I have an S-reg Peugeuot 306 and have had regular problems with the remote keys. Sometimes the batteries last a few months, sometimes a few days. The problem appears to be that after the buttons on the key fob are pressed and then released, the contact with the battery is not properly broken and the battery then drains. I had both keys repalced under warranty, but they did not last long. By the time I got round to complaining again to the dealer, I had exceeded my 36,000 warranty mileage by 1,000 miles, and had no intention of forking out £120 for new keys. it seems to me there is a design fault here. A small irritation perhaps, but very expensive to rectify when the customr is paying. Has anyone else had problems?
I have had no problems with the three keys for my pug 405 which I've now had for nearly two years, other than having to clean up the contacts on one set which I think had got damp, or maybe gone through the washing machine.
I can't believe that you have got hold of two complete sets of dud keys and suspect some other fault.
Bought 306 second hand (1998) with a slack hanful of keys. Sorted out two sets. Found that one set ate the batteries witihn 2 days. Put in another set just in case which also lasted 2 days. Made up another key which so far is ok. Would seem to be a problem of sorts. A previous 405 had no problems.
Only ony key at a time will open the doors on remote. You can programme either key through the ignition but then the other will not work. Very strange. Peugot dealer can programe both keys to operate but wants the car for an hour.
Thats not the Geoff Perrin from Grimsby is it?
Thanks for messages.
To Andrew Holdsworth - it's not the Geoff Perrin from Grimsby -sorry!
Thanks, guys. I'll add this to the 306 problems in the car by car breakdown.
Only contribution to this is that I had no problem with two previous 405's over about 7 years and 200k miles, EXCEPT when I bought cheapo replacement batteries off the market.
phone around and you will find copanys that will make you a transmiter key fob if you give them the code sorry I cant remember the company name I spoke to when I broke my parents 405 key
The fob/transmitter came from the Peugeot dealers but it wasn't cheap, just over £40 if I remember correctly. I was too flabberghasted to tell them where to put it at the time.There must be other suppliers who do it more reasonably.
The chip serial number is inside the key fob and this is what is needed to replicate it. It came with a blank which we then had to get cut ourselves.