, let it go and it propels forward?

Now I am assuming that the drivers havent managed to throw it into reverse but if that is the answer then I am mighty surprised!!
Tyre Motions - Change of direction - Number_Cruncher
The inertia of the wheels and drivetrain is much lower than that of the car itself - so, if the car is heading backwards, the wheels will, after a brief protest, roll backwards.

It's a bit similar to the short lived puff of smoke when an aircraft touches down, and the wheels of the landing gear have to be spun up. The wheels don't resist for long!

Tyre Motions - Change of direction - BazzaBear {P}
Having seen the very thing BobbyG is referring to, I think I can add to this - or at least give Number Cruncher a little more info so he can!

I think what Bobby is asking about is why the car, rather than just continuing at the same speed in reverse, actually seemed to accelerate once it was heaing backwards, spearing across the track rather dramatically.

My guesses (described in a horribly unscientific way, sorry!) for the reasons for this phenomenon are as follows:

1) During the rotation of the car, the direction of travel is at an angle to the direction the wheels are capable of spinning. Therefore there is a lot of friction. Once the car stops spinning, the main part of the motion is backwards (relative to the car itself) and the path of least resistance is to travel in a direction which goes with the wheels being able to spin. The rears at least will do so with almost no resistance at all. All momentum is transferred to moving directly backwards. (Not sure, but perhaps even part of the rotational force on the car causing it to spin is transferred to backwards motion too?)

2) The camera angle makes it look even more spectacular than it is. The movement across the ground while spinning is pretty much directly towards the camera, and therefore sensation of speed is lessened. Once it straightened up, it flew across at 90 degrees to the camera, and therefore the sensation of speed was increased.

OK NC - now tell me why all of this is hopelessly wrong! ;)
Tyre Motions - Change of direction - L'escargot
Sideways momentum is translated into rearward motion. At the point at which the car ceases to slide sideways and starts to move rearward, initially it doesn't have any rearward speed. To get from zero rearward speed to whatever it's eventual rearward speed is it means it accelerates rearward. I've simplified it somewhat because in practice it won't change abruptly from sliding sidewards to travelling backwards.

Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Edited by L'escargot on 07/05/2009 at 07:42

Company Slogan - Xtype
After recently setting up a company im after a good slogan for it. Are there a list of registered slogans in the Uk? or can two different companies have the same slogan?
Company Slogan - Martin Devon
After recently setting up a company im after a good slogan for it. Are there
a list of registered slogans in the Uk? or can two different companies have the
same slogan?

What is the business Mr. Xtype.

Company Slogan - Optimist
can two different companies have the same slogan? >>

I think some slogans are registered as trade marks and so copying them would infringe that.

In any case: you wouldn't want your firm confused with another, would you? No, so you need a clever slogan of your own, unique to you.

Good luck.
Company Slogan - Stuartli
>>..you wouldn't want your firm confused with another, would you?>>

Seems to work smoothly enough for Tetleys...:-)

Edited by Stuartli on 05/05/2009 at 01:21

Company Slogan - Armitage Shanks {p}
But not for the lady who had run Macdonald's Cafe in her highland village for 40 years and was hassled by the people who sell bits of dead animals in plastic bread, all tastefully presented in a box made of slight different plastic! She gave in as she couldn't afford the legal fees SFAIK.
Company Slogan - Martin Devon
But not for the lady who had run Macdonald's Cafe in her highland village for
40 years and was hassled by the people who sell bits of dead animals in
plastic bread all tastefully presented in a box made of slight different plastic! She gave
in as she couldn't afford the legal fees SFAIK.

I would have run with it. No court in the land would have found against her. What a petty bunch of saddoes.

Company Slogan - L'escargot
But not for the lady who had run Macdonald's Cafe in her highland village for
40 years and ...........

I just can't imagine how McDonald's could get away with objecting to someone callng their cafe Macdonald's Cafe. McDonald's ~ Macdonald's Cafe. It's like comparing comparethemarket.com with comparethemeerkat.com

Don't even sound same!
Company Slogan - Xtype

Its an IT support business aimed at the SME market.
Any suggestions would be greatly received.

Thank you
Company Slogan - Martin Devon
Its an IT support business aimed at the SME market.
Any suggestions would be greatly received.

Well I am in Construction and not IT. I have to confess I am eager to know the SME bit, or will it be so simple that I will regret asking??

Best regards......Martin.
Company Slogan - Xtype
Small and medium enterprises
Company Slogan - Boss Hog
What kind of IT support do you do and where are you, get in touch I might be able to help you indirectly.
Help! Electric bill doubled - Robin Reliant
Back in October I got a £200 rebate on my electric bill as the direct debits more than covered usage. We kept payments the same, nothing has changed regards electric usage and we have no new appliances. Today my bill shows me nearly £200 in deficit and a call to SWALEC informed me that we had gone from using 15 units per day to 30!

They have asked me to monitor meter readings for five days and they will then send someone round to check it out, but they seem fairly certain that the meter cannot over-read if it goes faulty, it slows down or stops (I wish). Can anyone tell me what may be playing playing up among my domestic appliances that would cause such a big jump in usage? I am beginning to suspect a 15 year old chest freezer as the little wheel in the meter visibly speeds up when that come on, but as I have never monitored that before I don't know what difference it should normally make.

Urgent advice needed as this is costing me a fortune.
Help! Electric bill doubled - Armitage Shanks {p}
I just had my water bill Monthly D/D put up from £9/ month to £32. Nothing had changed in my consumption but I checked the meter had been misread by 30 cu/mtrs which is a year's consumption for. Sorted with a phone call. A near neighbour has had her monthly debit put from £17 to £25 becuase, at the end of 6 months she owed them under £6! We have to watch this lot like hawks!

RR - I think you may to turn off everything in the house and then switch things on one at time and with the hamster wheel! Has an immersion heater been inadvetently put onto a 24 hour/continuous setting? That would murder your bill!
Help! Electric bill doubled - jbif
gone from using 15 units per day to 30! >>

That is equivalent to additionally using a 1kW heater for 15 hours each day.
Culprits could be that during the cold snap in the Jan to March period, your home had :
1. fan heater(s) in use
2. been electrically heating the very cold water in your hot-water cylinder
3. lots of cycles of heating up of cold water in your washing machine
4. been using electrical heated ovens or hobs a lot more than you normally do
5. you have a "leakage" somewhere which is not tripping your fuses or circuit breakers
6. ?
Help! Electric bill doubled - henry k
Read your meter every day for the next week to see what your average is now.
This will determine if you are back to "normalish" useage.
If things are back to normal then it was probably the extra cold period useage as jbif implies.

Is your freezer still showing the correct temperature and is the compressor running longer or more frequently that previously?
Help! Electric bill doubled - L'escargot
5. you have a "leakage" somewhere which is not tripping your fuses or circuit breakers
6. ?

6. Using tumble dryer instead of drying on washing line.

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 06/05/2009 at 11:27

Help! Electric bill doubled - Armitage Shanks {p}
Has an immersion heater (if you have one) been put on 24 hour mode? That would use a lot of wiggly amps! Try turning off your appliances and then put them back on one at a time and check the hamster wheel with each one.

Edited by Armitage Shanks {p} on 05/05/2009 at 17:26

Help! Electric bill doubled - Robin Reliant
No immersion heaters, all heating and water is gas apart from two wall mounted 1kw heaters which are rarely if ever used. According to SWALEC the jump in usage has been constant over six months, which would seem to rule out any device which is cold weather specific.

Could a faulty freezer actually consume that much extra power? It doesn't run hot and I thought they were low wattage anyway. Dodgy Sky box maybe? that seems rather warm to touch.
Help! Electric bill doubled - geoff1248
An easy way to see if it is the freezer is to turn it off. A chest freezer should be fine turned off for 12 hours or so. This should give you an idea if it is the freezer or something else.
Help! Electric bill doubled - maz64
Could a faulty freezer actually consume that much extra power? It doesn't run hot

Pretty much all the electrical energy is being converted into heat coming out the back of the freezer, which you would presumably notice if it was just that device. Assuming jbf is correct, that's over 1/2kW if it's doing it all the time.

EDIT: and the room would be noticeable warmer, unless it's in the garage.

Edited by Focus {P} on 05/05/2009 at 18:18

Help! Electric bill doubled - SpamCan61 {P}
I think a medium sized freezer is rated at around 200W, presumably with the compressor running, so even if it was running 24/7 ( i.e. thermostat faulty and always on) that wouldn't explain the jump, unless it has some really weird fault mode. Digiboxes are around 15 watts and are normally warm to teh touch, certainly not normal for it to be too hot to touch, so again very unlikely.

Like jbif says we're looking for a big power consumer here.
Help! Electric bill doubled - Optimist
According to SWALEC the jump in usage has been constant over six months >>

Can't see how they'd know that. A meter just records the total used between two figures when the readings are taken. Not every day, week or whatever.

So I don't think what OP has been told makes any sense.

Help! Electric bill doubled - FotheringtonThomas
Look carefully at your meter. Near the wheel, there'll be some writing that says "133 revolutions per KW/Hr" or something like that.

Switch everything you can off for a few minutes, especially things that come on/off automatically.

Count the RPM of the wheel in your meter.

Switch on your freezer, and count the RPM again.

You can thus work out, accurately, how many "units" are being used by the freezer.

If you have a accurately-known load available, you can also easily work out whether your meter's OK.

Edited by FotheringtonThomas on 05/05/2009 at 18:49

Help! Electric bill doubled - Old Navy
You can buy plug in elecricity consumption monitors to check the usage of indiviual devices.

Edited by Old Navy on 05/05/2009 at 18:59

Help! Electric bill doubled - FotheringtonThomas
You can. I don't know how accurate they are, although I'd be extremely surprised if they were far enough off not to pick up RR's faulty thing.

It might be worth switching off particular circuits - there's always the possibility of a leak (damaged conductor) - depends on the set-up, and whether anyone's been banging nails in, I suppose.

Measuring at the meter has the advantage of measuring what the meter's measuring, too, if youi see what I mean.
Help! Electric bill doubled - henry k
You can buy plug in elecricity consumption monitors to check the usage of indiviual devices.

An example of one that monitors the total useage £40
Help! Electric bill doubled - Old Navy
I had something like this in mind.


Edited by Old Navy on 05/05/2009 at 19:42

Help! Electric bill doubled - adverse camber
Fridges and freezers come on and off - so if monitoring one of them you need to do it over a reasonable period of time, not just 5 minutes.
Help! Electric bill doubled - maz64
Fridges and freezers come on and off - so if monitoring one of them you
need to do it over a reasonable period of time not just 5 minutes.

Not if you're just checking whether the freezer is running at >500W :-)
Help! Electric bill doubled - Robin Reliant
Thanks for your suggestions, I am going to monitor the meter reading over the next five days and see what my daily consumption is. I will also shut the chest freezer down for 12 hours near after a few days and see if that makes a difference.

One other thing someone might be able to help with, about six months ago my bathroom fan (situated in the loft) packed up. It is only over the weekend that I turned the power to it off and disconected it. Is it possible there was some sort of fault in that that drained the power even though it wasn't running, or is the timing just a coincidence?

As you can probably see, electricity ain't my thing so if anyone has anymore suggestions please feel free to add.
Help! Electric bill doubled - FotheringtonThomas
I turned the power to it (a fan) off and disconected it. Is it possible there was
some sort of fault in that that drained the power even though it wasn't running

Not unless you did something ghastly when disconnecting it.

As an example of reading power consumption at the meter:

My meter's wheel has a black mark on it. This passes a line every revolution.

Standing on a stool with wall clock in hand, I measured 2 mins. 5 seconds for 1 revolution.
The meter rotates 166 2/3 times per kWh - written on the meter (also, the meter uses 2W, it says!).

So, at that rate, it would take 166 2/3 times 2 mins 5 seconds to use 1kWh (one "unit").

So, when I measured, it would take 125(seconds) x 166 2/3(rpm/kWh) divided by 60(seconds in a minute) divided by 60(minutes in an hour) hours to use 1 unit, i.e. 5hours 47 minutes 13 1/3 seconds to use 1 unit.

Things possibly "on":

The meter (2W). The 'fridge, maybe. The freezer, maybe. This PC & ancilliaries. A charging toothbrush (2w-ish). A PVR, recording Dr. Who (25W-ish). The CH pump (40W-ish). It would seem about 173W is being used so this PC & ancilliaries is about 100W.
Help! Electric bill doubled - SpamCan61 {P}
In order to consume the amount of power you are looking for - roughly 600W continuous - then the fan would be getting flipping hot .So unless it was very hot to the touch when you went to disconnect it I'd say not.
Help! Electric bill doubled - deepwith
If you are going to turn your chest freezer off for 12 hours, then may I suggest that you make sure it is 'full' before doing this. Easiest way is to fill the space at the top with a duvet or two, or perhaps some pillows - placed in the day before you turn it off. This will ensure the food does stay frozen and will have the added bonus of killing off dust mites!
Help! Electric bill doubled - billy25
Easist way to check i find, is to use the "stopwatch function" on mobile phone instead of cumbersome wall-clock. Remove all fuses from consumer unit, check wheel stops, put fuses back in one at a time, with everything on that circuit turned off, eg lighting circuit first, if wheel starts moving, you know there is something on that circuit using juice! or shorting - investigate! eg, is the light in the fridge actually going off when the door is closed etc? (yes i know this is actually on the power circuit! - used as example only! ;-) ) turn each item in that circuit back on one by one, and make sure nothing is causing wheel to whizz round, if it does, that is the cause. Then turn off all power-sockets - don't forget the "hidden" ones for Washer/freezer etc, that may be hidden in kitchen cupboards/ understairs, and repeat the procedure, time consuming, but may save you £'s, also easiest with two people! one monotoring the behavior of the meter, (you) whilst somebody (her!) runs about turning switches on and off, especially upstairs!.

Edited by billy25 on 06/05/2009 at 03:00

Help! Electric bill doubled - L'escargot
You need one of these ..........


Edited by L'escargot on 06/05/2009 at 08:26

Help! Electric bill doubled - bathtub tom
A colleague had a similar problem. An electric fire had been left on in the loft for much of the winter - teenage children!

He had noticed his was the only roof without frost on cold mornings, but thought no more about it.
Help! Electric bill doubled - henry k
You need one of these ......>> www.maplin.co.uk/module.aspx?moduleno=38343

Only useful for plug in appliances hence my earlier suggestion.
Help! Electric bill doubled - L'escargot
Only useful for plug in appliances ........

I wondered why mine has got 13 amp pins at the back and a 13 amp socket at the front!
Help! Electric bill doubled - L'escargot
Without knowing what type of property you live in, is it possible that a neighbour has tapped into your electricity supply downstream of the meter and that you're paying for his electricity consumption?
Help! Electric bill doubled - madux
Was your last bill an estimate, RR? And if so did you check your meter readings?
The power companies are not very good at increasing your direct debit when they put their prices up. Mine tried to refund me £220 last year just after increasing prices by 50% - I said no thanks you'd better hang on to it.
Help! Electric bill doubled - Robin Reliant
No, all the meter readings were actual figures.

I have been monitoring usage since Tuesday and we are clocking up about 13 units per day. The usage for the bill in question was almost 30 a day over six months, so there seems to have been a severe spike somewhere in that period. I have got to contact them on Saturday with the daily readings and they are going to send someone down to check.

Thanks to everyone who replied.
Frank's Wood - Where Is It? - drbe
Does anyone know where Frank's Wood in Surrey is?

I believe it is near Leith hill. A grid reference, if possible would be nice.

Edited by drbe on 05/05/2009 at 20:54

Frank's Wood - Where Is It? - Armitage Shanks {p}
I've found Leith Hill, about 3 miles West of Beare Green but no luck with a Franks wood except near Havering in essex which isn't the one you want - sorry

Edited by Armitage Shanks {p} on 05/05/2009 at 22:46

Frank's Wood - Where Is It? - Martin Devon
Does anyone know where Frank's Wood in Surrey is?
I believe it is near Leith hill. A grid reference if possible would be nice.

Buried Booty or worse? MD
Frank's Wood - Where Is It? - henry k
Does anyone know where Frank's Wood in Surrey is?

I know of a man who does know where franks woods is.
Frank's Wood - Where Is It? - deepwith
It is on National Trust land there - best bet would be to ring the NT office at Leith Hill - they should know, or at least be able to ask the Ranger :-) 'Tis many years since we used to ride round there.
Frank's Wood - Where Is It? - bell boy
would it be best to speak to the lone ranger or a few of them on their tea break?
Frank's Wood - Where Is It? - drbe
>> >> I know of a man who does know where franks woods is.

Tsk. I am surprised henry k, I was relying on you.

It seems I have to answer my own question.
Frank's Wood is adjacent to Mosses Wood, which is off Broomehall road, which runs between Ockley and Coldharbour.

It's good for bluebells apparantly - but keep it to yourself.
Frank's Wood - Where Is It? - FotheringtonThomas
Frank's Wood - Where Is It? - L'escargot
Just remember that it's illegal to dig up wild bluebells.
Frank's Wood - Where Is It? - drbe
Just remember that it's illegal to dig up wild bluebells.


Wouldn't dream of it - even if it was legal.

SWMBO & I have been to Frank's Wood this morning - very pretty, although the bluebells are probably just past their best now.
Frank's Wood - Where Is It? - deepwith
Hmmmm Bluebells? Or pub at Oakwood Hill? Difficult ... decisions decisions ;-)
Ahh - lunch at pub - bluebells - tea at Gomshall Mill ... sorted.

Edited by deepwith on 06/05/2009 at 15:16

Frank's Wood - Where Is It? - drbe
Well, er, we did stop at the Plough at Coldharbour.
Frank's Wood - Where Is It? - henry k
>>>>Does anyone know where Frank's Wood in Surrey is?
>>>>I believe it is near Leith hill. A grid reference, if possible would be nice.

>>SWMBO & I have been to Frank's Wood this morning - very pretty, although the bluebells are probably just past their best now.

Go on, let us into the secret, grid reference, that is, cos its not on any of my maps :-)
Frank's Wood - Where Is It? - Lud
I go that way on the way back from Sussex once in a blue moon, especially at this time of year. I like a nice bluebell.
Frank's Wood - Where Is It? - jbif
Go on, let us into the secret, grid reference, that is, cos its not on any of my maps >>

Try multimap's OS version here:

According to "drbe" >> Frank's Wood is adjacent to Mosses Wood, which is off Broomehall road, which runs between Ockley and Coldharbour. >>

The location of Mosses' Wood is here:
OS X (Eastings) 514914
OS Y (Northings) 143212
Nearest Post Code RH5 6HH
Lat (WGS84) N51:10:36 (51.176607)
Long (WGS84) W0:21:27 (-0.357472)
LR TQ149432
mX -39793
mY 6619282

Edited by jbif on 07/05/2009 at 00:59

Frank's Wood - Where Is It? - henry k
Thanks jbif.

I will mark up my map for a visit.
Frank's Wood - Where Is It? - drbe
You guys go to bed too late for me!

Frank's Wood lies on the left hand (northwest) side of Broomehall Road, which runs between Ockley and Coldharbour. A few hundred yards past Broome Hall (marked on the map as Broome Hall Farm).

There is little or no parking in Broomehall Road. Depending upon your fitness and navigational skills, you could park in the Landslip car park on Abinger Road and walk down.

Good luck, but don't leave it too long, because as I said earlier they are getting past their best.

An alternative site with good parking is White Downs Wood. Grid Ref. TQ 115495.
Frank's Wood - Where Is It? - helicopter
Point of interest here.

Broome Hall was home to the late Oliver Reed and was the scene of some legendary hell raising - every pub in the district has an Oliver Reed tale . My favourite nearby is the Punch Bowl at Oakwood Hill. I think it was there that he tried to climb up the chimney of the large open fireplace ....

Plenty of nice bluebell woods near the village of Leigh near Reigate in Surrey - The Seven Stars pub is worth a visit as well
Frank's Wood - Where Is It? - Lud
When I was about 22 and lived in Wimbledon, doing market research interviews for wages, Oliver Reed was a neighbour of mine and being an actor sometimes in during the afternoon, so I interviewed him once about a no doubt boring list of things.

He was around my age, very pleasant and well-mannered, no side... butter wouldn't have melted in his mouth.

I remembered him later when he became famous, I suppose because he had made a change from the housewives who were my normal afternoon fare at that time, was personable and gave his profession as Actor. Small world.
Top Up TV issue - Thomson Dti6300 info only - BobbyG
Over the last few days my top-up tv box has failed to switch on. Received a text today advising me of a web link to correct it (I hadn't reported the issue).
So full marks for the customer service there. However when I come to check the link
it transpires that a faulty file has been automatically downloaded to all these boxes and the only way to cure it is to follow a long set of instructions which wipes the complete hard drive of all the recordings!!

This is partly a rant, and partly info if anyone else is in the same boat!

Bring back betamax I say!!
Top Up TV issue - Thomson Dti6300 info only - Fullchat
Yeap full reset is the way to go. They do seem prone to glitches and bad downloads.
Top Up TV issue - Thomson Dti6300 info only - bell boy
Well glad i dont run a thompson then
i have recordings going back on one of mine to nearly 4 years ago and would be one angry person to find this out
im also one of those that had to throw away a daewoo freeview box last year due to updates
Top Up TV issue - Thomson Dti6300 info only - Stuartli
>>..that had to throw away a daewoo freeview box last year due to updates >>

Do you mean a Freeview STB?

If so, some of the early ones will not work after the digital switchover due to changes in transmission modes.

A list of some STBs affected:

Daewoo DS608P, Labgear DTT100, Triax DVB 2000T and Portland DP100 set top boxes, plus the Daewoo SV900 and Bush IDVCR01 DVRs.

Seems that Daewoo's software developer, Setpal, folded some time ago.

Edited by Stuartli on 06/05/2009 at 21:38

Top Up TV issue - Thomson Dti6300 info only - bell boy
yes Stuartli it was one of those
thing is its like alarm boxes with auto dialers in to ring the alarm to get the man out isnt it
as electronics get smarter the man in the street gets robbed
Top Up TV issue - Thomson Dti6300 info only - Stuartli
As it's only about one per cent of all STBs involved, that's perhaps a bit unfair.

Most manufacturers got it right from the beginning of ONDigital transmissions in 1998 but Thomson, as you are probably aware, hails from across the Channel...:-)
Top Up TV issue - Thomson Dti6300 info only - SpamCan61 {P}
Indeed, Google " split NIT" for the full story of how half a million (IIRC) Freeview boxes don't work anymore. Just as well they're cheap as chips now.

bb I'd copy your important stuff to DVD, we don't want you blowing a gasket if your HDD fails...

According to this thread:-


Some folks have managed to reset these naughty Thomson boxes without losing their recordings.
Top Up TV issue - Thomson Dti6300 info only - Stuartli
Just as well they're cheap as chips now.>>

One of our local discount stores, B and M, which has several stores in the North West, is selling off Woolworth's Freeview STBs for under a tenner. Twin Scart sockets as well...:-)
Top Up TV issue - Thomson Dti6300 info only - SpamCan61 {P}
oooh, I'll keep an eye out for those darn sarf, hopefully one of the discount / surplus places will have them. I'm after a box with RF modulator for my eldest's bedroom, but at that price I'll live with using a VCR as a SCART to RF converter.
Top Up TV issue - Thomson Dti6300 info only - pmh2
You probably find it cheaper to get a a s/h replacement TV with SCART rather buy a FV box with modulator!

If you register with freecycle, there area continuous supply of good quality crt TVs for nowt, some with FV boxes.

Top Up TV issue - Thomson Dti6300 info only - SpamCan61 {P}
You probably find it cheaper to get a a s/h replacement TV with SCART rather
buy a FV box with modulator!
If you register with freecycle there area continuous supply of good quality crt TVs for
nowt some with FV boxes.

Good point pmh2, might well be easier that way. can probaly upgrade the 28" CRT in the lounge to a better one while I'm at it.
Top Up TV issue - Thomson Dti6300 info only - pmh2
Care of Freecycle - my bedroom TV is now a 28" crt Sony. Cracking picture - probably better than my 32" Sony Bravia 100Hz.

Certainly in Home Counties (N) there is always a good supply - but you have to be quick!

Top Up TV issue - Thomson Dti6300 info only - BobbyG
Spamcan, thanks for that link, it has also worked for me, box now working and library not deleted.
I suppose I should now read all the bumph to see if there is any way of copying these to a DVD before it updates again and does the same thing!!

Cheers again
Top Up TV issue - Thomson Dti6300 info only - SpamCan61 {P}
I'm not familiar with the dti6300 but very few boxes have a proper digital output to allow a lossless transfer to a computer / DVD recorder - the Humax and Topfield are the only ones I can think of - so it usually involves connecting a DVD recorder ( or VCR if you're old school) to the HDD recoder via SCART and just playing back the stuff you want on the HDD box and hitting 'record' on the DVD recorder. i.e. it will take 1 hour to copy a 1 hour programme.

Edited by SpamCan61 {P} on 07/05/2009 at 09:30

Channel Four - 007
I am aware that one can view BBC television programmes by using iplayer but is it possible to see channel four programmes which I have missed when first broadcast?
Channel Four - maz64
Channel Four - 007
Channel Four - maz64
FYI you might end up sharing your downloaded C4 programmes with other users, taking up bandwidth - see:
Channel Four - jbif
possible to see channel four programmes which I have missed when first broadcast? >>

Yes, see how to on channel4 website.

[ beaten to it by Focus ! ]

Edited by jbif on 07/05/2009 at 13:46

Is there a central heating engineer in the house? - oldnotbold
A friend tried changing the batteries in quite old Honeywell controller. Unfortunately dropped it during the process, and once replaced, no central heating - the light would not come on. She rang me, so I suggested she got a new controller, and I'd fit it for her today.

All went fine, and I fitted it, and everything worked. However, I hadn't screwed the backplate to the wall, so I took the controller off, screwed it to the wall, and then tried to put the controller back on. I'd forgotten to turn off the mains, though, and there was a pop as I tried re-fitting it. It's now dead.

Still had the old controller, so thought I'd re-fit that, so she at least had hot water. That is dead too, except the clock works, as that's powered by the new batteries.

There's a junction box in the airing cupboard, so I looked in there and found a 2 amp glass fuse - which looked pretty blown (black inside the glass). She had a spare, but still no joy.

I can't think where else there can be a fuse, or a component that is not working. And I need to fix it ASAP!

Any ideas, help, suggestions, please. I'm in trouble with 'er indoors, as it's really her friend....
Is there a central heating engineer in the house? - oldnotbold
All solved - there were two fuses in the spur, and I'd not seen/checked the second one...
Lawnmower prob' - Martin Devon
Good Evening all,

I have a small Mountfield lawnmower with a Horizontal single cylinder engine made by Tecumseh. I recently changed the engine oil taking great care to fill slowly and check the dipstick at intervals. All stuff done correctly. A few days ago I checked the oil and to my horror the reading on the ?stick was some way over. Now knowing this is no good whatsoever I thought that I had better get some of it out. Now I do believe that I was advised not to tip the thing up other than backwards, i.e. towards the handles, but to drain the thing means having to tip sideways anyway and this I know I did when I changed the oil originally. However the reading on the ?stick, after tipping it sideways, but NOT draining off any oil is well below the minimum and has been on five separate dips. It is not burning any AFAIK and there are no External signs of same. Q. Now I know this sounds ridiculous, but has it gone into another part of the engine/stuck in a filter or what? Don?t know whether to scrap what is in there and start again or to top up and possibly damage the lump. And yes, this is a serious question.

Best regards????..Martin.
Lawnmower prob' - perro
I wouldn't worry about it Martin, if it's not burning any oil and there is none in the air filter, then it may have just been a false reading on the dipstick which ya can sometimes get after changing the oil on a lawn mower.
I changed the oil on my Honda Izzy recently and I purchased a cheap syphon pump from Halfords to suck the old oil out through the dipstick.
Lawnmower prob' - Martin Devon
I wouldn't worry about it Martin


Thanks very much for the response, BUT I had run it on new oil prior to the high reading which was clean and clear cut as it had been standing for a week or two. Gut feeling tells me it is low, but I don't want to cuff it up and to be truthful, can't afford it either. I have not looked in the air filter but I will in the morning.

Best regards...........Martin.

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 09/05/2009 at 22:36

Lawnmower prob' - pmh2
I had a similar problem with the same Mountfield -Tecum set up. Apparently low level, topped up ran without a problem, but next time (2 weeks later) I came to start it it appeared to be 'hydraulically' locked and would not turn over. Could not understand the problem, took out spark plug to find copious amounts of oil in combustion chamber. Dried out plug used easystart and subsequently fine.

I think that at some point before putting away (the previous time) I must have turned mower on its side to try to remove blade to sharpen (and failed). Presumably with a cooling hot engine, oil gets sucked past rings into the combustion chamber.

I have always found it difficult to get correct or apparently consistent dipstick readings - I now rely on the fact that some oil is evident on dipstick and it is not making nasty noises! However the oil capacity is very low so I expect that correct level is important.


Edited by pmh2 on 11/05/2009 at 10:51

Investment Back Room - bintang
Can anyone recommend a web service similar to HJ for personal investment matters please?
Investment Back Room - Optimist
I can't quite see what you're looking for. Do you mean a product comparison site or somesuch?

Investment Back Room - bintang
More like leads to comaprison sites, for example, "Where can I compare ETF yields?" Also miscellaneous questions and tips.
implied warranty legislation - help please - commerdriver
My son's just under 4 year old Astra has suffered a structural failure of the gearbox mountings, the casing has actually fractures.
He bought it three months ago from a major s/h car dealer.
AA warranty have said the damage is not covered by the warranty.
He wants to take it back to the dealer and get them to deal with it.
What is the legislation which creates an implied warranty for second hand cars bought from a dealer?
Is 3 months and the sort of damage I have described a reasonable claim under that legislation for a 4 year old car?
The cost of damage will be about £1400 for a new gearbox (can't get an exchange box because the casing damage means it can't be reconditioned.
Opinions please

Edited by commerdriver on 11/05/2009 at 13:06

implied warranty legislation - help please - bell boy
i would be interested to hear the age of your son

this is what my gold warranty says

failure wholly or partly due to negligence,abuse or accidental damage

this is from a very reputable company,in fact these warranties are so dear ive bought them and never used them.
implied warranty legislation - help please - commerdriver
Son is 22, past the stage of driving like a loony, I am confident he did not do anything to damage the car. It's his first decent car and he paid what was, for him, a lot of money for it.
AA initial response was that the gearbox casing was only covered if it was damaged by failure of the gearbox internals.
We now have a full report from the garage they recommended and photos of the casing failure so it may change their view of responsibility

Edited by commerdriver on 11/05/2009 at 17:41

implied warranty legislation - help please - jbif
implied warranty legislation - help please >>

Speak to ConsumerDirect www.consumerdirect.gov.uk/
Your rights under SOGA etc. also covered in the HJ's FAQ and previous questions on this forum.

p.s. I think this is motoring related, may be it should go in the motoring forum if you check with the Mods.

Edited by jbif on 11/05/2009 at 18:12

implied warranty legislation - help please - commerdriver
great thanks, searched the forum didn't look in the FAQ
let's see how far we get