I Have a Question - Volume 210 - Pugugly {P}

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Edited by Dynamic Dave on 30/11/2007 at 19:01

Gas tariffs - oilrag
A gas company I am with, recently altered the initial high tariff, which was the same number of units used every month, to a variable one.
They state that this will vary according to season, but the yearly figure, before the switch to the lower tariff will be the same.

As we pay a fixed amount by direct debit every month and always enter the the cheaper tariff averaged out over the year....... ( only one gas appliance in the house a big gas fire) so I cant see how it will affect us.

Why? despite lots of space left on their form and ink being cheap, they do not explain this. So I assume that its just beneficial to them?
Is it to try to increase sign up to direct debits?
Or the first step in the direction of that well known phone company with their undecipherable bills?


Edited by Dynamic Dave on 21/11/2007 at 10:25

Gas tariffs - J Bonington Jagworth
This might help:
Gas tariffs - Clk Sec
>>Is it to try to increase sign up to direct debits?
Or the first step in the direction of that well known phone company with their undecipherable bills?<<

Sounds like a company I know that has the cheek to charge several £?s for those of us not willing to pay by direct debit.

Clk Sec

Gas tariffs - Cardew
Your assumption that it is beneficial to Npower is correct; and it probably will affect you.

According to their own customer service, they are supposed to charge in the following way (% of 4572kWh per month) in order to even out for seasonal consumption. (info from Feb 2007)
January 13.8
February 13.6
March 12.2
April 9.8
May 7.1
June 4.2
July 2.4
August 2.4
September 4.2
October 7.3
November 10.3
December 12.7

You are unlikely to use your gas fire in the June/July August quarter. Under the previous arrangements(and with all other companies) you would have 'saved' 25% of your Tier 1(initial high tariff) tariff allocation(1,143kWh) Now you will only save 9%

During the winter months(Dec/Jan/Feb quarter) under the old system you would have also paid at tier 1 rates for 25%(1,143kWh) now you will pay at tier1 rates for 40.1% of 4572kWh e.g. 1.833kWh - so 690 extra kWh at a higher rate.

Gas tariffs - oilrag
Thanks for the replies ;)
Moving the Sky+ box - Rebecca {P}
I want to move my Sky+ box from one room to another, hopefully without involving an engineer's visit.

To my techno-hopeless mind I assume I need to buy a cable long enough to run from the existing installation to the next room. What is the cable I need called?

Words-of-one-syllable-and-speaking-slowly-and-loudly-so-I-understand replies greatly received and no offence taken!

I don't want multi-room or to use a sender-type device, I want to move the box itself, and there is a phone socket in the other room if that helps at all. Oh, there's a TV too. I'm not THAT bad :o)

Thank you all!
Moving the Sky+ box - Dynamic Dave
What is the cable I need called?



Should help you.

Moving the Sky+ box - David Horn
You'll need to extend *both* cables, since the Sky+ box has two receivers. Depending on where the room is, you might find it more beneficial to simply rewire directly from the dish along the outside of the house.

The LNB will have 4 outlets so you can keep the existing cabling and lay new cable to the other room, so you can move back or add another box in there with a minimum of fuss. You'll also need some F-connectors, but they're not difficult to fit.

Don't buy cheap co-ax cable for the satellite run, it'll only give you grief, and don't kink it either. Make sure it's sealed at the dish end; water inside will stuff the cable. Have fun. :)
Moving the Sky+ box - Dynamic Dave
It might be easier to leave the sky+ box where it is, and connect a 2nd TV coax (75 ohm, IIRC) to the TV2 socket outlet on the back of the box and run that to another room. Then connect up a magic eye (tv link) between the TV in the other room and the newly run coax. You'll have to go into the hidden menu to switch on the power for the magic eye. The advantage of this is that you'll be able to then watch the sky box in both rooms of the house and control the box from both rooms. The disadvantage is that you'll only be able to watch the same channel / recording that the other room is watching as there is only one RF output. Both the RF1 & RF2 sockets on the back of the box broadcast the same output.

TV link can be bought from Argos:- tinyurl.com/3xsgca

If you want the details of how to access the secret menu, please ask.

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 24/11/2007 at 21:10

Moving the Sky+ box - Rebecca {P}
Thank you all for your advice. The 'new' room is actually closer to the dish so perhaps new cabling is the answer. As is an engineer's visit, I suspect.

Secret menu?! Sounds exciting!
Moving the Sky+ box - Dynamic Dave
Secret menu?! Sounds exciting!

It's basically the menu that the engineer uses.
Press 'Sky' + 'Services' + '4' + '01' + 'select'.
Any changes made at your own risk.
Moving the Sky+ box - Big Bad Dave
"The disadvantage is that you'll only be able to watch the same channel / recording that the other room is watching as there is only one RF output."

But the advantage is that you can have the set top box in another room and not cluttering up the living room along with video and DVD players
Solar power - 12v to 240v inverter? - Dulwich Estate
I would like to ventilate our french house using a fan system (french VMC) when we are away with the mains electricity turned off. The sysytem uses 16 watts at low speed and 43 watts at high speed using the 220v - 240v mains.

In theory I suppose an array of panels, a battery and inverter are all that are needed. This is the point at which my knowledge breaks down. Is this too much power for all day running? Night time running would be useful too, but it's not essential so maybe the battery could be cut out of it? What size array and at what cost? Can someone point me in the right direction so I can fill those large gaps in my own little grey cells.
Solar power - 12v to 240v inverter? - Altea Ego
One of these
big 1.5 metre babies will happily produce 60-75 watts an hour during sunshine


Inverter here


You will need to be able to isolate out the fan system from the mains with some kind of switching gear (manual will do) when you shut up shop. (ie switch mains off , then switch in your solar power system)

Bit of a job getting 1.5 metres of glass solar panel to france tho!

< Ulla>
Solar power - 12v to 240v inverter? - Dulwich Estate
No problem with 1.5m length on the roof bars. I might even plug it in and save on diesel on the way down - LOL.

Any idea of the power calculations though ? I presume a watt is a watt is a watt whatever the voltage. How might you determine / calculate losses with 12v lead acid batteries, inverters etc.
Solar power - 12v to 240v inverter? - Altea Ego
a watt is a watt, but the amps (current) is not

at low voltages (ie mains or less) our only enemy for losses and heat dispersal is amps

Watts=Volts x amps

so your 43 watts of mains power = .2 amps
and your same 43 watts via a 12v battery/inverter is 4.0 amps on the battery side
(all approx)

either is very small beer, so for this exercise losses are not worth bothering about you only need to worry about watts, and both that panel and inverter have watts to spare

Now dont forget that your battery is only being charged during daylight, and your fans are drawing 24 hours.
< Ulla>
Solar power - 12v to 240v inverter? - spikeyhead {p}
There's a couple of other issues to consider here.

The fans will have a high current draw until they start moving.

The inverter will have a maximum output current and if you try and draw more than that then it may, depending on how it's designed, turn off the output.

So if the fans want to draw more current when you turn on the inverter than the inverter can supply then they won't start.

As far as how much power you get out of a solar panel, be very aware that its spec'd in bright sunshine, which happens rarely.

The inverter efficiency will be spec'd on its data sheet. You need to read and understand the data sheets of all that you're looking at.

Have you considered using a 12V fan rather than a mains powered one?
I read often, only post occasionally
Solar power - 12v to 240v inverter? - Altea Ego
The inverter is 1100 watts, the panel is rated at 125 watts peak, a 12v car battery can produce heaps of watts at surge (cranking currents are massive) so at least so we have ample "surge" here, but you are right to mention it.

mind this lot aint cheap. the powerful panel is 600 quid and the inverter 800 quid. one of the cheap car inverters (a 600 watt one for 35 quid) will probably do the job. Beauty of those is that they cut out if the volts full, but I dont know if they need to be manually reset when the volts climbs again.
< Ulla>
Solar power - 12v to 240v inverter? - Dulwich Estate
Thanks so far - this is beginning to look like it might be a goer. A 12v fan is not on my list at present because the mains set-up exists and I'm hoping a simple (??) isolater / transfer switch will do. But then, a completely independent set up with new vents (so now 2 per room) and a new hole in the roof might be OK but all that will come at a cost too. Maybe instead I could just keep the vents / ducting etc. and just change the motor so it's always run on 12v ???

As I said before, I don't know a lot, but surely the current draw on a measly little fan won't be more than say a TV or laptop which these inverters are supposed to be capable of running.

As long as the system was self-starting it wouldn't matter if it didn't run from time to time (e.g. at night or when very cloudy).
Solar power - 12v to 240v inverter? - Dulwich Estate
Ouch ! - £700 all-in plus a DIY fit. It seems the panel is the costly bit, but if the "free supply" could be hijacked for other uses it still might be a possibility.
Solar power - 12v to 240v inverter? - adverse camber
I think solar panels are cheaper in France - try to find a french supplier. You may even benefit from the tax rebate on renewable energy installs.
Solar power - 12v to 240v inverter? - Number_Cruncher
You might need some form of regulator between the solar panel and whatever device you put downstrem of it - in sunlight, solar cells tend to behave as near ideal current sources.

This means that they will try their best to drive that current through whatever you connect - if that something charges up, and its resistance builds, the solar panel can build up to damagingly high voltages - or it might boil your battery dry!

I think it's good to build in some headroom in the solar panel capacity - dull days, dirt building up on the cover glass, etc.

But, this also means that the regulator design must also cope with a worst case of a really sunny day, spotless clean cover glass, and a fully charged battery - i.e., with nowhere else for the current to go than being dissipated in the regulator.

Solar power - 12v to 240v inverter? - BobbyG
How do all those costs compare with just leaving the mains on and disconnecting everything apart from the fan?

I take it you are meaning a wall mounted xpelair type fan? There would be no point in having a ceiling or floor mounted fan in an empty house if no air was coming in from outside?
2007 Seat Altea XL 2.0 TDI (140) Stylance
2005 Skoda Fabia vrS
Solar power - 12v to 240v inverter? - cheddar
How do all those costs compare with just leaving the mains on and disconnecting everything
apart from the fan?

Yes, whay not mains? Is it for financial or environmental reasons?

The solar panels will take many many years to pay for themselves financially and even longer in carbon terms.
Solar power - 12v to 240v inverter? - Altea Ego
If the house is left empty for a number of months, its safer to turn off the mains. INdeed it might even be an insurance requirement.
< Ulla>
Solar power - 12v to 240v inverter? - Vin {P}
Honda recently announced a solar power initiative:


The RRP quoted on there for a 125W Honda panel equates to £271 inc tax (£257 excl) which compares to £680 on links above for the SM500S.

How you get them from Japan is another question - I can't find anyone importing them as yet. However, for £400 it might be worth jumping through a few hoops.

www.helpsavetheclimate.com/solar.html#a2 gives a solar insolation (sic) of about 1100kWh per annum where I live. At an efficiency of around 12.5%, these panels would generate 165kWh per annum = approx £13.75. so a 22 year payback at the suggested price plus VAT. Not quite there, but getting closer to being worthwhile as an alternative power source.

Solar power - 12v to 240v inverter? - cheddar
>> so a 22 year payback at the suggested price plus VAT. >>

What about the carbon payback, it can be even longer.
Solar power - 12v to 240v inverter? - Vin {P}
cheddar: "What about the carbon payback, it can be even longer."

What is a "carbon payback"? And what relevance does it have to the thread?

Solar power - 12v to 240v inverter? - Altea Ego
I think he means the carbon footprint of making, packing, distributing and getting rid of them when they are dead.
< Ulla>
Solar power - 12v to 240v inverter? - Vin {P}
Thanks, AE, in that case, it's a pretty ill-though out statement, as twenty seconds of calculation will work out.

There's no way of accurately calculating the use of Carbon, but I'd suspect it's a damned sight less than 22 years. Over 22 years, my calculations have the things producing 3MWh (3000 kWh) of electricity.

Thus, unless they burn enough carbon to make 3MWh, it's going to be negative in terms of carbon.

Anyway, what that has to do with financial payback, I don't know. What I do know is that once it's cheap enough, solar power will overtake any other form of power. Simple economics will stop people whingeing on about fashionable old carbon, because it'll be irrelevant.

Solar power - 12v to 240v inverter? - Dulwich Estate
More info for those who might want to know:

It IS an insurance requirement, as is turning off the water supply and draining down all the water. The fairly commonly used french VMC system is not an expelair fan in a wall, it comprises a large plastic box in the loft/roof space with a fan in it and a 150mm exhaust port leading to the open air through the roof. The box has 4 input ports each 80mm diameter and one 100mm with ducting leading from the appropriate places. In theory the 100mm one comes from the kitchen, 80mm from a bathroom/wc and the others from any other rooms you fancy. This type of system is usually kept running 24/7. You can buy more fancy models with more power for use with more rooms, but ours is only for a WC, a bathroom and a WC/shower room. By leaving doors open when we're away, continous running of the system should leave the house less damp and musty when we arrive. We've got window vents in the glass behind the closed wooden shutters, but the 700mm+ stone walls with no DPC still do a very good job of keeping the place damp-ish, but after a few days of normal use and the log fire roaring away, things settle down nicely and the place feels dry. I want that dry feeling in the house the minute I unlock the door after a couple of months away.

But do I want to pay £700 for it?
Solar power - 12v to 240v inverter? - Number_Cruncher
Despite the American bias, this site gives some good info;


What they refer to as a controller, is what I was describing as a regulator higher up this thread.

Solar power - 12v to 240v inverter? - spikeyhead {p}
Can't you get a local to come in and warm things up for you before your arrival?
I read often, only post occasionally
Solar power - 12v to 240v inverter? - billy25
Dont forget that you need either a "leisure or traction" type battery (deep discharge) as opposed to a "starter" battery,

Solar power - 12v to 240v inverter? - Dulwich Estate
"Can't you get a local to come in and warm things up for you before your arrival?" said spikeyhead.

Well of course I could, but I like to be independent if possible and this ventilation thing is really a 24/7 business. At first, before we made any attempts to ventilate we had green mould on the surface of the woodwork. I guess it may have been preservative leeching out or maybe just green bacteria. Whatever - I don't want to see or smell it again.

It ain't like the holiday homes abroad TV shows I assure you.

In summary, this solar power idea looked like a reasonable thing to research. I haven't even taken a good look at web sites yet. But what with £600 panels, a mains isolator, a regulater, inverter and fancy battery leading up to £750 - £1000 all-in plus DIY sourcing and fitting I'm not so sure. It certainly shows that living off the grid isn't the easy option.

My next question will be about a battery powered electronic timer plant irrigation system from a very large water butt collecting water from a huge barn roof - but I'll leave that one for later.
Solar power - 12v to 240v inverter? - jbif
My next question

Hello Dulwich Estate. Have you thought about a passive wind driven fan extractor, such as those you see on top of enclosed vans? You could have a wind driven positive pressure fan at the base of the property to force ventilate the house, and another suction extractor fan in the roof space to extract the stale air.

Re payback times: Vin said " these panels would generate 165kWh per annum = approx £13.75. so a 22 year payback at the suggested price plus VAT. "
That is presumably based on a simple division, and is OK for a quick guestimate. Full financial payback calculations for such installations ought to include the real rate (that is price increase minus opportunity cost interest ) of inflation in the price of the fuel in France (electricity in this example), the cost of repairs and maintenace of the equipment.
Other complications are the cost of the capital, if the money has been borrowed compared to the opportunity cost of "investing" the money elsewhere on a different project. Taking account of all such other inputs in to the calculation, then unless energy costs increase at a large real rate, the payback time for this solar panel is going to very very long indeed.

Solar power - 12v to 240v inverter? - billy25
>>My next question will be about a battery powered electronic timer plant irrigation system =but I'll leave that one for later<<

You probably knew somebody would fall for it - didn't you! ;-)

matbe you need something along these lines, depending how many plants you have?


Solar power - 12v to 240v inverter? - Dulwich Estate
"Have you thought about a passive wind driven fan extractor, such as those you see on top of enclosed vans? You could have a wind driven positive pressure fan at the base of the property to force ventilate the house, and another suction extractor fan in the roof space to extract the stale air."

Not yet jbif. My first thought was just to CHEAPLY adapt what's there already.

But I now need to go away and have a lie down after which a long ponder about all the suggestions is required ! I'm even looking at those small solar powered fans used in boats but they're probably too small.
Film Buff Websites - bintang
Can anyone recommend sites please?
Film Buff Websites - Pugugly {P}

Not as good as it used to be though, but a very good starting point whilst watching.
Film Buff Websites - Altea Ego
IMDB is my first stop for general information on films and actors. There are some interesting sites for more specific itesm, like sites deicated to single films ("calling danny boy" springs to mind) and the siters dedicated to filming locations are good - google is your friend here.
< Ulla>
Film Buff Websites - Lud
IMCDb.org is great fun - purports to name all the cars in all the films and videos ever made. Doesn't of course, but hours of fun for such as ourselves.
Film Buff Websites - bintang
IMCDb.org is great fun

Many thanks for leads
Film Buff Websites - John R @ Work {P}
John R @ Work :¬)
thin swirly parallel lines on paint - Chris S
I've just put a second coat of gloss paint on a door, it's the same as the base coat.

Patches of thin swirly parallel lines have appeared. What am I doing wrong?
thin swirly parallel lines on paint - Clk Sec
>>Patches of thin swirly parallel lines have appeared. What am I doing wrong?

Are you storing the paint in your garage? If you are and the weather is cold it may pay you to bring it into the house and place it near a radiator for a while before use.

Are you using a brush that has seen better days?

I find that non-drip paint can leave lines, but in my experience, they?re not that noticeable.

Clk Sec

Edited by Clk Sec on 24/11/2007 at 15:04

thin swirly parallel lines on paint - Altea Ego
did you rub down your first coat?

< Ulla>
thin swirly parallel lines on paint - Chris S
I only rubbed down the uneven bits - but I think these are where the swirls are now occuring. I made sure the surface was clean and dry before re-painting.

I'm using a roller so the swirls aren't brush marks - they look like giant fingerprints.

Edited by Chris S on 24/11/2007 at 16:13

thin swirly parallel lines on paint - cheddar
Sounds like where the surface is greasy, clean with white spirit.
thin swirly parallel lines on paint - Lud
Are the swirls anything to do with the grain of the wood by any chance? I only ask because some sorts of paint will sometimes raise the grain on a bit of wood that had been sanded flat before painting.
thin swirly parallel lines on paint - Chris S
RE: "Are the swirls anything to do with the grain of the wood by any chance?" No - it's a hardboard door.

I think I'll leave the door for at least another week, clean it with white spirit and try again.
thin swirly parallel lines on paint - henry k
Can we assume your are not using water based paint ?
thin swirly parallel lines on paint - Clk Sec
I think your best bet would be to start again from scratch:

Buy good quality paint, brush and medium grade sandpaper.
Remove door
Wash with sugar soap if necessary
Rub down completely - not just the problem area.
Apply undercoat
Apply topcoat.

In my experience using a ?one coat gloss? does not achieve a good result without undercoat. Use both and you?ll get a great finish.

Clk Sec
Shareholders Beware - former farmer

Other users of this forum may be interested to hear about another scam that is doing the rounds.

This one involves a 'hostile' take over of a company that you have shares in.

The shares I had were in a smallish AIM company involved in IT. The patter runs thatthere is new money wanting to take over the company with a hostile bid which offers a figure of 30, yes thirty, times the current market value of the share.

The next step is an undertaking from you as the shareholder to a confidentiality
agreement, whilst they contact other shareholders to get a 51% controlling interest in the company. After a week or so they claim they are almost upto this level of control and will be needing your shares.

The sting was the requirement to purchase an indemnity insurance bond to 'safeguard' the purchaser of the shares and you the vendor. In this instance it would have been a price of £6000 to be paid up front before the transaction could proceed. This is when alarm bells began to sound for yours truly.

The company behind this were based in Montreal are always impossible to get on the phone, though they could always find time to phone you!

The Financial Services Authority in London, when you could finally get through on the phone, had come across it, and many others before.

So if it sounds too good to true...............
Shareholders Beware - Vin {P}
Former Farmer: "offers a figure of 30, yes thirty, times the current market value of the share."

I'd have thought alarm bells might start to ring at that point...

Noddy Holder - Acoustic sets. - Pugugly {P}
Being a closet Slade fan, I believe that Noddy recorded some acoustic sets....anyone know where I could find a copy.
Noddy Holder - Acoustic sets. - Big Bad Dave
"Being a closet Slade fan"

It's all starting to make sense now. You're coming out of the closet, you want to wear your top hat with the round mirrors so you had to buy a Roomster.
Noddy Holder - Acoustic sets. - Clk Sec
Sorry to go a little off-topic here PU, but do you recall a little number by Noddy Holder, Ricky Tomlinson and Geoffrey Hughes a couple of years ago? It may have featured on a Christmas TV programme, but I?m not sure.

I?d love to see that again. Any idea what it might have been called?

Clk Sec

Noddy Holder - Acoustic sets. - Big Bad Dave
Are you looking at me or chewing a brick?

Something like that. Parky probably.
Noddy Holder - Acoustic sets. - Clk Sec
That's the one ! I can do a little searching now.


Clk Sec

Noddy Holder - Acoustic sets. - Robin
Its on YouTube:


Great Fun
Legal Question - Sale of Goods Act - SuperBuyer
Here is a nice easy one for you legal eagles out there:-

Are they rights in the Sale of Goods Act transferable?

ie. My father purchased a digital camera via the Amazon marketplace in April 07. He sadly passed away 2 weeks later. The camera has a fault (which may or may not have been there from new) with memory cards (it won't accept them). I am trying to return the camera under Sale of Goods for a replacement, but the Amazon Marketplace seller is claiming that the only person entitled to a remedy is my father who for obvious reasons cannot do anything.

Therefore, what can I do regarding the broken camera?

Any ideas?? All I really need to know is are the rights of the Sale of Goods Act transferable or not?

Any help gratefully received!
Legal Question - Sale of Goods Act - Armitage Shanks {p}
I am sorry to hear of your father's death. His estate continues to 'exist' and presumably left a will. The executors of his estate have the right to collect money due, pay out money owed and I imagine they would have rights in connection with faulty goods etc. Please wait for DVD or PU to give you the facts rather than my thoughts on the matter.

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 26/11/2007 at 18:51

Legal Question - Sale of Goods Act - David Horn
I suggest you tell the Marketplace seller exactly where he can stuff his camera and get in touch directly with Amazon. Suspect you'll get more help from them.
Sony Ericsson W810 Ringtone Question - borasport20
or even ericsson

I want all my work contacts to have the same ringtone, different from all other contacts. It would seem I cannot do this other than by going through each individual contact and applying that ringtone, which makes 'groups' sort of pointless really

can anybody tell me of a shortcut ?

Edited by Pugugly {P} on 26/11/2007 at 18:02

Sony Ericsson W810 Ringtone Question - PoloGirl
I've tried and I dont think it can be done, sorry. From memory, it's because the purpose of the groups on the Sony phones is to allow you to send group texts, not to be able to assign ringtones and things.

Annoyingly (and absolutley the only reason I would consider having a Nokia), you can assign ringtones to groups on Nokia.
Sony Ericsson W810 Ringtone Question - L'escargot
or even ericsson

No, your post title is correct. tinyurl.com/2ygfv4
Money won on game shows - AR-CoolC
Hi All, this is the result of one of "those" conversations in the office this moring that no-one knew the answer to.

Is money won on TV quiz/game shows taxable?

Money won on game shows - cheddar
I am sure it is not, not sure how it works though a bet or lottery win is not taxed because you pay tax on the stake, game show must, i guess work in the same kind of way.
Money won on game shows - Stuartli
Money won by gambling, on the Lottery etc is not taxable.

However, there may well be a different view by the Inland Revenue on the type of prizes that pay out a fixed sum to a prizewinner each year for a certain number of years or as long as he/she lives; it could be construed, I would suspect, as income.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
Money won on game shows - daveyjp
No tax on betting stakes anymore.

IIRC there is no tax on winnings as there is no such trade as a 'gambler' - you haven't earned the money as you can lose as easily as you can win.

Graham v Green 1925 is a leading case.
Money won on game shows - hxj

As is typical on all tax matters - Yes, No and Maybe!

Generally entering shows and winning prizes is a purely recreational activity and therefore outside the scope of tax (even for us older people Case VI of Schedule D).

It will only be assessable if it is either linked to another 'business activity' - for example a 'professional celebrity' who goes on a game show for self publicity and wins money - or forms a business activity in its own right for example you regularly appear on such shows - or are specicifally renumerated for appearing by receiving the pize money you win.

Hope that helps ;-)
Inland Revenue have lost the plot. - deepwith
Well, I think they have. See if you agree.
Cost cutting and incompetence meant they lost 25 million sets of personal information re Child Benefit. Today I received a letter telling me this and that I was not to worry. Sent second class that is £6 million in postage alone, then paper, envelopes, printing costs and man power on top.
Inland Revenue have lost the plot. - adverse camber
I would say that the fundamental problem is PFI.

All these badly thought out and implemented outsourcing contracts that just shovel cash from the government (ie us) to the companies involved.

(I'll admit to doing quite well out of my Serco shares)
Inland Revenue have lost the plot. - daveyjp
Day to day management of data carried out by HMRC, responsibility for manipulating and rewriting software to carry tasks requested by HMRC responsibility of EDS (private contract).

Want something extra from the datasets - a script to strip out three or four fields from a whole database? That's £X,000 a day to EDS to reprogramme the systems and this needs to come out of HMRC rapidly decreasing revenue budgets - it doesn't happen so all the data is sent as this at the time is seen as the cheapest option.

Seen similar where a public authority privatised it's IT provision. Whoever wrote the contract forgot to include maintenance of peripherals! Printer fault - that's £500 please for us to visit and diagnose the fault. If you buy a new printer to get round this it's £750 installation fee. Whilst this is extreme no contract can cover every option, but make contracts too tight and no one bids or the contract becomes too expensive.

Public sector can always find cash to react to a situation even if its 1000 times more expensive than preventing the problem happening in the first place.
Inland Revenue have lost the plot. - Martin Devon
"Public sector can always find cash to react to a situation even if its 1000 times more expensive than preventing the problem happening in the first place."

Foot and mouth was a classic earner for some. Nobody knew what was going on and nobody cared. We were in the thick of it, working for a customer right in the epicentre, (non earning from F & M we hasten to add and we wouldn't have wanted to), and MAFF, as then, was worse than in disarray and didn't give two hoots. It was pathetic.

Repointing - tyro
I've had three quotations for repointing old stonework that is in poor condition.

One firm quote for "removing the damaged paint and stone and fixing/bonding the underlying stone",

One quote for "full repair of moulding and mullions"

One quote for "full restoration"?

What is the difference?
Repointing - helicopter
Tyro , don't ask us - ask your builders to clarify exactly what they are going to do for the money and GET IT IN WRITING.

This is how the builder makes his money - 'Sorry mate , the quote didn't include that'.

That'll be an extra £500 ......

Repointing - helicopter

Oh and forgive my natural suspicion of builders but if they are not helpful in explaining at this stage ,I would consider the advisabilty of using them. They are hiding something....

Evaluating quotes is an art form - If its very cheap they haveprobably missed something that you need included. Too expensive they may have included something you do not want.

Assuming that you get explanations from them all, then make sure you have them all quoting on exactly the same like for like basis and you can make a rational decision.
Repointing - Martin Devon
Is it lime pointing. Is it sand/cement. How bad is it. How hard to rake out. How deep will they point it. Will the mix be gauged, i.e. in a proper measuring container not just a bit of this and one of them. Will the whole works be completd by the same team, (essential). Will they protect borders, plants, shrubs, paving, tarmac and so it goes on. We have been in the business for over 30 years and it pains me to say that the large majority of contractors are carp. Any more info required please ask.

Very best regards.............Martin.
Repointing - Martin Devon
e-mail me a few pics if you wish. Ask Pug nicely for my address if it suits you.

Repointing - adverse camber
further to Martin's points

With older stonework I would expect lime mortar - no cement, and ask how they will rake out, avoid those planing to use an angle grinder.

You might also be concerned about colour matching.
Battery for spot lamp - Martin Devon
Advice please. I have zillion candle power spot lamp powered by a 12v 6.5 amp hr sealed battery which I presume to be lead acid. 6? long x 2.5 wide x 4 high. It has been cooked I think. What are my options now. Are there lighter and or better alternatives.

Battery for spot lamp - mjm
Try Varta or Yuata? website and look for leisure batteries. You probably have a gel filled one.

Battery for spot lamp - billy25
I've used this firm several times, excellent service, courier delivery, no quibble refunds should you need one etc, and just about supply batteries for everything.
check it out!

if you look in the "wheel chair" section, there is a couple of batteries that are 12v 7ah and seem to fit your dimensions and power requirements.


Edited by Dynamic Dave on 29/11/2007 at 09:47

Battery for spot lamp - Martin Devon
Thanks Billy. (Spot) on!

Credit checking (credit worthiness) - oldgit
I have been looking into mobile broadband and have been into one or two local mobile phone shops and enquiring about tariffs etc. I was told that I would have to undergo a credit check and that this was done using a 'chip and pin' card for which there was a charge of £1 which would be refunded.

Does this mean that they could use either my debit or credit card to do this? I would prefer the former as I don't want to particularly have to settle my Mastercard account for the grand sum of £1 whereas with the debit card it would simply come out of my current account.
Credit checking (credit worthiness) - normd2
all they're doing is verifying you are who you claim to be - part of the check will be to ask your house number and postcode (CV2 checking). The £1 sale is sent to the acquiring bank where the details are checked and if ok then they refund the £1 there and then - works for both debit and credit cards.
Credit checking (credit worthiness) - daveyjp
Paypal do the same thing when you sign up. A couple of small transactions to verify your details which are then refunded.
Credit checking (credit worthiness) - oldgit
Thanks one and all for that information. Personally, I'd never come across this before!
Combi Boiler Leak Detection - Number_Cruncher
After bleeding some air out of a radiator, I'm having some trouble with our boiler. It's a Worcester Bosch 240 BF, and it's the sealed central heating loop that's a cause for concern.

The central heating system seems "stiff" - the smallest changes in system volume, by either letting some air out a radiator, or by the system warming up result in a large change in pressure. Does this mean that the accumulator is damaged, or can it be re-pressurised in-situ? (The boiler must be 10 years old at least, because they were discontinued in 1997)

The pressure in the system has dropped to zero a few times over the past couple of days. I've looked at all the pipework I can see without lifting any floorboards - are there any methods I could use to narrow down the area where the leak is? I know all too well that if I start lifting floorboards up, it won't be until I've rendered the whole house dangerous that I'll finally find the leak!

Combi Boiler Leak Detection - RichardW
It does sound like the expansion vessel is flat. You can download service manual here: tinyurl.com/23uxt5

It's probable that there is no system leak, you've just reached the relief valve set pressure and dropped some water out of the overflow - since there is no expansion volume little will be relieved but the pressure will drop right away. I had a quick look in the manual - it says that the expansion vessel can be re-pressured (schrader connection for car pump) - however, since it has lost its pressure, I'd be pretty sure the diaphragm is split and it's U/S anyway. Whether you can get a new one is anybody guess, but I did get a time clock for a (more recently) discontinued W-B boiler from e-bay not long ago (which is why I know you can download the instruction manuals!). I guess if you can't get a new one then fitting an additional EV in the CH system close to the boiler would do.

Edit: The air that was in the radiator was acting as the expansion vessel - you could reintroduce some to act as an EV till you get a new one sorted....!!


Is it illogical? It must be Citroen....

Edited by RichardW on 29/11/2007 at 12:36

Combi Boiler Leak Detection - Number_Cruncher
>>Edit: The air that was in the radiator was acting as the expansion vessel - you could reintroduce some to act as an EV till you get a new one sorted....!!

Yes!, that penny dropped just after I had made my post. Had I left the radiator alone, I would never have known about the expansion vessel problem.

I think you're also probably right about there being no leak. I'll see if I can get hold of an external expansion vessel - to change the existing one inside the boiler seems like a big job, and involves disturbing the gas valve, which is something I'm not going to take on myself!

Thanks very much for your help and advice - much appreciated.

Combi Boiler Leak Detection - Number_Cruncher
A bit of an update....

I've fitted an external expansion vessel. The pressure is now behaving much more predictably and steadily, so that's that fixed.

However, the boiler's heat exchanger didn't bleed properly, because some less than diligent gas fitter didn't take the cap off the automatic bleed valve. I didn't know about this, and so when the boiler fired up, the heat exchanger was full of air and overheated.

So, after sorting that, I'm now having bother with a dirty connection in the boiler overheating switch, (after 10 years of these points being closed, I can forgive them not making an excellent contact when they closed again) although after thermally cycling the switch a few times, it seems to be OK now.

How I wish I had left that bleed valve alone! An innocent 2 minute maintenance job turned into an absolute shocker that's kept me quiet for (quite!) a few hours.


Combi Boiler Leak Detection - RichardW
"How I wish I had left that bleed valve alone! An innocent 2 minute maintenance job turned into an absolute shocker that's kept me quiet for (quite!) a few hours."

:-)) I've said that more times than I care to remember. Glad you got it mostly sorted.


Is it illogical? It must be Citroen....
Cupboard lighting - MisterH
Can anyone point me in the direction of a super-bright battery-operated light for an understairs cupboard ??
I've tried these "stick-to-the-wall" cheap push-on lights, and they're useless.
All suggestions gratefully received.
Cupboard lighting - Stuartli
Aren't the LED type supposed to be brighter, such as these?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
Cupboard lighting - daveyjp
Despite the above site being the 'Really Useful Store' the three LED push lights are no good for a cupboard.

Aygo owners fit them to the boot and they are just good enough for that. I'd be looking for a battery powered strip light.

Cupboard lighting - MisterH
Thanks Davey.........order placed.
Got to be worth a try for a tenner.
I Have a Question - IHAQ - adverse camber
isnt it about time we had a new one?

You're right !

Edited by Pugugly {P} on 30/11/2007 at 17:33