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I Have A Question - Volume 269 [Read Only] - Dynamic Dave

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Edited by Dynamic Dave on 21/01/2009 at 00:34

Credit Card Fraud? - Armitage Shanks {p}
Not so much a question as a warning! The other day I tried to make an on-line purchase using PayPal and my associated Visa Card - I was away from home at the time. The transaction was not accepted but no reason stated.

When I got home there were 5 calls, but no messages, from an 0845 number. I rang it and was thru to Visa Fraud Control. I was asked a questions for 'security' and then asked to confirm certain recent transacations on the card, which were correct and authorised by me.

My card was reactivated but it had been stopped as part of a routine audit, rather than suspicion about its use - I wasn't in Sydney splurging out on stuff! I then realised that I had no certainty, for a while at least, that I was actually talking to a genuine Visa call centre. Luckily I was not asked for my PIN or anything which really would have raised my suspicions. I think my reaction, if this happens again, will be to get them to ring me back. Be careful out there!

(Mods please delete or edit if inappropriate)
Credit Card Fraud? - Pugugly
No problems. I had similar problems (not paypal related) with AmEx card when we were on holiday in the US - a call to their helpline resolved the problem. BIzzarly they blamed the Americans and primative computer systems. If you're going abroad always contact your CC company company to tell them and get a international contact number.
Credit Card Fraud? - smokie
"...and get a international contact number"

Which is printed on the back of my credit card. Not much help if I've lost the card, but it's a standard land line number and they accept reverse charges, not an 0870 or 0845 so I always use that number to call them even in the UK... (don't usually bother reversing charges as my national calls are free). :-)

Good advice re calling them before a trip. I always do it, but despite this they have occasionally blocked the card. It's happened to me so many times now - I think their software is more sensitive than most!! (Tesco Finest Mastercard).

I've probably related this tale before, but a Belgian fag shop refused the card ("it won't read properly, have you got another card sir?" - what it actually was doing was asking them to phone for validation). I handed over a different card, and hadn't even got out of the shop before my mobile rang and it was Tesco CC asking whether I had just tried to use it in that very shop. Amazingly quick reaction, and similar has happened again since.

Edited by smokie on 18/01/2009 at 10:28

Credit Card Fraud? - Pugugly
Probably doing their bit to help you stop smoking - fair dos !
Credit Card Fraud? - smokie

I became a non-smoker last Monday.

Early days yet but it's going well. Using a drug called Champix from the smoking clinic lady which suppresses the nicotine cravings - seems to work well - but teh packaging has a list of possible side effects as long as your arm.
Credit Card Fraud? - rtj70
"I became a non-smoker last Monday."

Good thing when you've been working on cleaning up your Vectra with the "chemicals" you have ;-)
Credit Card Fraud? - terryb
According to our quack you have to off the fags for 25 years to be classed as a "non-smoker". 2 years to go for me! At the moment I'm still calling myself a lapsed smoker.

Credit Card Fraud? - henry k
>>Which is printed on the back of my credit card.
And often obscured by the embossing :-(.
Some card cos are learning to print the number at the top of the card :-)
Not much help if I've lost the card,

Put the number (s) in an Email to yourself so you can always look it up anywhere online in the world.
( I keep a passport image in another email)

Credit Card Fraud? - Pugugly
Sound idea.
Credit Card Fraud? - Armitage Shanks {p}
Top idea HK. I am used to accessing e mails from all over the place and this a really good idea - thanks!
Credit Card Fraud? - rtj70
I also have passport image in an email just in case. Usually do the same for current travel insurance, electronic tickets, etc. BUT they are all encrypted.

The credit card contact idea is one I had not thought of... and bank number too (know sort-code and account number)... in fact about to do this...

Giving up smoking - Stuartli
So now you'll be known as Non-smokie?

As a smoker myself I should imagine it will prove very hard at times to maintain the willpower.

Sorry for lack of continuity- split this from another topic. smokie

Edited by smokie on 18/01/2009 at 18:25

Giving up smoking - smokie
Stuart - try Champix - it really seems to work. This is from www.netdoctor.co.uk.

"Varenicline is a type of medicine called a nicotinic acetylcholine receptor partial agonist. This means that it acts on the same receptors in the brain as nicotine.

"Varenicline works by stimulating the nicotinic receptors in the brain. This produces an effect that relieves the craving and withdrawal symptoms you can get when you stop smoking."

I have to take them for 3 months. You start on a single tab a day up to 14 days before your quit date (has to be within 14 days of starting the tabs) and move onto 2 tabs a day at 14 days. I could feel that there was no real physical craving for a fag after just a few days, and the cigarettes I smoked did not give any buzz, even the first of the day

I would honestly say that I haven't craved a cigarette from a nicotine perspective. What I have (and still do) missed is the physical act of smoking, and I am having to work at breaking routines (e.g. after dinner smoke, on-the-phone smoke). It's much easier these days - in the week I have not been anywhere where the smell of smoke has been overwhelming, so no temptation there. I'm in no doubt that it will be difficult ahead, especially when I stop taking the drug, but I couldn't have hoped for a better assist.

And I'm already about £40 up,and am wheezing less :-)

Edited by smokie on 18/01/2009 at 18:24

Giving up smoking - Pugugly
I would honestly say that I haven't craved a cigarette

Until I raised it - sorry.

Edited by smokie on 18/01/2009 at 18:24

Giving up smoking - Stuartli
>>Stuart - try Champix - it really seems to work.>>

To be honest, after being a smoker for more than 50 years, I've neither the inclination nor the wish to do so.

What's more I've only been to see the quack on four or five occasions since I got married nearly 44 years ago - that's in direct contrast to all the supposedly fit people who seem to suffer every illness, cold and bout of flu going the rounds.

My other half alone costs the NHS many thousands of pounds annually for ongoing treatment and has done so for 16 years - I don't even get a slight sniffle....

Edited by smokie on 18/01/2009 at 18:24

Giving up smoking - L'escargot
I had hypnotherapy to give up smoking nearly thirty years ago. After the first session the hypnotherapist said I was allowed to smoke until the next session if I wanted to, but it would need a concious effort to do so. After the second session the hypnotherapist said my subconcious mind saw me as someone who no longer smoked. After the third session the hypnotherapist said I was now cured and that my subconcious mind saw me as someone who had never smoked.

After just the first session I no longer had any cravings whatsoever.

At the end of the course of three sessions I didn't believe what the hypnotherapist had said, so you can't say that I actually gave up by willpower. I'd been smoking for 25 years, was on 40 a day before the hypnotherapy, and had previously tried (without success) every other method to stop smoking known to mankind.

Edited by L'escargot on 19/01/2009 at 08:19

Giving up smoking - borasport20
I would honestly say that I haven't craved a cigarette from a nicotine perspective. What
I have (and still do) missed is the physical act of smoking and I am
having to work at breaking routines (e.g. after dinner smoke on-the-phone smoke).

That's the difficult bit. I'm glad that when I gave up, everybody at work was in on what I was doing, but I found I really had to avoid going to the pub - not sure if that is the same problem these days or not :-)

Giving up smoking - Altea Ego
20 a day for 35 years. Marlboro - so pretty heavy on the nicoteene.

I just said "Enough" and stopped. Yes sure there were cravings. After meals, times of stress (the worse) and down the pub. I havent had one since. TBH it really is about willpower. You need to have a "want" to do it.

And this will upset some people but

If you need "other" things to help you stop, then you dont really want it enough.
Giving up smoking - bathtub tom
>>You need to have a "want" to do it.

I couldn't agree with you more. I was on fags (Mayfair - red packet) for many years before taking up pipe. I once gave up for nine months until we went on a family holiday with the kids!

I eventually fell out of love with it nearly ten years ago. I had one fag the Christmas after, it did nothing.

I still used to wander down the smoking room with my cuppa and newspaper to get away from the 'phone for a few minutes and catch up on office gossip. I never told anyone I'd stopped, it was six months before anyone said anything. ;>)
Giving up smoking - smokie
Don't quite agree AE. I've been "wanting" to stop for well over a year, but found myself unable to cross the final hurdle of actually stopping one day.

I don't see shortage of willpower as a real issue. Nor "having to use" some assistance to give up. I know it's probably much more macho to say you did it without help, but at the end of the day giving up is giving up.
Giving up smoking - Alby Back
I've given up successfully on numerous occasions. ( Red tops too AE as it happens ) It's easy. Sometimes I've gone nearly a whole day without one. It's good to know I can stop anytime I like.........

Giving up smoking - John R @ Work {P}
8 years this month since I stopped.

I wanted to... and used Alan Carr's 'Easy way to Stop smoking' book which reprograms the mind about the way you think about smoking.

If I'd put £5 a day away I would have £14,600 (ish) by now, well enough for a shiny new motor.
Giving up smoking - oldnotbold
My mother smoked from the age of 17 to the day before my wedding about 37 years later. She'd been wanting to stop, and so she did. No support, no patches, nothing. Pure will-power. My MiL said she'd given up, but had a few crafty ones for some time after, though she's stopped now I think, so she cl;early found it much harder.

I was an inveterate nail-biter, and one day decided I'd stop, and I have never done it since, about 25 years later.
Giving up smoking - BobbyG
I gave up when I was 12 !!

Something to do with my mum not believing my story that I had found the packet of fags with a lighter inside on my way home from school!!

She offered to let me smoke them one after the other in the kitchen till I was sick, or alternatively I had to promise her that I wouldn't smoke a fag again. The latter argument one!
Giving up smoking - billy25
you only have to give up one ciggy every day! - thats the first one you get out of the box!
Giving up smoking - rtj70
My father smoked from his teens until his early forties. He once stopped for 12 months to buy a new Mini. And then started smoking again. Late 30s his (child hood) asthma came back and started to have asthma attacks. And they got worse and worse - a lot worse. And then an asthma attack killed him aged 43.

That's my smoking story.
Giving up smoking - deepwith
My t'other half was a confirmed smoker - because he enjoyed it - until he found a little bump on his neck.
He now has a long scar running down in front of his ear, zipping round to behind the ear then down to the collar bone. The nice surgeon peeled back his face to remove half the salivary gland, moved the muscles then removed the second half of the gland, then put him back together. Fortunately he was a very good surgeon and has left no paralysis. The particular tumour husband had is confined to male smokers. You have four of these glands, so he still has three capable of getting tumours.
The night before surgery, he went down to the 'smokers' area outside the hospital, looked at the pack and threw it away. That was seven years ago - I don't think he will smoke again.

That's my smoking story.
Giving up smoking - rtj70

I am sorry to hear your story. But with surgery it is I hope a good outcome still.

I was nine when my dad died - and he died in the house and we could hear him struggling too. People assume smoking or drinking won't affect them. Which is why I posted mine to shock a little (apologies all).

I remember being much younger getting given a John Player toy F1 car by him (motoring)... but he'd probably got that from smoking the cigarettes.
V+ box sound problem - daveyjp
I suspect the left audio out channel of my new V+ box isn't working. Running through a sound system it has no left channel through the Cable input of the amp, but through the TV amp input all is OK.

To check it wasn't the surround sound system I connected the V+ output to the sound 'aux' input and still no left channel.

Have I done enough to show it's the V+ box before spending half an hour talking to a V+ technician in India?
V+ box sound problem - Altea Ego
talking to a V+ technician in India?

you will have trouble finding out if the earth is round. Stock up on patience.
V+ box sound problem - Phil I
>you will have trouble finding out if the earth is round. Stock up on patience.

Not always the case but the easier option is to get yourself logged into the virginmedia newsgroups and contact support on: virginmedia.support.tv: you should have no trouble at all. A helpful bunch of people who not only know of what they write but can also call up actual bodies who come to the house if required. Free of cost and v. effective.

Hth Phil I
V+ box sound problem - smokie
You'll still have to talk to them to go through the problem solving flow chart before they will send someone out. This will usually involve rebooting the box etc. However call them when you aren't at home, and ask for an evening call back from the level two (three?) guy when you wil be by the box. My call backs have always been from UK staff.

Note they will replace the box rather than try to do any fault finding - thereby taking away your recordings! The blokes that come out mostly don't know much about the technology - just enough to do the installation.

I have 3 V+ boxes and in a year have only had to have one replaced. That was a disk problem, they tried a remote format (i.e. without coming out) but the problem never went away so they replaced it. That box seems problematic. It's the only one in a "media cabinet" (a piece of furniture my wife insisted upon when the lounge was being done, so the boxes were no longer out in the open with a nice cooling breeze. It runs hot all the time so I am expecting reasonably high failure rate on it!)

Edited by smokie on 18/01/2009 at 19:41

V+ box sound problem - Pugugly
Smokie I was caught taking a saw to the back of our "media cabinet" to create venting for the DVD recorder and the Sky Box. Not a pleasant experience ! Nearly took up smoking that day !
V+ box sound problem - Altea Ego
I fitted a fan to our last "media cabinet"
Butterfly valves - Petel
Afternoon all.
Would welcome suggestions as to where I might find an in-line butterfly valve, in an aluminium housing, with a small 12v solenoid actuator attached? Perhaps something motorcycle, commersial vehicle or bus related, industrial types are unsuitable due to size.

This is to put into a coolant hose of 28m/m ( 1 and 1/8 inch ) bore but the body of the valve can be larger than that.

Have already done the net search without result.
Thank you.

Edited by Petel on 18/01/2009 at 15:59

Butterfly valves - Kevin
Does it have to be Aluminium and a butterfly?

Have you tried Orion Valves? www.orionvalves.co.uk/

Butterfly valves - henry k
Try GSF or a good independant spares dept. They may just be aware of one in an existing application.
Butterfly valves - Kevin
You can also try these folks: www.solenoidvalvesuk.com/

Browse through the catalogue on RHS of page.

Butterfly valves - Petel
Thank you for the replies so far.

Have now seen reference on a motorcycle forum to a " Squid valve "
Does anyone have any knowledge of these please?
Thank you.
Butterfly valves - bathtub tom
Should we start a new thread:

What is Petel building?

There was a very specific request, repeated for quite a while, for a door plug, and now this!
Butterfly valves - Petel
It would appear that Orion Valves have a product available, which although not ideal, I can adapt to do the job required.

Many thanks to all who responded to the post.
Giving email address to a comparative stranger - L'escargot
We've been asked to exchange email addresses by a couple who are interested in buying our bungalow, but who at the moment are not in a position to be able to proceed because they haven't got a buyer for their property. We've only met them once (at the viewing) and only know their surname and telephone number, so they are comparative strangers to us. Although we don't want to do anything which might adversely affect their interest in our property we're concerned that we just might end up with spam if they were (even inadvertently) to pass our email address on to someone else.

What do you advise we do?

Edited by L'escargot on 19/01/2009 at 10:21

Giving email address to a comparative stranger - daveyjp
Set up a hotmail or gmail account.
Giving email address to a comparative stranger - SpamCan61 {P}
I'd set up a hotmail account specifically for this occasion.
Giving email address to a comparative stranger - Nsar
It seems a slightly remote possibility that you would end up being spammed this way, but the one-off hotmail address is the way to avoid a problem - just remember to check it often enough though otherwise your buyers may get fed up with you!

Giving email address to a comparative stranger - Dynamic Dave
L'escargot, if it's the same email address you've registered with the Backroom, then any text before the '@' part of it can be whatever you want it to be. That way you can set up filters online (or in your own email software) to block anything you don't want to receive.

Alternately set up a disposable email account with hotmail or yahoo, for example. (EDIT beaten to it)

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 19/01/2009 at 10:28

Giving email address to a comparative stranger - M.M
If you are selling through an agent just advise the people you want to be businesslike and make them earn their fee with all contact through the agent.

If a private sale then giving your e.mail address is only polite and likely to be no more of a risk than them having your phone number/postal address.

After all they have already seen in every room of your house.

Spam in my experience is most likely to come from unwise issuing of a mail address to commercial or website sources... closely followed by well meaning but stupid friends/family who copy these funny/warning mails to everyone in their contacts list.


Edited by M.M on 19/01/2009 at 11:07

Giving email address to a comparative stranger - oldnotbold
I can't imagine they'd spam you in person. Their computer could get a trojan/bot which could cause similar problems, but then your friends' PCs could also get the same problem. Given the nature of the deal, what's wrong with just exchanging phone numbers, anyway?
Giving email address to a comparative stranger - smokie
Paranoia rules these days...
Nokias & Bluetooth & in-car hands-free sets - Mapmaker
Is the following correct:

1. make telephone visible to all other Blueteeth
2. make connection
3. set telephone to invisible to all other Blueteeth. But it remains visible to the in-car 'tooth as their denticians match?

Then, after leaving the car, if the phone is left on invisible, but Bluetooth on, will the phone run flat much more quickly than usual?

Nokias & Bluetooth & in-car hands-free sets - rtj70
If you leave Bluetooth on but not connected to anything, it will still run the battery down quicker. Whilst connected (therefore transmitting) it will run it down even quicker.

How much of a difference it makes depends on the model of Nokia phone you have. Which is it BTW? You're probably going to have to recharge it a little more often.

I will move this to IHAQ shortly.
Nokias & Bluetooth & in-car hands-free sets - Mapmaker
Thanks. 3110c.

Nokias & Bluetooth & in-car hands-free sets - rtj70
Cannot comment on battery on that. All I know is my Nokia e51 has Bluetooth on all the time (sync with my laptop) and the battery lasts for days.

My previous Nokia was an N71 which I had setup the same and it has lousy battery life. Previous to that a 6230i and a 6230 and they had poor battery life and not even smartphones. But the one thing in common for the 6230i/6230/N70 was they all use the same battery.

To be honest I would not think Bluetooth always being on will make too much of a difference. Obviously using it for calls will.

And it's Bluetooth ;-) I cannot see how there can be a plural because the name comes from the medieval King of Denmark (Harald Bluetooth Gormson), his nickname being Blátönn.
Miele washing machines...worth the extra? - legacylad
Our elderly washing machine is now prone to flooding and not pumping out, so a replacement is necessary.
Miele have been recommended by the sales person (the most expensive..am I being cynical?) but Siemens are cheaper and have a similar 5 year parts & labour warranty.
With 3 (sometimes more) girls in the house, the washer leads a busy life!!
Any recommendations please?

Edited by legacylad on 19/01/2009 at 16:44

Miele washing machines...worth the extra? - jbif
Miele have been recommended ... but Siemens are cheaper and have a similar 5 year parts & labour warranty. >>


note that Miele have free offers for 10year guarantees now and again.

or you can get 5 of these for the price of one Miele:

Miele washing machines...worth the extra? - billy25
My friend who repairs washers as a "sideline" just loves these "Oxytype" cleaner additives that seem to be all the fashion nowadays, He says the "grains" are heavy (like sand) and don't dissolve fully, they do however, set solid like cement in the bottom of the drum and pump-housings! and build up fouling the impellor, causing flooding and emptying problems. Oxystuff has replaced the bra-wire as the chief cause of washer problems! - he's making a considerable amount of beer-tokens from it though"
Miele washing machines...worth the extra? - 1400ted
We have a small independent shop locally who give good advice and are really customer- orientated. We have replaced washing machine and dish-washer in the last couple of years. They recommended a Whirlpool washer and a CDA dishwasher. I think they are the same manufacturer. Very happy with both and good after sales service. We had a programming problem on the dishwasher and CDA sent an engineer promptly. It turned out to be a broken earth in the wall socket which they diagnosed and fixed with no charge.
Miele washing machines...worth the extra? - Altea Ego
Siemens and Bosch as brands are next best to mielle. Probably as good

I have a kind of houshold code of practise, all new white goods bought start with B end with H and have OSC in the middle

Miele washing machines...worth the extra? - Mapmaker
I follow the AE household code of practise on new equipment.

I would not dream of touching a Miele. I do not want my white goods to last 10 years. 10 years down the line they are outdated, having been superseded by newer, prettier models. Inevitably, even in the most careful of households, there will be chips on the enamel, car park dings and maybe even a splosh of rust.

If my B...H lasts 10 years, well that's jolly good value. If it only lasts 4 (on the basis that I get 2 years free warranty from the shop, and then a further 2 years for free with my HSBC premier card), well then it only lasts 4 years, and I have a nice shiny new washing machine.

I live with my white goods; I like them to be newish and tidy looking.

If it costs £1,000 for a Miele that lasts 10 years, and £500 for a Bosch that lasts 5 years, which is cheaper? Answer, the Bosch, considerably, owing to the time value of money (although we don't have that at the moment... and when inflation hits the Miele may begin to look cheaper on that score).
Miele washing machines...worth the extra? - adverse camber
I'm not that impressed with our new miele washer. It certainly isnt as good as the Asko it replaced, but I dont think asko are still sold in the uk. Dont get me wrong - its better than many, but it seems less well built than the 10yr old miele dishwasher that we have. I can't help but feel that the accountants have been in. Design wise the shape of the door protruding from the machine means that it catches crumbs from the worktop above and redirects them into the washer.

I have a rule that I wont buy Bosch white goods again. The freezer is OK, the fridge is OK, but the tumble dryer has had many problems (despite being the least used machine in the house) and bosch refuse to sell me a small piece of plastic which broke, insisting that I spend £100+ on a new front panel complete with new switches etc instead. And they didnt tell me that until they had already sold me two things which were claimed to be the piece of plastic that I needed.
Miele washing machines...worth the extra? - Falkirk Bairn
Buy a £200 Zanussi or similar - ours is 8 yo and 100% reliable.
Miele washing machines...worth the extra? - oldnotbold
We bought a JL own brand machine - AEG in disguise, I was told. Bought the £70 JL five year warranty, and after 3.75 years the bearings failed. JL honoured the warranty, and replaced it with a new version, so I paid another £75 for another five years cover.

Just hoping that one too gives up the ghost with just less than five years to go!


While we too live with our white goods, we do keep the washing machine in the utility room, where the Doberman sleeps. He's not complained yet about the age of the machinery.

Edited by oldnotbold on 19/01/2009 at 17:55

Miele washing machines...worth the extra? - ifithelps
Whatever you buy, don't over or under-load it and always leave the door ajar.
Miele washing machines...worth the extra? - Pugugly
Bosch - John Lewis is good but Co-op online is as good, cheaper and give you a dividend as well.
Miele washing machines...worth the extra? - Armitage Shanks {p}
COOP gives you a bit of dividend - don't they also give something to the wasters at Westminster who are wrecking this country? Just a thought!
Miele washing machines...worth the extra? - L'escargot
COOP gives you a bit of dividend - don't they also give something to the
wasters at Westminster

Such as?
Miele washing machines...worth the extra? - Pugugly
Nor me - they come across as pretty good, huge increase in savers in recent months. Sent me £13.00 in Co-oP vouchers for just having a Smile account. I like them.
Miele washing machines...worth the extra? - Dynamic Dave
and always leave the door ajar.

But the water will leak out when using it though ;o)
Miele washing machines...worth the extra? - ifithelps
I debated long and hard about adding "when not in use" to that sentence.

But obviously not long, or hard, enough.:)
Miele washing machines...worth the extra? - Stuartli
You can't beat a Miele with Bosch a creditable second; Sebo vacuum cleaners (X1 and X1 Extra) are also top notch.

Our Miele washing machine, now five years old, does two or three washes a day and never misses a beat - it's virtually guaranteed to offer at least 20 years' reliability.

This is a review of the Miele machine we have:


My best mate used to own an independent audio/visual/appliances outlet and knew the ins and outs of virtually every model in the white and brown goods model available in the UK. His advice has always proved top notch.

There have been other similar questions in the IHAQ forums in the past.
Miele washing machines...worth the extra? - Mapmaker
>>it's virtually guaranteed to offer at least 20 years' reliability.

What is a virtual guarantee, Stuartli?

Does it have something in common with being just a little bit pregnant?

Edited by Mapmaker on 20/01/2009 at 09:03

Miele washing machines...worth the extra? - gmac
On the subject of washing machines, what is the best washing machine design to go for, top or front loader ?
We will be moving house in a month or so and a new washing machine is required. Aesthetics don't come into it as the machine will live in the utility room.
Miele washing machines...worth the extra? - Mapmaker

The (traditional) main killer of washing machines is the bearing. Imagine what it has to do - support the weight of a drum full of wet clothes running round and round at mega rpm.

A top loader's bearing has a much easier life as the load on it is symmetrical as a result of the drum spinning around a vertical axis. Alternatively, in France (not seen them here, but haven't looked) you can buy top-loading machines which have two bearings, one on either side, that support a drum that rotates around a horizontal access parallel to the front of the machine. The drum is loaded through a porthole through the side of the drum that is closed when in use.

Top-loaders you obviously cannot fit under a worktop, however. Moreover, in the 21st century, it is the electronics that kill a washing machine, not the bearing. Top-loaders tend to have a much bigger capacity too - all down to the stresses on the bearing in a traditional front-loading machine.
Miele washing machines...worth the extra? - L'escargot
The choice of top loading machines is very limited. Comet only sell one online.
Miele washing machines...worth the extra? - gmac
It's OK, I'm not in the UK.
I had heard the top loaders had an easier life, just wanted to confirm.
Thanks for the replies.
Miele washing machines...worth the extra? - Stuartli
>>Does it have something in common with being just a little bit pregnant?>>

The models come with a five or 10 year parts and labour warranty, depending on offers at any particular time - however the maximum failure rate figures for the various parts reveal that Miele's longevity and reliability standards are rightly legendary. The machine door, for instance, is guaranteed to operate at least 60,000 times without failure.
Miele washing machines...worth the extra? - smokie
"...however the maximum failure rate figures for the various parts"

Goodness knows where you find this level of information Stuart, but I suspect you mean Mean Time Between Failures (mtbf) or even Mean Time To Failure (mttf) but not maximum failure rate figures.

Edited by smokie on 20/01/2009 at 11:07

Miele washing machines...worth the extra? - oldnotbold
"The machine door, for instance, is guaranteed to operate at least 60,000 times without failure."

Amazing what you can do with statistics!
Miele washing machines...worth the extra? - Stuartli
>>but I suspect you mean Mean Time Between Failures (mtbf) or even Mean Time To Failure (mttf)>>

I did, but couldn't think of the acronym..:-)

Without trying too hard (a lot of the information I know about Miele I absorbed from my best mate, who used to own an independent audio/visual/appliances retail outlet until retirement), I found this link:


You do pay more for Miele quality, but it's worth it.

Edited by Stuartli on 20/01/2009 at 13:27

Miele washing machines...worth the extra? - Mapmaker
>>Because it's worth it...

As a washing machine cannot go to the bodyshop when it is inevitably pranged that replacing more frequently than once every 20-40 years is a good thing.
Miele washing machines...worth the extra? - JH
Pranged? A washing machine? Ours sits quietly (and I do mean quietly) in a corner and doesn't move. Not like the old one that walked round the kitchen. I'm missing out here, what does your washing machine do?

Incidentally - it's a Siemens, possibly a good reason why, couldn't say. It's hard to get excited about a washing machine. Fridge / freezer is a Miele, simply becasue it's the right size and a good brand. I only mention it because the two were bought within months of one another.

Miele washing machines...worth the extra? - Stuartli
>>n it is inevitably pranged..>>

Don't drive your car near mine...:-)

Never pranged a washing machine yet and the previous one was 13 years old...:-)

Re the other reply about "walking" - you can stand a 50p coin on the machine when the Miele is on fastest spin mode and the coin doesn't move.

Edited by Stuartli on 20/01/2009 at 15:23

Miele washing machines...worth the extra? - Mapmaker
Eventually some incompetent tradesman will drive his ladder into the machine; the glass in the door will be scratched; the enamel will chip.

Miele washing machines...worth the extra? - Stuartli
Sounds a bit of rough area in which you live...:-)
Miele washing machines...worth the extra? - bathtub tom
>>you can stand a 50p coin on the machine

A salesman once said to me "you can stand a glass of wine on this machine, and not a drop will be spilled".

The wife said "Oh no!", and walked hurriedly away.

My retort was along the lines of " If I wanted something to stand a glass of wine on, I'd buy a table" (cleaned up for swear filter). I was asked to leave!
Miele washing machines...worth the extra? - FotheringtonThomas
Thank you bt, I'me feeling better now.
Miele washing machines...worth the extra? - Altea Ego
Re the other reply about "walking" - you can stand a 50p coin on the
machine when the Miele is on fastest spin mode and the coin doesn't move.

I bet it does move

I want a video posted on you-tube of you placing a 50p on the miele, loading it with washing, and running it on 1200 spin.

Miele washing machines...worth the extra? - ifithelps
My Candy - already installed and secondhand when I bought the current Ifithelps Towers eight years ago - used to shake a bit until I stuffed a beermat under one of the feet.

Still shakes if the washing gets into a ball, say a sheet wrapped around a load of 'smalls'.

Think it says in the destructions somewhere not to wash items of vastly different size together.

Can't see a Miele, Bosch or any other make being much different.

Miele washing machines...worth the extra? - FotheringtonThomas
Miele, and similar, don't shake so much - this is just because they're full of bricks.
Miele washing machines...worth the extra? - Altea Ego
Miele and similar don't shake so much - this is just because they're full of


I have had my bosch apart and it has three hydraulic dampers, (look like car shock absorbers) with a much smaller concrete block than the norm.
Miele washing machines...worth the extra? - Stuartli
>>..this is just because they're full of bricks. >>

Which is what you are talking...:-)

Miele washing machines have a cast iron weight - others have one made of concrete.

Miele washing machines...worth the extra? - Stuartli
Quote from a Miele washing machine review:

"Cast iron tub weight: Most washing machines have one or more blocks of concrete bolted to a plastic outer tub. This is to weigh it down and add stability to the washing machine on spin. The trouble is that bolting something this heavy to plastic is not a good idea and I've also seen hundreds of them come loose (often) causing serious damage to the tub. The stabilizing weights on the Miele washing machine are made of an unbreakable cast iron cradle and they are bolted to a stainless steel tub. To an engineer, this is extremely impressive. It's over 20 years since I saw a washing machine with cast iron tub weights."


Miele washing machines...worth the extra? - JH
Stuartli, you are an invaluable fountain of knowledge, but may I ask, do you nominate the mags they use on "Have I got news for you"? :-)


Edited by JH on 20/01/2009 at 19:54

Miele washing machines...worth the extra? - Stuartli
I'm a retired journalist - research was an important element of the profession...:-)

Edited by Stuartli on 20/01/2009 at 21:25

Miele washing machines...worth the extra? - jbif
I want a video posted on you-tube ...

someone, maybe Stuartli ?, has already posted this:
"on Jan 2, 2009
When I decided to write this blog about Miele Washing Machines, I thought at some point about producing the world’s most boring video - a Miele Washing Machine in operation
However, a quick search on YouTube this evening reveals that not just one, but a few people have - thankfully - beaten me to it: ... "

You see, the Miele is not just heavy, it is M&S heavy, and it is your brother.

Edited by jbif on 20/01/2009 at 18:22

Miele washing machines...worth the extra? - JH
Back on track, well more or less, the Gadget Show reckoned that an LG, with a direct drive drum, gave the best wash. Sticks in my mind because of my ancient Technics direct drive turntable.


They seem to like Gorenje (who?) and Indesit too. No mention of prices and they didn't exactly do a long term test.

Miele washing machines...worth the extra? - daveyjp
No mention of AEG.

Ours has just developed it's first fault - a damaged door seal, but it's not leaking (yet!). Looking for a local service number I found the receipt and was surprised we have had it 11 years. It's nice and simple with mechanical dials and push buttons.

At the time it cost about £50 more than a Hoover. The Hoover it replaced did about 7 years before expiring.