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now i need a new car - nick1975
Finally sold my 3 series tonight

So 1 year after muting the idea i now need to buy a small car.

I need a small car because it only goes 2 miles to the station and back and it needs to fit in my small garage

so i'm thinking £5-6k on a new or newish panda, colt, yaris, c1, 107, aygo, micra, picanto etc etc

best prices/vendors appreciated

other option is to go for a sub £1000 (small) banger and hope for the best

all advice warmly recieved
now i need a new car - Pugugly {P}

Built like a tank, not popular with punters who all flock to Toyotas, Hondas and Nissans. A car I got very close to a few years ago when we had one as an Office hack.
now i need a new car - bell boy
but who would feed it at lunch time?
now i need a new car - DP
For 2 miles and back a day, I wouldn't spend any more than I absolutely had to. It's going to do the car no good at all. MY brother in law's mum has an Astra which does something similar, and the top end of the engine is sludged up and rattling like a tin can at just 25,000 miles. This car literally never gets warm.

Buy an old Fiesta or something. Should be reliable if it's been looked after, and if the short runs take their toll, you're only a grand (or less) out of pocket, or can stick another (good secondhand) engine in it for peanuts.

now i need a new car - Lud
My very thought DP. £250 ought to be more than enough.
now i need a new car - Hugo {P}
Old diesel 205 or similar
now i need a new car - Aprilia
Pair of training shoes? - £5 off the market?
now i need a new car - spikeyhead {p}
I'd go for a bicycle.

Put some money into a mini-cab fund for when its raining, even one cab a week will still be less than the cost of running a car for four miles a day.

Spend the rest on a Sunday car, MX5, old Merc, whatever takes your fancy and have some fun with it.
I read often, only post occasionally
now i need a new car - madf
From deep personal experience any petrol car is destroyed by that kind of motoring.

But a diesl will lap it up...

Personally tho', not worth more than the bus fare for a year... so bangeromics...

Or buy a 7 year old Yaris 1.0 with 30k miles.. lots around

now i need a new car - local yokel
Pug 205 diesel - about £800 even now, but it will last forever.
now i need a new car - nick1975
Thanks for the advice

Bit more info

It?s for my wife, mostly to drive to the Station and back, but also local trips. Really need a car as the road there is not well lit, or has a path. She is often coming back late, after midnight etc very tired etc, so scooters, buses, bikes and walking are out

We don?t have kids yet but would like to, in the next year or so

So the car would then be a pure run-a-round for mum and jnr

Of course could get something for the next yr then something else but not sure I can be bothered

We have a Focus Estate, which is great and I have no intention of changing soon

In this evenings paper there is a M reg 106 for £400 and a P plate Corsa for £675 , in the local shop there is an ad for a Y reg Micra for £2k

Also any tips on finding bangers on AT. When I restrict the price I just get loads of lease/monthly costs at £75 a month etc, not cars for £500?

Any advice on places to buy in Harpenden/St Albans?

