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I Have a Question - Volume 264 [Read Only] - Dynamic Dave

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Any of the above will be deleted. If the thread becomes difficult to maintain it will simply be removed.

However, as has been said a couple of times, there is a wealth of knowledge in here, much of which is not motoring related, but most of which is useful.

This is Volume 264. Previous Volumes will not be deleted,

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When posting a NEW question, please "Reply to" the first message in this thread, i.e. this one. This keeps each question in it's own separate segment and stops each new question from getting mixed up in amongst existing questions. Also please remember to change the subject header.

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 21/12/2008 at 19:53

Who pays here? - Martin Devon
I bought some taps from a Local Builders Merchants with whom I do a lot of business. The taps have developed a fault. They clearly have to be changed and I have the new taps, although I have been charged for these until the faulty ones are returned. Now, who pays for the work to change them? me or do the Merchants have to pay a Plumber?

Best regards........MD
Who pays here? - Altea Ego
you have to pay to have them changed.
Who pays here? - Clk Sec
About six months after paying a carpenter to hang a number of doors which I had bought from my local DIY superstore, one of them developed an unsightly crack. The superstore replaced the door and paid for the subsequent re-hanging.

No harm in asking...

Clk Sec
How do you spell "Licence"? - Alby Back
Mine has "licence" printed on it.

Wonder why some people spell it "license"?

Just curious.
How do you spell "Licence"? - Altea Ego
is that the leeconse for your minkey?
How do you spell "Licence"? - Alby Back
ask 'im, 'ee eez the beezneesman...
How do you spell "Licence"? - Armitage Shanks {p}
My spell checker (English not USA) says both are correct
How do you spell "Licence"? - Alby Back
How is spelled on a pilot's .....um .....licence.... AS?
How do you spell "Licence"? - Armitage Shanks {p}
li·cense (lsns)
a. Official or legal permission to do or own a specified thing. See Synonyms at permission.
b. A document, plate, or tag that is issued as proof of official or legal permission: a driver's license.
2. Deviation from normal rules, practices, or methods in order to achieve a certain end or effect.
3. Latitude of action, especially in behavior or speech. See Synonyms at freedom.
a. Lack of due restraint; excessive freedom: "When liberty becomes license, dictatorship is near" Will Durant.
b. Heedlessness for the precepts of proper behavior; licentiousness.
tr.v. li·censed, li·cens·ing, li·cens·es
1. To give or yield permission to or for.
2. To grant a license to or for; authorize. See Synonyms at authorize.


[Middle English licence, from Old French, from Medieval Latin licentia, authorization, from Latin, freedom, from licns, licent-, present participle of licre, to be permitted.]


licens·a·ble adj.
licens·er, licen·sor (-sn-sôr) n.


[-censing, -censed]
1. to grant a licence to or for
2. to give permission to or for
licensable adj

How do you spell "Licence"? - commerdriver
When I was at school sometime just after the dark ages you could license someone to do something and you could carry a licence to do something, noun / verb difference like practice and practise.
Interestingly the spellchecker on here doesn't like licence or practise, but then it doesn't like Commer either.
How do you spell "Licence"? - jc2
"C" when it is a noun;"S" when a verb.
How do you spell "Licence"? - Alby Back
That's how I understood it commerdriver. The difference between the noun and the verb that is. I was just curious because I see a lot of posts on here from people who seem otherwise in command of their native tongue but persist in the use of the "s".

No big deal, just wondered if I had missed something.
How do you spell - able1
In American English the noun is license, whilst that is obviously our verb - the same with practice/practise.

There used to be an Off License near me !

Edited by able1 on 16/12/2008 at 08:58

How do you spell - Alby Back
There was one of those spoof e-mails kicking around a while back which purported to be an open letter from the Queen to all Americans asking them to stop messing with her language. Made me smile anyway, although some Brits give them a run for their money to be fair.

Anyway, curiosity satisfied, back to motoring I guess !
How do you spell - Andrew-T
>In American English the noun is license ..

In American every similar noun uses S except Fence: Defense, Offense, License, ... It is logical and convenient, but we Brits find it offencive I suppose.
How do you spell "Licence"? - L'escargot
Wonder why some people spell it "license"?

Because their English isn't very good.

License is a verb (transitive), meaning to authorise; licence is a noun.
How do you spell "Licence"? - Altea Ego
Can we rename this forum please to the English language debating society, subscription restricted to members of the "outraged of middle England" society, (average age 103).
How do you spell "Licence"? - Alby Back
Wouldn't want anyone mistaking me for an Englishman AE ! Dear me no.......
How do you spell "Licence"? - commerdriver
Absolutely HB in the olden days the education system used to be better north of Hadrian's Wall.
How do you spell "Licence"? - Alby Back
I think that was because it involved more pain ! At least that's my memory.......
How do you spell "Licence"? - CQ
To break the boredom of long journeys for my daughter we would look out for poor spelling or grammar on trucks and shop fronts also the union flag being flown upside down. Went into a hotel in the cotswolds once to tell them their flag was the wrong way up, they said that they weren't sure so they copied the British Legion over the road.
How do you spell "Licence"? - martint123
Eye halve a spelling chequer
It came with my pea sea
It plainly marks four my revue
Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.
Eye strike a key and type a word
And weight four it two say
Weather eye am wrong oar write
It shows me strait a weigh.
As soon as a mist ache is maid
It nose bee fore two long
And eye can put the error rite
Its rare lea ever wrong.
Eye have run this poem threw it
I am shore your pleased two no
Its letter perfect awl the weigh
My chequer tolled me sew.

How do you spell "Licence"? - Stuartli
You could spend a week spotting spelling errors and still have plenty to go at...

The use (or rather misuse) of the apostrophe is another annoyance for me; how many times, for instance, have you seen car dealers advertising 100's of cars for sale?
How do you spell "Licence"? - Alby Back
Supplementary question -

Why are Mondeos called "Ford Mondeos" but Robins are often called "Robin Reliants"?

I suppose it's the same reason why people in high rise flats have net curtains......
How do you spell "Licence"? - bathtub tom
How do you spell - Alby Back
Yeah OK but I mean, how paranoid would you have to be, and it still doesn't explain why Reliant Robins get called Robin Reliants does it.....?? Or why old people buy pacific rim hatchbacks, in metallic beige.

Edited by Humph Backbridge on 16/12/2008 at 21:36

How do you spell - crunch_time
My prize this week goes to the chap in another forum who said "I dident no that".

How do you spell "Licence"? - Altea Ego
You could spend a week spotting spelling errors and still have plenty to go at...
The use (or rather misuse) of the apostrophe is another annoyance for me; how many
times for instance have you seen car dealers advertising 100's of cars for sale?

Does it matter, don't tell me you don't realise it has 100's of cars for sale?
How do you spell "Licence"? - Spospe
To change the subject of this thread to one of grammer, how many of you realise that a preposition is a bad word to end a sentance with?

(a bit of light relief as Christmas draws near)
How do you spell "Licence"? - commerdriver
It's also bad to frequently split infinitives
How do you spell "Licence"? - Alby Back
I would get back to cars or at least driving licences lickety split.....

How do you spell "Licence"? - rtj70
It's okay - this is being moved to I Have a Question Thread shortly.
Legal advice - not paid commision on selling cars - audiA6tdi
I originally posted a thread on here asking for legal advice as the company I worked for had failed to pay me the commission for the cars I had sold back in March 2008.
I had left the company and at around the same time so did my manager. When I had left and received my pay advice and I didn?t receive any commission, I questioned it with the new manager but he advised that there were no records of me selling any cars.

Anyway to cut a long story short I have received a letter back off the director stating that they will pay me on 3 products sold which he has a record of (there were 11 in total) and he has no record of me selling anything else. He said there decision is final.

I am thinking of taking them to the small claims but how can I prove that I sold the products. I have no proof myself.
I know people that still work at the company who know that I sold 11 cars.
My question is would a court accept a tape recorded conversation as evidence?
Do I have to tell that person I am recording them?
Can anyone advise on any other route as it?s really my word against theirs?

I can remember a couple of the customers surnames and if need be try and track them down.
I am being backed into a corner by one of the largest dealerships in the UK and feel their like it or lump it attitude stinks. They have agreed to pay me around £150 when they owe me around £1000.
All I am after is the commission for the cars I sold.

Thanks in advance

Legal advice - not paid commision on selling cars - Alby Back
If you are not already a member, get in touch with the trade union Amicus. They are very experienced in these matters.
Legal advice - not paid commision on selling cars - audiA6tdi
OK many thanks I will do. If anyone has any further advice it would be greatly received.
Legal advice - not paid commision on selling cars - Altea Ego
>I am thinking of taking them to the small claims but how can I prove that I sold the >products. I have no proof myself.

you need some. It could be as simple as finding out how many cars were sold that month, which salesmen got got the credit and claiming the rest as yours. If they cant provide those
figures then they have a serious flaw in accounting principals. What about your previous manager who left?

>I know people that still work at the company who know that I sold 11 cars.

Are they prepared to put their jobs at risk to provide you with corroboration?

>My question is would a court accept a tape recorded conversation as evidence?

yes but see below

>Do I have to tell that person I am recording them?

yes you do

Legal advice - not paid commision on selling cars - audiA6tdi
>It could be as simple as finding out how many cars were
sold that month which salesmen got got the credit and claiming the rest as yours.
If they cant provide those
figures then they have a serious flaw in accounting principals.

How would you advise asking this, do you mean writing to the company to ask them for a list of all cars sold in that month?

She has moved onto another dealership buy i may be able to track her down. She was never that helpful when she was there though to be honest.

Legal advice - not paid commision on selling cars - Altea Ego
How would you advise asking this do you mean writing to the company to ask
them for a list of all cars sold in that month?

Yes why not, tell them they need to provide this to disprove your claim or back up the assertion you only sold 3.

What was your monthly sales target? what was your previous 6 monthly sales figures like?
Can you show that 3 cars was an abnormally low number for that month?

Legal advice - not paid commision on selling cars - audiA6tdi
I phoned ACAS who advised to contact CAB and I have made an appointment for Friday.

Monthly sales target was 14. I was only at the dealership for a month and a half - it was very bad there and 7 staff left.

Thanks for your help.
Protecting pine furniture - smokie
Just had some bedroom furniture made, very nice it is too. However it doesn't appear to have much of a layer of anything to protect it - I can quite see rings from a damp cup getting on it fairly quickly, and even scratches from remote controls and stuff.

Mrs has been looking for some runners to put on it, but I'm not keen on those.

Someone has suggested it wouldn't be vastly expensive to have glass tops made, not sure about those either.

Using place mats and coasters has also been suggested - I'm with the coasters idea, but not really the place mats.

I'm thinking more along the lines of using some kind of varnish or wax to protect them. I don't want a high gloss shine, nor do I want to change the colour, nor do I want a whole load of time-consuming work or ongoing maintenance.

Any ideas please?

Edited by smokie on 16/12/2008 at 10:07

Protecting pine furniture - FotheringtonThomas
Use coasters.

Clean up spills when you make them.

*Spray* the stuff with Bourne Seal.

Use the bedroom as a bedroom, and not a cafe/cinema.
Protecting pine furniture - charlesb
If you want the colour to remain the same, you're only choice is coasters and being careful.

I have some solid pine bed-side tables and bed from a company that were lightly waxed with a coloured wax and gave the tables a nice colour and protects them somewhat.

However, even with was, you'll still get ring marks which don't really come-out, you can sort of make them less obvious by wiping with a damp cloth, but it sort of spreads it around

Hope this helps
Protecting pine furniture - Altea Ego
>ust had some bedroom furniture made, very nice it is too. However it doesn't appear to >have much of a layer of anything to protect it

Whats it made of? solid timber, chipboard with some kind of laminate?

Protecting pine furniture - Mapmaker
You can use diamond hard varnish as much as you like... but the wood is still grotty soft pine. So whilst the top few microns will not deform, the pine underneath will scratch.

Glass tops, coasters or runners - or else have formica tops made - or use a decent wood like mahogany.
Protecting pine furniture - henry k
You can get various sizes of glass panels with little feet at the corner "off the shelf" they are sold as protectors for kitchen work surfaces.
Protecting pine furniture - nick
Your local glass merchant will make you some toughened glass tops with milled edges for a reasonable price.
Protecting pine furniture - smokie
It's solid timber. Thanks to all for the thoughts. I think I'll investigate getting some glass made.
PSP3 as present for 7y.o.child. - FotheringtonThomas
Is this thing a suitable present? Are reasonable games, with educational content, available?

Signed: A. Noob.
PSP3 as present for 7y.o.child. - Altea Ego
My personal opinion? No. PSP3 and Xbox 360 are aimed at teenagers (14-55) wanting to kill germans, slaughter dragons, or terrorise people in your car and do drug deals.

Go for a Wii, or Nintendo DS, and save the mowing down germans for 7 years time.
PSP3 as present for 7y.o.child. - charlesb
2nd vote for Nintendo DS or WII, and they are more family oriented than the PSP or XBOX

DS can be had for around £90-£99 with games starting from £10-15

PSP3 as present for 7y.o.child. - rtj70
Are you asking about a PS3 (Playstation 3) or a PSP (Playstation Portable). I don't think there's a PSP3 (yet) - they are still on the second generation.

If talking PS3 - then the others correct in suggesting something like a Wii - the games are more appropriate.
PSP3 as present for 7y.o.child. - SpamCan61 {P}
My 5 year old son is just starting to get to grips with some of the simpler puzzles / games on his elder sister's DS, I reckon they're a good bet for a 7 year old.
PSP3 as present for 7y.o.child. - Pezzer
Seconded. (I have 8 and 12yo). They adore the Wii - Mario Kart/Star Wars Lego etc
Driving Licence Renewal - bintang
I have to send my "last driving licence" to DVLA for a renewal. Does this mean the credit card version plus the paper countrpart as well?
Driving Licence Renewal - rtj70
Yes you send both parts - unless you've lost part of it.
Bosch dishwasher water valve - bathtub tom
Anyone here familiar with dishwasher repairs? I've done a few washing machine jobs, including bearings, but this has got me stumped.

My Bosch dishwasher (SGS3062GB) doesn't appear to be taking water in. I've checked the water supply is on. At start up the drain pump runs briefly , and then nothing. I've poured a few litres of water in, and then it runs. I presume it's either the water valve, or the programmer. I'm blowed if I can see how to get inside it. How can I access the water valve and test it. I have a multimeter.
Bosch dishwasher water valve - bathtub tom
I guess I may now be the resident dishwasher expert :>(

The water valve is in the hose at the tap connector end, it was fine.
I finally found some clips at the back of the lid which when released allowed it to be slid forward and off. That released the side panels.
Beneath one side panel there was a translucent panel with pipes moulded into it, it had three pipes connecting to it, and it 'plugged' into a unit wit three more water connections.
I could see a considerable amount of sludge inside the translucent panel towards the top where there was some sort of valve built in (may have been an air bleed).
I removed the panel and managed to dislodge some of this sludge.
Put it back together and it worked :>)

I wonder how long it'll last?

Bosch dishwasher water valve - Altea Ego
Sounds like the famous pneumatic level sensor found in washing machines that gums up with soap residue problem.
Text message to a phone which is switched off - L'escargot
If one sends a text message to a phone that is switched off, for what length of time is the message available for the target phone to receive the next time it's switched on again?
Text message to a phone which is switched off - rtj70
On my phone I can alter the message validity time. Options are 1 hr, 6 hr, 24 hr. 3 days. 1 week and 'maximum time'. Not sure how long maximum time is.
Text message to a phone which is switched off - SpamCan61 {P}
I suspect the 'maximum' time is down to how the SMS server in the network is configured; I'll see if I can find some info. on that.
Getting bogged down by the number of laws - L'escargot
These days I get the feeling that we're getting bogged down by the ever increasing number of laws, rules and regulations. You have to think twice before you hardly dare do, or say, anything nowadays. I'm sure life was much more carefree 50 years ago.

Edited by L'escargot on 18/12/2008 at 10:02

Getting bogged down by the number of laws - FotheringtonThomas
Getting bogged down by the number of laws - jbif

then add NuLab in to the mix, and you get a very sticky mix of muddy laws to get bogged down in.

Getting bogged down by the number of laws - L'escargot
Not just laws, but also this so called political correctness rubbish. I hardly dare open my mouth in the presence of some people for fear of being belittled for using what I consider to be innocent words and phrases.
Nokia 3310 Security Code?? - Jane

The above was my first mobile. It is still in perfect working condition but about 3 years ago I upgraded to a better one!

Mum is a bit of a technophobe and her mobile is on it's last legs. Because the 3310 is quite a simple phone I thought she could use that but I've hit a brick wall in regards to the Security Code in that I don't know what it is! I've tried the standard 12345 as stated in the manual but I've obviously changed it because it's not working! I have 'googled' the problem and found several sites dedicated to getting the Master Security Code for your phone using it's IMEI number. This mastercode didn't work either! I've tried several different numbers that I use for other things and have come up with a blank!

I am now at a loss as to what to do! Should I phone Nokia or Vodafone? Will they actually be able to help or will I be passed from pillar to post and put on hold for hours?? Does anyone have any handy tips as to how I could unlock it??

Hoping you can help!
Nokia 3310 Security Code?? - smokie
Hi Jane (and any potential respondents to Jane's request)

I'd assume that any mechanism for bypassing phone security is probably illegal, or at best unethical.

So could any respondents please restrict themselves to general advice rather than specifics leading to phone unlocking.

smokie, Moderator
Nokia 3310 Security Code?? - rtj70
Are you sure its the phone security and not SIM security PIN request? What happens when you turn the phone on without a SIM? What happens when you put your old SIM back in it?

I always enable phone and SIM security on my mobiles. The SIM PIN (4 digit) request happens every time you turn on the phone. Phone security request (5 digit) happens when a different/new SIM is inserted that has not been used before.

If you really do not know the phone security code (i.e. you did change it) then for such an old phone which may now have a battery with poor battery life I'd put it in an envelope from Tesco (donating the thing to "charity") and get a new cheap one on PAYG that will take your mum's existing SIM.

In fact if it was PAYG and on a different network to your mum's SIM it probably won't work anyway - unless from the Carphonewarehouse.

Edited by rtj70 on 18/12/2008 at 21:30

Nokia 3310 Security Code?? - Jane
Yep...definitely the phone security! I put my old Sim in and it worked fine (I then switched off the sim pin!)

Oh well....suppose she'll have to get another one...Unless I have a sudden epiphany and remember what code I chose 7 years ago!

Thanks for the reply!
Nokia 3310 Security Code?? - rtj70
Places can probably unlock it for you but the phone is worth less than that will cost.

Places like Carphonewarehouse PAYG phones can be cheap but you have to buy a SIM. But they tend to be unlocked (not limited to the network you buy the SIM for) so you can then just drop your mum's SIM in it.
Nokia 3310 Security Code?? - Pugugly
There's a website - I'll e-mail the OP directly with the details.
Nokia 3310 Security Code?? - Dynamic Dave
so you can then just drop your mum's SIM in it.

If the SIM is old, then it *might* not work in a newer phone.
Nokia 3310 Security Code?? - redviper

If you put in your current active sim and it worked fine, then the phone is fine. Its the sim that you tried originally has been locked and/or disconntected in which case renders it useless

You can probs get a free Pay as you go sim from your chosen network (with a new number) and then it should work fine


Edited by redviper on 19/12/2008 at 12:41

Nokia 3310 Security Code?? - Dynamic Dave

In Jane's case, the phone has been configured (via the sercurity menu) to ask for the 5 digit security code if another SIM card is placed in the phone.
Nokia 3310 Security Code?? - redviper
ah i see, yes in that case a new sim isnt going to help - I probs read the post a bit to fast :-) apologies
Nokia 3310 Security Code?? - SpamCan61 {P}
edit pointless post

Edited by SpamCan61 {P} on 19/12/2008 at 12:50

Nokia 3310 Security Code?? - Stuartli
I have a Nokia 3310 (its ease of use and superb sound quality beats most modern efforts) and I use the four number PIN, which is the most probable reason for the problem as others also suggest.

This phone was given to me by my daughter four years ago to replace a Philips Savvy, which had a remarkable range of features for its time, and all I had to do was swap over the Virgin Mobile SIM card and reconfigure it for the Nokia.

I'm sure that once you get the Nokia in action, your Mum will be delighted with it.

Incidentally, you can buy 900 or 1000mAh batteries to replace the standard 700mAh Nokia battery and lengthen the standby and talk times if you wish:



There are many other sources.

Edited by Stuartli on 19/12/2008 at 14:35

Nokia 3310 Security Code?? - Jane
Thanks for the responses. Phoned Nokia up and they told me to go to the nearest Nokia centre to get it reset. All I need is for their website to work and I should be able to find out where that is!
Nokia 3310 Security Code?? - SpamCan61 {P}
If it is software resettable then there's probably a local independant phone shop / market stall that can do it, those old Nokias are pretty easy to re-configure.
Nokia 3310 Security Code?? - rtj70
Nokia service centres are often independent. My nearest is Ebbe Fone Galleria in Manchester on the A34 for example.
Nokia 3310 Security Code?? - Mapmaker
The guy on the market who sells and unlocks mobiles might do it for a tenner for you?
Mains water ~ high or low pressure? - L'escargot
In domestic plumbing fittings parlance, is mains water pressure high or low?
Mains water ~ high or low pressure? - Altea Ego

should be about 3 bar

Edited by Altea Ego on 21/12/2008 at 10:13

Mains water ~ high or low pressure? - mjm
Severn Trent (our supplier) aim for a minimum of 2 bar, as AE says about 3 bar average, but it can go as high as 10 bar.

1 bar is near enough 15 psi.

(Sorry, N_C, don't know what that is in kilothingies per square metric) :)
Mains water ~ high or low pressure? - mfarrow
(Sorry N_C don't know what that is in kilothingies per square metric) :)

1 bar = 1x10 5 N.m -2 = 1x10 5 Pa
Mains water ~ high or low pressure? - Mapmaker
"low" pressure water comes out of the tank in the roof.

In areas where the high water pressure is low, the low water pressure can be higher than the high. Particularly if you have a several storey house.
Mains water ~ high or low pressure? - Number_Cruncher
>>the low water pressure can be higher than the high

If that's the case, how did the water flow into the tank? Or, is the tank in the roof filled by rain water capture?

Mains water ~ high or low pressure? - mfarrow
If that's the case how did the water flow into the tank?

I doubt he meant constantly, only during hours of peak use when the pressure is low. Either that or the system (i.e. pipe size/route) hasn't been properly designed.
Mains water ~ high or low pressure? - Mapmaker
>how did the water flow into the tank

During the night when other people weren't stealing your water. Major problem with the current fashion for mains-fed cold water systems is seen during the morning when the entier street is showering.

And a bath tap attached to a 22mm pipe from the roof will often deliver water more quickly than a 15mm rising main.
Inadvertant shoplifting - what would you do? - ifithelps
I was trundling around Tesco during the recent cold spell.

About 10 minutes in, felt a bit warm, realised I still had my woolly hat on, so took it off and tossed it into the trolley.

Carried on, checked out, paid bill of about £35.

Loading the shopping into my car, I picked up the hat and underneath was my - well, still Tesco's since I hadn't paid for it - four pack of Cusson's Imperial Leather soap.

Genuine mistake - but did I come clean (ho-ho) and go back to the shop?

What would you have done?

Inadvertant shoplifting - what would you do? - David Horn
I should hope you went back! Plain theft otherwise, innit?

Edited by rtj70 on 21/12/2008 at 15:17

Inadvertant shoplifting - what would you do? - Stuartli
four pack of Cusson's Imperial Leather soap.>>

IIRC that would cost around £1.50 - an unfortunate faux pas, but it's better than involving something considerably more expensive.

Why not put it down to experience and just make sure you are more careful in future...:-)

By the way, I would suspect that such events happen regularly on a daily basis at your Tesco outlet, but are carried out by the truly light fingered.

Edited by Stuartli on 21/12/2008 at 16:50

Inadvertant shoplifting - what would you do? - maz64
What would you have done?

Gone back to the customer services desk, handed it over while smiling and saying something like 'found this outside', and walked off. Otherwise I would feel guilty.
Inadvertant shoplifting - what would you do? - ifithelps
I'm afraid I employed all the twisted logic of: I've paid for all the rest of the stuff, it was only a low-price item, I've spent plenty with Tesco over years, might look odd if I go back, etc etc.

Shame on me.

On a more general note, we are all encouraged, rightly, to take our own empty carrier bags into shops, rather than pick up new ones.

This raises a security issue - a friend of mine who worked as a security guard in a department store was trained to be very suspicious of anyone walking in with an empty shopping bag, especially if that person was male.

Inadvertant shoplifting - what would you do? - rtj70
I am carefull when taking my eco friendly bag(s) into supermarkets. You plonk them in the trolley and could easily hide something if you didn't use all of them.

And things I wondered too:

1. How do they know the bags you're using were bought by you? They hang them up for you to put one in the trolley.

2. Is there not a risk a thief might steal your bags if you leave the trolley unattended?

Not that either is bothering me.
Inadvertant shoplifting - what would you do? - BazzaBear {P}
Gone back to the customer services desk handed it over while smiling and saying something
like 'found this outside' and walked off. Otherwise I would feel guilty.

I don't get this. If the decision is that it's morally wrong to just walk off with it, then why not go back in and give them the money for it?
Aside from not seeing the advantage of giving it back and pretending it has nothing to do with you, there is the definite disadvantage that it means he now has no soap!
Inadvertant shoplifting - what would you do? - rtj70
To answer the question - I'd go straight back to customer services and pay.
Inadvertant shoplifting - what would you do? - Mapmaker
Just too difficult to explain. So, suggest unload trolley, go back into store through entrance, with I.L. in trolley, and go pay for it.
Inadvertant shoplifting - what would you do? - Altea Ego
it never happened.
Inadvertant shoplifting - what would you do? - smokie
...but don't make a habit of it!! :-)