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I Have A Question - Volume 187 - Pugugly {P}

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Opening someone else's post - legality? - AshT
I separated a few months ago from my long term partner, who has moved out of my house. I passed her post onto her over the first few months, but I am now returning post with "addressee moved" on the front of the envelope. However, a certain credit card company continues to send mail and is now phoning several times a day.

I have sent a letter to the return address on their envelopes explaining the situation, and have repeatedly informed their call-centre oppo's of her new details. None of this seems to have sunk in however, and the phone calls and letters have kept coming. Things rather came to head last night when I had a call while putting the children to bed - 1471 confirmed it was the company in question, so I called them back. First thing, I was asked for the account number in question. I reminded the oppo the account was not mine, and I did not have the number. His suggestion was I should open one of the letters (although I have returned them as they've arrived) and give the account number from the letter. My question therefore is what is the legality of this? The account is my ex's name only; I do not have any association with it, and all letters have had her name only as the addressee.

When I refused to open a letter he suggested that I must have done so to obtain the number of the "account manager". It was actually a matter of pressing 1471, he refused to believe this, and a very heated argument ensued. I am now in the process of writing a very strong letter the the company involved, and want to be sure that I am correct in suggesting that this oppo was encouraging me to commit an offence.

Has anyone any suggestions for stopping the phone calls and letters in the meantime? Thank you to anyone who can help.

Opening someone else's post - legality? - Stuartli
You are wasting your time dealing with people at the lower end of the scale.

Find out the name of the Chairman, CEO or whatever and send your complaint direct to him/her marked Personal and Confidential; also point out that you expect compensation for the time, trouble and stress to which you have been put.

One of the first things that was ever drummed into me as a journalist for more than 40 years was never to bother with the minions, but always to go direct to the top. Even if you couldn't get him/her directly, you would more often than not be contacted by someone with the appropriate authority to deal with your enquiries.

It's something I still do, as a certain Liverpool hospital co-ordination officer found out recently. He was not doing his duty properly (it affected not only my family, but also the nursing staff), so I contacted the hospital's CEO. Within five minutes I had a telephone call from his secretary and matters were very swiftly resolved from that point onwards.
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
Opening someone else's post - legality? - bintang
Your phone company may be able to deal with nuisance calls and there may be a parallel mail service. I think it is illegal to open another's mail without permission and why should you, if you don't want to?

I would not however accuse the company of encouraging you to commit an illegal act. I would write one last letter to it, setting out the position and including your ex's address. Say you will not enter into any further discussions on the matter. Send it via the special delivery service that will tell you on line who signs for it and give a you a facsimile copy of the signature. Send a copy to her, via the same service.

Her attitude seems odd, considering she may find large men with boils on their necks calling from a debt collection agency soon. I suppose there is no way you can possibly be held responsible, like maybe underwriting a debt?

A bit later, you should check out your own creit record to see this has not been affected. Unfortunately, a black mark may be awarded to an address, rather than individuals.
Opening someone else's post - legality? - Pugugly {P}
To specifically anwer your question, have a look at this from the Postal Services Act 2000

(1) A person commits an offence if, without reasonable excuse, he-
(a) intentionally delays or opens a postal packet in the course of its transmission by post, or

(b) intentionally opens a mail-bag.
(2) Subsections (2) to (5) of section 83 apply to subsection (1) above as they apply to subsection (1) of that section.

(3) A person commits an offence if, intending to act to a person's detriment and without reasonable excuse, he opens a postal packet which he knows or reasonably suspects has been incorrectly delivered to him.

(4) Subsections (2) and (3) of section 83 (so far as they relate to the opening of postal packets) apply to subsection (3) above as they apply to subsection (1) of that section.

(5) A person who commits an offence under subsection (1) or (3) shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding level 5 on the standard scale or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months.

At your peril, but you might be ok !
Opening someone else's post - legality? - nick
The key phrase is 'without reasonable excuse'. Most people would say you have a reasonable excuse, so I'd go ahead.
Opening someone else's post - legality? - Pugugly {P}
Interestingly the Act uses the word "he" - so presumably a "she" could get off with it (to use a technical legal term)
Opening someone else's post - legality? - drbe
Interestingly the Act uses the word "he" - so presumably a "she" could get off
with it (to use a technical legal term)

Doesn't the former embrace the latter?
Opening someone else's post - legality? - Dwight Van Driver
...Rises to feet...

Objection PU.

I refer you to Section 6 Intrepretation Act 1978 which states:

In any Act, unless the contrary intention appears,
(a) words importing the masculine gender include the feminine;

(b) words importing the feminine gender include the masculine;


Sits down.

Opening someone else's post - legality? - Pugugly {P}
Sustained _ I just wanted to see if you were still about ;-)
Opening someone else's post - legality? - Armitage Shanks {p}
To be the Devil's Advocate here I would say that one would have no reasonable excuse to open any communication not addresssed to one personally, involving the financial affairs of a person with whom one is not in a relationship and containing private financial information and material which related to and addressed to them only ie not a joint account. Very dodgy! As an aside I find that the reply paid envelopes that I get with some of my junk mail are very useful for putting all the other junk mail into and firing them off to people who have to pay, by weight, to receive them!
Opening someone else's post - legality? - Pugugly {P}
Hence my cautiuonary advice.....
Opening someone else's post - legality? - Ruperts Trooper
"intending to act to a person's detriment and without reasonable excuse"

Unlike others here, I'm not legally trained but the above part of the legislation would appear to allow "tampering" if not intending to act detrimentally even if you don't have reasonable excuse!
Opening someone else's post - legality? - Pugugly {P}
Might well do, but if his partner found out, and she knew her onions, she could make things difficult for him even i it came t'nowt in the end.
Opening someone else's post - legality? - bell boy
what if the steam from a passing kettle opened it?
Opening someone else's post - legality? - Armitage Shanks {p}
The steam doesn't "open it". It makes it capable of being opened!
Opening someone else's post - legality? - AshT
Thanks to all for the suggestions. I've written a suitable strong letter to the complaints department of the company in question, and sent a copy to their UK VP under a covering letter by recorded delivery. I'll keep everyone posted when (if?) I have a response.

I had two further phone calls last night. I have to say I'm glad they're not pursuing me for money; they seem to combine an incredible level of persistence with a total disregard for their potential customers.
Smelly Butts - bintang
I got the grey water outlet from our bathroom connected to our rainwater butts. They are now smelly, same smell as you get from an outside open drain when the washing machine is draining. Does anyone know of a suitable deodorant please? I don't want to use bleach, for fear of damaging the plastic drainpipes or plastic butts.
Smelly Butts - Armitage Shanks {p}
SFAIK bleach won't damage any plastic plumbing items. Don't you put bleach down your sinks etc? It might do no good to your plants if you used the water on them but bleach damaging plastic isn't going to happen, I'd say
Smelly Butts - Stuartli
The bleach we buy comes in large plastic 5l containers...-)
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
Smelly Butts - L'escargot
The bleach we buy comes in large plastic 5l containers...-)

There's plastic and there's plastic. Most toilet cleaning fluid bottles are made from heavy duty polythethene (HDPE) ~ see tinyurl.com/ypw67b It might be worth checking the water butt and drain pipe material.
Smelly Butts - L'escargot
......heavy duty
polythethene (HDPE)

Polyethylene, even! D'oh!
Smelly Butts - L'escargot
SFAIK bleach won't damage any plastic plumbing items.

As a major manufacturer of plumbing products you must surely be an authority on such matters! ;-)
Smelly Butts - billy25
i would just put a cap-ful of Jeyes fluid into a full butt and give it a good stir, leave 24hrs and empty onto garden, at that concentration it wont burn any plants and it will keep cats and butterflies away.
Bubblewrap? - PoloGirl
Apologies - have just spent four hours in the car with only myself for company.

How do they make bubblewrap?
Bubblewrap? - Pugugly {P}
Hahhahahaha - that's made me laugh.


Have a look at that !
Bubblewrap? - JH
You know how it is when someone explains something to you which is blindingly obvious (to them) but you're just left clueless? That's me. What happened to the CD player PG?

Bubblewrap? - Lud
We need more of that sort of thing. Brilliant one-para explanation.

Thank you for asking PG.
Sat TV - sound but no picture - barchettaman

We have a satellite receiver (in Germany) that is currently giving us sound, but no picture. It is just picking up the free-to-air stuff (BBC 1 to 4, ITV 1 and 3, BBC radio and a load of other junk) on the Astra 2 satellite, I think

I´ve check the cabling and everything seems plugged together.

Any idea what might have happened? Unit is 2 1/2 years old, it could be kippered I s´pose. Its a Radix DT-1200.

Any ideas, as always, very gratefully received.

Sat TV - sound but no picture - adverse camber
I take it that you have not changed any of the cabling or added any extra devices? changed TV ?
Can you get the config screen up ? ie its just the programs you cant see which rules out cable issues ?

Does it use SCART /PERITEL connectors ? Are the Pins OK? tried a diff cable ?

No chance that someone has altered the config at all ? Told it to do something that the screen doesnt support? PAL - SECAM or RGB or something ?

can you edit the vpids ? select diff audio streams ? Does that make a difference?

worst case bin it and get a technomate 9100 from alsat.
Sat TV - sound but no picture - Altea Ego
In order of probablity

One of the scarts is loose, defective
you have water in your LNB/LNB coax connector,
your dish has moved,
if it has a decoder card the card is screwed/dirty contacts
the decoder is duff
the satelite is moving out of orbit
The earth has wobbled on its axis
TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >
Sat TV - sound but no picture - barchettaman
Having wobbled the dish around a bit, I have a picture now but no ´vertical hold´. The picture just races up and over on a slight diagonal.

Any idea why? AFAIK I haven´t altered the settings of the TV or the sat unit.

Thanks for the replies so far.

PS it doesn´t have a decoder card.

Sat TV - sound but no picture - Altea Ego
I think your LNB (the thing on the end of the arm) has gone defective or the coax connector into is corroded. Its the commonest failure.
TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >
Sat TV - sound but no picture - barchettaman
Bearing in mind the huge thunderstorms we´ve had over the weekend, this could be the case. Is this a bit that can be replaced?

The thing is being a right tease at the moment, occasionally giving us a picture, only to ´roll over´ a few seconds later. Grrr.
Sat TV - sound but no picture - Altea Ego
Yes it sounds like low signal.

The lnb can easily be replaced, and the cable end remade.

Thunderstorms? Hmm, If your dish has been "flashed" by lightening the lnb could have gone and/or the front end of the reciever could also have been deafened.
TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >
Sat TV - sound but no picture - Armitage Shanks {p}
I had something similar. It was found to be rainwater getting in thru the LNB and running down into the co-ax cable causing corrosion which upset the signal transmission and strength. A length of new cable and a new LNB sorted it.
Sat TV - sound but no picture - barchettaman
Thanks all.
Sat TV - sound but no picture - barchettaman
*update*.... replaced the LNB and it´s now working fine. Cash saved for me (no callout), and another result for the Backroom brains trust. Cheers all.
Pont de Normandy Bombcraters - tack
Sad as I am, and whilst I am in la belle France for my hols, I google sat'mapped Pont de Normandy and noticed that on the shoreline either side of the bridge were what appeared to be water filled bomb craters. Is that what they are?.....from WW2 ? I assumed that area was very well bombed. (obviously prior to the bridge being built) as it was very industrialised.

Sigh of relief ! Accidentally shifted this into the BR archive - now posted in I Have A Question where it belongs due to it being of non-motoring historical interest. - PU
Pont de Normandy Bombcraters - Bromptonaut
Could be bomb craters, or aftermath of some sort of mineral extraction. However some of the earlier google earth photography was suspect in representing certain features; puzzling Northants crop circles turned out to be trees. They've updated the local shots since I last looked though and I can now clearly see SWBO's Berlingo on the drive at home and almost certainly my Xantia on the station car park. Looks as though it was re shot shortly before harvest in 2005; the climbing frame I dismantled later that year is still in the garden.
Pont de Normandy Bombcraters - PhilW
Have a look at them on this site, where you can zoom in in much greater detail than Google Earth (slider on right)

You can also toggle (using sliders on the left) between aerial photos and large scale IGN maps (1:5000ish)

Many of the "craters" have tracks (roads?) leading to them from the "Route de l'estuaire" (sp?)to the north, especially where the "craters" are white, some have channels leading to them (also when white). The darker coloured craters might have very indistinct tracks to them.
I think they are salt pans, some still in use (white) some disused (brownish as if full of sediment). I don't think the white is chalk even though the cliffs to the north are chalk because the estuary would have been filled to great depth with sediment since end of ice age (valley much deeper when sea levels were 100m lower in ice age).
There are quite a few gravel pits in the valley but I think there would be signs of machinery and be bigger operations.

Of course I might be barking up totally the wrong tree but I will take photos next time I cross the bridge (summer!)
Who was it that helped me fix my alarm?. - mal
A long time ago, in the first year or so of this forum a regular member helped me fix my house alarm ( an Accenta 8 ) in a very comprehensive way via the forum.
I need some quick advice once more but can not remember who the member was. At the time Honest John remarked how well done the advice was.
Can anyone recall who that member was, hopefully he will read this.

Dynamic Dave was it you ? {Sorry, no - DD}

Who was it that helped me fix my alarm?. - Pugugly {P}

See above (smug smile of satisfaction here - PU)
Who was it that helped me fix my alarm?. - Stuartli
Well done..:-)
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
Who was it that helped me fix my alarm?. - mal
A very big thanks for that Pug.....and of course well done!!.
Garage door broken - Citroënian {P}
The metal cable thingy that lifts/lowers my garage door (one each side) failed at the weekend. This meant that when I tried to open the garage, the runners came out of their guides and the door bashed the roof and got jammed. A lot of wiggling later, I managed to get it back in shape but because there was one side with a cable, it wasn't possible to open or close it properly.

So I cut the other cable so at least I could open/close it easily. However, I hadn't banked on (or realised) that those cables keep the door up when I lift it, so it doesn't stay open now...doh!

Does anyone know

a) Of any decent garage door fixers in West Yorkshire?
b) How much it is likely to cost to get it repaired (cables to replace/reset)?
c) Lord help me, but if it needs a whole new door (I don't think it does) how much this is likely to cost, fitted?


-- Biggedy biggedy bong
Garage door broken - Group B
You do not mention whether you want to try a DIY repair, but if you do this place sells spares (i've not tried them). Depends what make/ model door it is.


My Dads ancient garage door suffered a snapped cable and we repaired it using an old bicycle brake cable, and it works as good as new!
It was a little bit of a fiddly 2 man job though, IIRC, would probably have been easier with proper spares.

I had to buy a new door last year and a 7'x7' basic white steel lockable Henderson door cost me about £450 fitted...
Garage door broken - nick
I've just helped a mate of mine convert his up and over into a side hung door with a couple of tee hinges and a hasp and staple. It took us about 2-3 hours with lots of tea and works a treat.
Garage door broken - Citroënian {P}
9-3, thanks that's exactly the sort of info I was looking for. I'm not really any good a DIY so will have to leave it to an expert but it's good to have an idea of the costs.


-- Biggedy biggedy bong
Garage door broken - The Lawman

I've actually done this repair, it is by no means impossible.

I ordered a kit online consisting of two spools loaded with cable together with a clip for locking the spring into place. It is then a question of fitting the new spools, releasing the spring and away you go. Takes 30 mins or so.

a new door is a couple of hundred quid.

Worth buying a kit and having a go.
Garage door broken - BazzaBear {P}
Bit of lateral thinking:

Were you to fit an electric garage door opener, I believe that it (might depend on type) takes over all the strain of holding the door open/closed, so it would negate the need for these cables anyway, and you'd have the bonus of having a remote door opener now.
Think they're about £100, but haven't looked for ages, so might be way out.
VAT on postage question - Petel
Can anyone please provide a definative answer to the question of if VAT is chargeable on postage when buying items online or by post?
For example, Widget, price £2 plus postage plus VAT, or should that be Widget, price £2 plus VAT, then plus postage?

If I send an item to someone, item cost £2 plus VAT, I take it to the Post Office and the postage is 90p, then I pay 90p and ask for 90p in return, not 90p plus VAT. ( forget the wrapping paper for now )

So many different answers from so many different people, can anyone give the definitive answer on this please?
Thank you
VAT on postage question - local yokel
The Royal Mail is VAT exempt, however, P+P is normally greater than the value of the stamp, so the non postage element is still VAT able. Only the Rm is VAT exempt, other carriers like TNT etc have to charge VAT.

VAT on postage question - hxj

The answer is simple.

VAT applies to all P&P costs.

The only exception is where you effectively contract with the Royal Mail yourself. That is impossible for individuals, so you pay VAT on the P&P costs.
VAT on postage question - Petel
My thanks to you both
Hydraulic pump seal question please. - Petel
Does anyone recognise the following part number please?

SU11 - 5 - 6.5

This is the small pressure seal on a trolley jack ( without which the unit is useless )
Have done the usual net search with no results so any constructive input would be much appreciated.
Thank you.
Hydraulic pump seal question please. - L'escargot
A lot of seals are made to the same size by different manufacturers, so rather than searching for the part number you would be better off searching for the size. I assume the seal is pressed into a housing and has a shaft through the middle. Measure the shaft diameter and the inside diameter of the housing and that gives you two of the basic dimensions. The third dimension will be the width of the seal. Then search for "oil seal suppliers" and with any luck you'll eventually find what you're looking for. You'll probably need to consider compatibility of the seal material with the hydraulic fluid.
Hydraulic pump seal question please. - L'escargot
A lot of seals are made to the same size by different manufacturers so rather
than searching for the part number you would be better off searching for the size.

The part number could be a clue to the size. Is it perchance 11 mm o.d x 5 mm i.d x 6.5 mm wide?
Hydraulic pump seal question please. - Petel
Thanks for the reply. Indeed the part number is the size as you stated. I have already done the search with no result and contact with a seal supplier only resulted in an attempt to get me to " buy-blind " on a seal which was nothing like the one required. This is why I posted, in the hope that someone might recognise the part number and have access to a catalouge or could provide a manufacturers name.
Thanks again.
Hydraulic pump seal question please. - Stuartli
I think you've asked this question before!

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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
Hydraulic pump seal question please. - L'escargot
Try Pearson Hydraulics Ltd, Lincoln ~ tinyurl.com/3dq7s5
Hydraulic pump seal question please. - defender
also any bearing company would probably stock seals ,also worth trying your local agricultural machinery dealer or a jcb dealer ,as already said seals are sold mainly by size
Connecting a washing machine waste pipe. - M.M
Only ever used or fitted washing machines with a hook-over pipe into an open standpipe. I now have to re-fit a 10yr old machine into a new house where there is just a spigot under the sink. Not only is it near impossible to get the end of the u-shaped outlet in position at the spigot but I'm worried the old machine might need a standpipe for some operational reason.

Any thoughts.

Connecting a washing machine waste pipe. - normd2
the spigot is for a soft rubber nozzle type ending on new washing machines. You could remove it and make up a new 'stand-pipe' type of fitting with suitable bits from a diy store. As you suspect the machine may need the outlet to be higher than the water level in the machine to prevent a siphoning effect.
Connecting a washing machine waste pipe. - billy25
i did exactly this last month! - connected the grey-ridged outlet pipe (had to add another length to give me some spare to play with) from the washer directly into a blanked spiggot, sink-side of the u-bend under the sink, (removed blank first!).
to prevent the "siphon effect" i simply looped the outlet pipe in largish "n" shape as high as i could get it under the sink-unit, and fastened it securely.
machine works and empties ok, no back-filling when the sink is emptying when machine is empty, or working at same time.

CD System recommendations? - nick
I'm after a small CD player, either all-in-one with speakers or small separates. It's to go in a smallish sitting room and I'll play mainly rock and heavy metal and occasional classical stuff. DAB radio might be nice. I'm after good build quality and the best sound possible out of something small. I'm not too worried about the price. There's so much out there, the prices vary so much and according to the blurb they're all wonderful so has anyone any personal recommendations please?

Thanks in advance.
CD System recommendations? - bell boy
bought the wife a £100 sony setup for xmas and to be honest she mainly plays crashing crescendos of classic fm and it copes admirably
if you want the best then it has to be the denon as always recommended by the hi fi mags plus some speakers that can play rock hard
i would forget the dab if its anything like the digital radio on my freeview sets one of which was a top of the range sony ,you can feel the quality but it doesnt seem to have the width of proper fm
CD System recommendations? - Stuartli
DAB and "digital radio on my freeview sets" are two different animals.

If you want to know about DAB quality - or otherwise - see:


You'll also find that Freeview radio is often of much higher quality transmission wise:


Too much compression ruins many stations' output...:-)
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
CD System recommendations? - local yokel
We have an Onkyo CR515 DAB bought from Richer Sounds. I like it, and SWMBO who is not very good with gadgets also finds it easy to use.
CD System recommendations? - normd2
forget CDs - go for a quality docking station and an ipod or top end mp3 IMHO
CD System recommendations? - Stuartli
My youngest offspring bought a Cambridge CD player from Richer Sounds. Not sure which model, but here's one example:


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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
CD System recommendations? - nick
forget CDs - go for a quality docking station and an ipod or top end
mp3 IMHO

Isn't mp3 quality well below that of cds?
CD System recommendations? - normd2
it's for a smallish sitting room not the Albert hall....
CD System recommendations? - geoff1248
Agree with normd2 use your PC to convert the CDs to MP3 format and buy an MP3 player. Team it up with a Bose docking station and I very much doubt you will be able to rell the difference in quality between the CD and MP3 format. This is especially true if you are listening to rock and heavy metal where the nuances of the flute are not really of great importance!
CD System recommendations? - Baskerville
Better still, instead of the MP3 player and a sounddock, buy a Denon mini system and a squeezebox. That way you get to play CDs as needed, but can rip them at your leisure:

CD System recommendations? - nick
This is especially true if you are listening to rock and heavy metal
where the nuances of the flute are not really of great importance!

The nuances of the lead guitar are though!
CD System recommendations? - Robin
They are if you like Jethro Tull!
CD System recommendations? - Altea Ego
Exactly - thick as a brick some people.
TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >
CD System recommendations? - geoff1248
I don't recall Jethro being particularly light fingered but at my age I am just living with the past.....
CD System recommendations? - bell boy
you would have to be "thick as a brick" not to like ole jeth ;-)
CD System recommendations? - Pugugly {P}
Teac Reference system. DAB radio, CD/MP3 Deck plenty of scope for upgrade. Even the stock speakers are good.
CD System recommendations? - nick
Thanks for all the replies, lots of food for thought. I do like Jethro Tull btw, especially 'Aqualung'. Saw them in 1977 or 1978 at Manchester Apollo, I'm amazed they still tour from time to time.
What does this mean? - PoloGirl
I've had a letter from the solicitor handling the purchase of my flat, asking me to make an appointment to go in and go through the paperwork.

First question, why write to me asking me to make an appointment? Why not just ring me to make said appointment (don't know when I'm supposed to go as he only works 9-5 and only three days a week - some people don't know the meaning of service).

Second question, does this mean I might get to move some time soon? Is this the light at the end of a five month tunnel?

What does this mean? - Stuartli
He would be appearing to make it easier for you to make an appointment that suits your lifestyle.

It would seem to also be a case of the light appearing at the end of the tunnel..:-)
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
What does this mean? - AlastairW
Working in a service industry, I seem to spend 90% of my working day leaving voicemail or answerphone messages for clients, only for these to go unheeded. The client then winges that I never tell him anything, so perhaps your solicitor is a. making sure you get the message and b. making sure he has a written record of telling you.
What does this mean? - Martin Devon
Wonder how much the letter has cost you. Anyone recomend a good Solicitor in North Devon?

What does this mean? - deepwith
Martin, Can give you one to avoid if you email me! D
What does this mean? - L'escargot
First question why write to me asking me to make an appointment? Why not just
ring me to make said appointment

A lot of time can be wasted ringing people who turn out to be unavailable at the time of the call. A letter avoids this. I conducted my last house move largely by email ~ are you doing this?
What does this mean? - Altea Ego
>he only works 9-5 and only three days a week

What happens if the other parties wish to exchange contracts on the day he aint working?
TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >
What does this mean? - Xileno {P}
Solicitors' Privilege - they have to wait.
Whereabouts of a Company - Xileno {P}
I am trying to find out whether a particular Company is still trading. I went on to the Companies House website and entered their name. Amongst the information returned I got this:

Accounting Reference Date: 31/03
Last Accounts Made Up To: 31/03/2005 (SMALL)
Next Accounts Due: 31/01/2007 OVERDUE
Last Return Made Up To: 26/04/2006
Next Return Due: 24/05/2007 OVERDUE

Is it reasonable to assume that the Company is no longer trading?
Whereabouts of a Company - bell boy
not in my opinion
have you checked via the ratings office if they are still registered as the rates payers?
Whereabouts of a Company - Altea Ego
Not always, - whats the status field say?
TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >
Whereabouts of a Company - Xileno {P}
Status: Active - Proposal to Strike off

What does that mean??
Whereabouts of a Company - Altea Ego
I dont know for sure, but *suspect* someone official wants to wind them up becuase they have not filed accounts.

Why they havent filed accounts is another question.
TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >
Whereabouts of a Company - Xileno {P}
Many thanks for that info.