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I Have a Question - Volume 130 - Dynamic Dave

***** This thread is now closed, please CLICK HERE to go to Volume 131 *****

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ANTS and how to stop them - Round The Bend
Although not overwhelmed, we have a lot of ants coming into our kitchen at the moment. Nippon liquid does n't seem to be making much difference and we don't want to dust down with powder as (a) not suitable for the kitchen and (b) don't want chalky marks on the outside walls (we're selling the house).

Do any of you know of any suitable products?
ANTS and how to stop them - Armitage Shanks {p}
If you can find exactly where they are making their entrance a bit of boiling water tends to slow them down nicely!
ANTS and how to stop them - Dynamic Dave
I've always found "Ant Stop! Bait Station" effective. Can get it from wilko's (Wilkinson stores) for around £3 for two.


::edit:: link to Ant Stop! website

Don't mistake it for a similar product they sell as it's not as effective - ie, the less effective one has 2 white containers and you have to put the nippon liquid in yourself.

The above mentioned one has black containers and already has the liquid (fipronil, I beleive) in the device and you just snap off the lugs on the side before use.
ANTS and how to stop them - expat
I am in Australia and we get this problem every year. The best thing is if you can follow them back to their nest and then poison it. Usually the trail vanishes behind a skirting board and you cannot find the nest. In that case bait is the thing. We have some which is a syruppy liquid. I put some into a jam jar lid and leave it in the middle of the ant trail. Once they get into it they take it back to the nest and that finishes the whole lot off. It doesn't work straight off, in fact at first it brings a lot more ants however that is what you want because it is poisoning a lot more. After a day or so they stop coming. Just make sure the bait is left where children and pets can't get at it.
ANTS and how to stop them - keo-the-dog
Place an un cut lemon in the way that they walk they will disappear. roll the lemon between your hands first squeezing gently but dont break the skin. It works i dont know why but it does...cheers...Keo.
ANTS and how to stop them - L'escargot
Although not overwhelmed, we have a lot of ants coming into
our kitchen at the moment. Nippon liquid does n't seem to
be making much difference

Nippon liquid has always been 100% successful for me. It takes a while to kill the whole nest (or all the nearby nests) so are you giving up too soon? I put it onto glass slips (but I expect anything flat and impervious would do ~ small sheets of metal for instance) placed up against the skirting board. Keep renewing the liquid for as long as is necessary. It should work eventually.
New Zealand credit cards and Paypal - Chicken Vindaloo
I'm running a website which allows people to subscribe via Paypal. A chap from New Zealand wants to sign up but says that he hasn't got the three digit verification code on his credit card which Paypal needs for sign up.

I realise that he may not be able to create an account using Paypal.co.uk (as that apparently only recognises UK-based cards and bank accounts), but having just signed up at Paypal.com, I see that they too ask for the three digit code despite me using a New Zealand address.

If there are any New Zealanders out there, could you have a look at the back of your credit card to see if there's a three digit code there please?

Many thanks,
New Zealand credit cards and Paypal - artful dodger {P}

I am not a New Zealander, but why does he not email PayPal at .com with his query. They usually reply within a few hours, definitely 24 hours. The answer should be clear and concise.

I am not totally up to date with all PayPal sites but there may now be a NZ site which he should use to register, then he can make any payments from this account to yours.

I read frequently, but only post when I have something useful to say.
New Zealand credit cards and Paypal - Chicken Vindaloo
Thanks Roger - I'll suggest that to him.
New Zealand credit cards and Paypal - Dalglish
could you have a look at the back of your credit card to see
if there's a three digit code there please?


your chappie from new-zealand maybe telling some fibs.
go to www.google.co.nz
search "credit card 3 digit security number back of card" and see for yourself.
"Before we can proceed to the next (secure) screen we need your 3 digit PIN/Security Number "

New Zealand credit cards and Paypal - Chicken Vindaloo
Interesting - he may well be being slightly economical with the truth then!

Many thanks for looking those sites up.

Child Trust Funds - daveyjp
Following the birth of our daughter on Easter Sunday we are expecting Mr Brown's cheque for £250 to drop through the letter box any day soon.

I have done loads of searching on the net and we received plenty of leaflets when she was born and most of the accounts appear to be the same. A straight forward interest bearing account, or a stock market investment fund. There are a huge number of providers, but a lot of them use the same fund provider and providers are merely resellers.

Does anyone have any experience of these? Are they the best option for long term saving for children or are there better options? One of my concerns is as they are Government backed and a change in Government could see them disappearing. The limit on contributions may also be a problem - has the £1200 p.a figure increased since they were introduced 4 years ago?

Any advice appreciated.

Child Trust Funds - Happy Blue!
We have two children with the Children's Trust Funds. They are invested in the stock market via the Tunbridge Wells Friendly Society. (they have a different trading name).

I can also recommend Healthy Investment (www.healthyinvestment.co.uk) who do the same thing. We top up the trust fund each month by direct debit and hopefully will have built up enough money so that by they are 18, there is a reasonable sum for University fees etc.
Espada III - well if you have a family and need a Lamborghini, what else do you drive?
Camping Gaz in France - johnny
I've just bought a Gaz camping stove which runs off either 904 / 907 Gaz Butane. I'm trying to travel as light as possible, so would ideally buy gas when I'd reached my destination. I assume you can pick this up at most French petrol stations, but do you have to buy the refillable cannister if you haven't an empty one to exchange? Or just a big deposit?
Camping Gaz in France - Gromit {P}
It seems you have to buy a new cylinder or bring one with you. They are not given out on deposit - see the Camping Gaz FAQ at www.campingaz.com/sunbeam/any_question/index.asp

I've also read in the sailing press that the fitting on camping gaz appliances bought in the UK does not necessarily fit cylinders supplied in Europe - it appears to be a recurring problem among boaters. Might be worth checking this with your local supplier before you decide what to do.
Camping Gaz in France - Mapmaker
Be certain that you can take them in the tunnel, if you're crossing that way.
Camping Gaz in France - PhilW
Not seen Camping gaz at filling stations in France - but they are at many/most supermarkets. You may be able to buy the equivalent Totalgaz or something similar at filling stations. Doubt also whether you would get one by paying a deposit - you would have to buy the cylinder then get refills when required (they last well - we never even use one 907 in a month or more in caravan in France - but then I suppose we don't do masses of cooking)
Not come across the problem Gromit raises - as far as I know camping gaz fittings are same across Europe (certainly as far as Greece!) - suspect the problems referred to are the differences between Calor Gas and camping gaz fittings.
I do have a spare 907 if it is any use to you - I'm sure we could agree a price! but I'm in Leics and the cost of postage would make it a no-no - would need to collect. Enjoy your driving in France - I certainly do!!

Shared housing + bills - David Horn
Bit of an issue in our shared house with the electricity bill at the moment. For the last quarter each person's share is about 50 pounds, which is fine. However, one person in the house has said that he won't have the money until he gets paid on the 25th (I suspect because he came home the other day with bulging bags of new clothes.)

The bill arrived a week ago, is in my name, and if it isn't paid more or less by the end of this week they'll send out a warning. This guy wants to write me a post-dated cheque and have me pay his share of the bill beforehand.

What would you do in this situation? Normally I wouldn't be bothered but if he had the money (and I told him a week ago how much his share was) and has spent it at the weekend, I'm not impressed.


Shared housing + bills - Pugugly {P}
neither would I sounds like a try-on. Have you got a written agreement. Threaten to change the name on the Bill to his. Either that or E_bay his clothes. (joke)
Shared housing + bills - geoff1248
Take his share out of the deposit he would have given you before he moved in. Unless of course.....
Shared housing + bills - PhilW
"This guy wants to write me a post-dated cheque and have me pay his share of the bill beforehand."

Perhaps you could suggest to him that you are not his bank, but that if he wishes you to act as his bank and allow him an unauthorised overdraft with you, that you will charge him like a bank - £30 fee and interest at 10% (or more) He might quickly find the money .....suppose it depends whether he is a "friend" or just a house sharer. Either way he is breaking his contract and deserves a warning. Bet if he was going out clubbing on Saturday or the next Saturday he would suddenly have £50 available!! How about giving him a direct debit form to fill in for the future??
Shared housing + bills - Hugo {P}
He wants you to bankroll him.

He needs to grow up and take some responsibility for his actions, and learn to pay his way.

Unfortunately for you your name is on the bill and you are therefore responsible.

You could ask the utility to give you more time to come up with his share, if you pay the rest on time. Don't tell him you're doing this. Keep the pressure on him.

I have been a landlord to several lodgers over the years whilst I studies at Leicester Poly then Loughborough Uni. There is a definite divide between those who take full responsibility for paying their way and those who think the Landlord can bankroll them on a regular basis.

Those who fell into the second category did get the riot act read to them a few times. They either shaped up or moved out of their own accord. I simply could not afford to take the easy option with these fools.

Shared housing + bills - Pugugly {P}
Remember it's your Credit Rating he's messing with and not his..
Shared housing + bills - David Horn
Just had a longish chat with him, he of his own accord suggested I give Scottish Power a ring tomorrow and ask them for a bit longer to pay the bill. I gather it's something he's got quite a lot of experience with.

Apparently it's mostly my fault for not giving him three weeks notice on the bill, and how is he supposed to know that an electricity bill might be turning up? Honestly - his words! I pointed out to him that bills do in fact come on a quarterly basis and that it's not difficult to work out when the next one's due, and have some money put aside for it.

Anyway, we'll see what ScottishPower say on the phone tomorrow. If they're prepared to wait a couple of weeks, I'll take the post-dated cheque. If not, then I'll visit the estate agent and try to get the details he filed with them in case he doesn't pay his debts.

It's just a PITA because I took on the bill as a favour to other people in the house and don't appreciate the extra hassle, particularly when I have exams over the next fortnight.

Thanks everyone for your advice.
Shared housing + bills - Mapmaker
>don't need extra hassle with exams


Just pay it. And wait for the cash to come in. and don't share with him next year. Really not worth the hassle of negotiating with the electricity company.
Shared housing + bills - Mapmaker
Oh yes, and either the bill goes into his name for the future, or else he pays you £20 up front each month for the electricity.

Or do as PU says and eBay the clothes...
Shared housing + bills - sierraman
Hate to be an old cynic but,in my younger days,I found being Mr.responsible for a household means the slackers take advantage and carp on your head.As suggested a monthly,or even weekly,(depends how he is paid)advance payment is the best option.
Shared housing + bills - Group B
Can't you split the bill 3 ways so he is indebted to the others in the house too, not just you? And he will get 3 times he grief if he's slow in paying. When the next bill arrives, stick it on the wall in a prominent place so he knows the amount and can't complain about 'notice' next time..
Shared housing + bills - commerdriver
Oldest son is in similar position with one of his housemates at the moment. Get the others involved so that the grief is at least shared and take his cheque this time but in future get the money up front until you can change housemates, I guess for next year.
Shared housing + bills - cub leader
Just pay it, if you want to avoid the hassle during your exams it is not worth stressing out over the bill. It is your credit rating that is on the line. We had our gas bill get right through to a disconnection threat despite nagging from 2 of us and i have had to pay it or else get cut off! Just learn from it like other people say dont live with the irresponsible person next year. He will find when he does eventually live on his own that bills need paid, be thankful uve learnt this sooner than most!
Temporarily not a student, where did the time go???
Shared housing bills - L'escargot
I know it won't help your immediate predicament, but for the future I suggest that you estimate your yearly bills (based on the recent past) and ask for monthly payments in advance. It's much less painful that way for everyone. Settle up at the end of every 12 months.
Shared housing bills - David Horn
Well, still haven't got the money and he's still avoiding me. I'm not keen on ringing the power company and asking them to wait since it's his fault. Will get his parent's address from the estate agent and ring them, I think.

Had a closer glance at the bill and it's actually an estimate, and having been down and looked at the meters it's way out. (People in this house are worried about freezing to death in their sleep and ran the heating 24 hrs/day over the end of winter.)

Electricity company won't add names on to the bill over the phone - just change them. Forgot to ask them this but should I ring them and ask them to change it to "The Occupier"?
Shared housing bills - defender
the simple thing to do is wait till the 25th when you get his money to pay the electric co .they are not going to be upset about this unless the bill is a reminder ,it wont affect your credit rating,the simple thing to do in a shared house is to have a card meter installed then you pay as you use it
Cricket Test Match Tickets - Brill {P}
Haven't been around much lately, hope all is well in the HJ fraternity.

I'm not familiar with ticketing for Test Matches but would like to take my son, so looked on the Lord's website.

It says:
"A very limited number of tickets will be available for the first four days of the npower Test match starting on 11th May. For the latest ticket availability, please call the Ticket Office on 020 7432 1000 after 5.30pm on the day preceeding the day you wish to attend."

So you can only buy tickets the evening before you go?

Plus I don't understand what this means:
"A very limited number of tickets will be available". Is that because they are all previously sold elsewhere?

If I can get in, where should we sit, is there a choice of stand?

Cricket Test Match Tickets - helicopter
I hope you can get in Brill.

Give them a ring and ask what the chances are.

When I used to go to Test Matches the tickets were being sold to sponsors members like me in the preceding November, ie 6 months or so ago so you are a bit late off the mark.

That said its Sri Lanka we're talking about here so not quite the same demand possibly as for Australia.

The best place to sit is behind the bowlers arm but at Lords anywhere will give you a good view of the action. The Mound Stand or somewhere near the Tavern is good.You used to be able to sit on the grass behind the rope....

Through my contacts with the sponsors I attended two one day World cup finals at Lords and have actually held the original cricket world cup trophy and visited the press box watching the action and the BBC ( at that time) commentary team.I also attended the after match dinner when the trophy was presented and have met many cricket playing legends...happy days.
Cricket Test Match Tickets - Stuartli
A day out at Lords in one of the hospitality suites is a fantastic experience as helicopter makes clear - even SWMBO thoroughly enjoyed herself.
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
Cricket Test Match Tickets - Brill {P}
Thanks for the info heli. The only test match I attended was about 20 years ago when (I think) Gordon Greenwich (sp?) scored a double-century, batting all day and thus depriving us of seeing Viv Richards bat.

Re. "you're a bit late off the mark", it seems I couldn't buy tickets sooner than the evening before the following day (or have I missunderstood?).

Seems sad if a bloke can't take his kid unless his company sponsors Flintoff's box.
Cricket Test Match Tickets - Stuartli
>>Seems sad if a bloke can't take his kid unless his company sponsors Flintoff's box.>>

Thoroughly agree.

However money is the name of the game these days in all major sports...:-(
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
Cricket Test Match Tickets - adverse camber
"Re. "you're a bit late off the mark", it seems I couldn't buy tickets sooner than the evening before the following day (or have I missunderstood?)."

Sounds like they are only offering returns. There are probably tickets to be had through agencies, bring a large wallet.
Cricket Test Match Tickets - helicopter

Mark is correct, probably returns only now but you could be lucky and also try the agencies, you never know.

Ref the hospitality , yes its very nice to be pampered with private boxes , wine , port and dinner with the players once in a while but my first real date with SWMBO was to take her to the Oval to see a Test Match and it was a cold and draughty bench watching boring Boycott edging towards a century.I'm talking early 1970's here.

That takes dedication.

Cricket Test Match Tickets - helicopter
Brill - see the attached link , it seems like you could be lucky.

Cricket Test Match Tickets - PhilW
Peitersen in full flow tomorrow and Flintoff to come, not bad - hope you get there!

Cricket Test Match Tickets - AlastairW
The last time I watched a Test live was at Edgbaston in the 80's. Didn't need to book, just turned up and paid. Gatting's England got beaten by India, iirc.
Cricket Test Match Tickets - Stuartli
>>That takes dedication.>>

On your part or Boycott...:-)
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
Cricket Test Match Tickets - helicopter
I actually meant the dedication from SWMBO - She is not a great cricket lover....and Boycott with his head down was not a pretty sight.

Anyway I hope Brill gets in with his son - I noticed there were a few empty seats yesterday.

I must admit was very sorely tempted after watching the team in splendid action on TV last night to take today off and disappear up to Lords myself.
Cricket Test Match Tickets - Round The Bend
I have a great day at Lords yesterday. If you want to attend the first few days it needs early planning to get the tickets but well worthwhile. Applied for my tickets as long ago as last December.

Best way is to email Lords September and ask them to mail you the following year's ticket brochure. This comes around November with application forms. These applications are allocated first and, if oversubscribed, entered into a ballot.

Alternatives are to get pally with an MCC member or chance it with the touts at St John's Wood tube station.

Looking forward to ist day vs Pakistan in July. Hope the weather is as good as yesterday!!

Cricket Test Match Tickets - helicopter
I'm envious RTB - I see today was just as good , we've declared on 551 for 6...... I can't really see England losing.

Lords have still got 1000 tickets or sa available for earlbirds tomorrow at the ground and loads for Sunday.
Cricket Test Match Tickets - hjd
To get tickets for future matches this season then you can join the England Cricket Supporters Club for £45. We did this in Feb, and that entitled us to free Sky Sports for a year (as new Sky subscribers) - you pay for the basic Sky package. We then got application forms for cricket matches this summer - and managed to get first choice of the Oval in Aug (v Pakistan) plus the Twenty20 international at Bristol on Aug Bank Holiday Monday (again first choice). Website says tickets are still available for those joining up to 12 June 2006.
Correct spelling of place names - L'escargot
Who is the definitive authority on the correct spelling of place names in the UK?
Correct spelling of place names - Dalglish
definitive authority on the correct spelling of place names


i can definitely say i am not the definitive authority on this matter but in my dishonest opinion there is no definitive authority.

however, ordnance survey and the post office combined with the local authority are probably the three best sources.

see www.abcounties.co.uk/newgaz/section1.htm
and www.abcounties.co.uk/newgaz/section2.htm

Correct spelling of place names - Altea Ego
Place names constantly change, albeit slowly. One example is Basildon which has changed to asharpintakeofbreath, sometimes know in other circles as alookofsympathy

TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >
Correct spelling of place names - Altea Ego
And of course - How can I forget the renaming of Basingstoke to Booringstoke....
TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >
Correct spelling of place names - Happy Blue!
Borehamwood to Boringwood?
Espada III - well if you have a family and need a Lamborghini, what else do you drive?
Correct spelling of place names - L'escargot
see www.abcounties.co.uk/newgaz/section1.htm
and www.abcounties.co.uk/newgaz/section2.htm

Thanks Dalglish. The above website confirms my contention that there is no s on the end of the full version our village's name.
Payment for scuba diving in Tunisia - touristboy

I need to pay for some scuba diving I am going to be doing in tunisia but am paying before I go.

he wants me to wire/transfer the money to the dive club account in tunisia.

What details do I need? How do I do it? Is it secure?

Hope someone can advise.


Paul :-)

{subject header re-titled, and moved to correct place in the thread, as per the "PLEASE NOTE" message at the top of this thread - DD}
Payment for scuba diving in Tunisia - helicopter
I hope you enjoy your holiday - Tunisia is nice , particularly Hammamet and Sidi bu Said and the ruins of Carthage are worth a visit.

If you can , pay by credit card when you are there because that will give you a measure of protection.

If CC not possible ,you need to get the full details of the scuba divers company bank name and address , account number, phone fax and contact details and give a written instruction to your bank to transfer the money accordingly.

Be warned - the banks are VERY picky and will check out any transfers of money for evidence of laundering or drug payments so you may have your work cut out.

Best advice is to go to your bank in person and ask. You should take proof of identity, copy invoice from dive school etc.
Payment for scuba diving in Tunisia - Citroënian {P}
The bank will also try and fleece you with charges. Have a good dig around their website and make sure you find the best transfer option - and make sure the cashier knows which one you want, and uses it..

Lee -- You don't sell the steak, you sell the sizzle
Milan airports query - keo-the-dog
Hi wondering if anyone can tell me how far it is between Milan Linate airport and Milan Malpensa and how easy is it to get from one to the other...cheers...Keo.
Milan airports query - smokie
Mappy says it's 38.7 miles in 48 minutes.


Looks like mostly motorway
Milan airports query - Number_Cruncher
I don't know about Linate, but getting to and from Malpensa is quite easy. The only thing to watch out for is rush hour traffic - I encountered chaos in the free for all just after a pay station in rush hour traffic on my way back from Milan towards Malpensa.

Milan airports query - barchettaman
There is a coach service between the two airports. Check at the info desk when you arrive.
Traffic on the route gets a bit trappy. Leave plenty of time between your connections.
A coach is called ´pullman´ in Italian.
Milan airports query - Dynamic Dave
Mappy says it's 38.7 miles in 48 minutes.

Votre session a expiré

Veuillez rafraîchir la page
Milan airports query - keo-the-dog
I should be ok I think, I have 3 1/2 hour slot to transfer between the two airports to continue a journey. I would imagine the airline would arrange transfer as it is an onward flight but will obviously check on this as baggage handling, transfer and check-in at malpensa could very easily use 3 1/2 hours...cheers...Keo.
Milan airports query - barchettaman
from the Malpensa website:

Linate Airport Shuttle: There are 11 services daily between Milan's Malpensa and Linate airports. First bus departs Malpensa 07.50; last bus departs 00.25.

Fare: EUR 8.00.
Moving to Saudi/Bahrain - mrmender
Hello Back Roomers
As some of you know i work in Sudan on a 28/28 day work/leave rotation
I have just been offered more money to go and work in Saudi BUT as batchelor status accom will be provided & 70 days holiday with 3 paid flights to UK p/a
Where i will be working i will be 20km from Bahrain, even the company who i,m thinking of going with (A Saudi company) says i'd be better off living there (at my own expense), as my wife can visit me more easily no visas etc
Any coments and advice from anybody who's worked/lived in Saudi/Bahrain would be appreciated
Moving to Saudi/Bahrain - helicopter
We really need Growler our Far East Correspondent to respond to this but I believe you are going to be MUCH better off living in Bahrain.

Much less strict religious police and less hassle altogether for you and your wife when she visits.
Moving to Saudi/Bahrain - adverse camber
My father used to work for Aramco in abqaiq. He packed in a few years ago. Bahrain is much easier/more pleasant to live in.

I remember that there were times when the causeway had problems with police checks slowing things down, so the journey wasnt as easy as you might expect.

One of the reasons he left was that he felt increasingly uncomfortable with the general atmosphere and security. But of course there had been the various arrests of UK nationals on trumped up charges, torture of same, bombs at abqaiq, etc.
He had a house on the compound but had friends in various places dahran/bahrain/etc. There is a fair amount of unrest, not just from the islamic radicals but also with various people unhappy with the house of saud. There were various crackdowns that caused problems. Eastern province was always regarded as being easier than the western side of the country.

But then again I doubt if Sudan is exactly a bed of roses.

Who owns which side boundary, and hedge - L'escargot
After 30 months of not speaking to me my neighbour on my left (looking from the road) has started being unpleasant (again!) over how I cut the privet hedge between us. In the absence of any evidence to the contrary I assume that both the boundary and the actual hedge on the left (looking from the road) are mine. When I bought the property the vendors wrote ?don?t know? regarding ownership of all the boundaries in the ?enquiries before contract?, but the two neighbours to my right both say that their side boundary is on the left of their property. Judging by the diameter of the trunks at ground level the hedge is approximately 60 to 70 years old (possibly more), and I assume that originally it was the left-hand boundary of the property on my right ~ looking from the road. The owners of that property (who have long since moved) sold off the left-hand part of their garden many decades ago and it remained as an unkempt overgrown building plot until the vendors of my property bought it and built on it 10 years ago. When I moved in 3 years ago the hedge was about 3.5 m high and very wide. Shortly after I moved in I cut it down (as far across as I could reach) to a height of 2 m. I politely asked my left-hand neighbour if he would cut the hedge to the same height from his side. He refused point-blank and at the same time forbade me from going onto his land and said he didn?t want to speak to me ever again. (If only he had kept to his promise!) Apparently, for reasons best known only to him, he wanted the hedge to be as high as possible. (By the way, we have a bungalow so it?s not as if we could peer at him from an upstairs window.) I did the only thing I could which was to reduce the width from our side until I could reach all the way across, and I then cut the whole hedge 2 m high. After I?d done this, alongside one section of the hedge about 3 m long, my neighbour constructed a goal shaped structure out of scaffolding poles and concreted this into the ground right up to the hedge, and fastened to it a length of industrial type wire mesh fencing. It appears that his intention was to stop me cutting the hedge any lower then 2 m high over that 3 m length. Now, of course, the hedge has grown through the wire mesh. When I was cutting the hedge this morning he came out and said that I was not to lean over the top and cut any of the foliage that had grown through the mesh because this foliage was his! Previously I had cut it at an angle downwards. After much huffing and puffing and threats of violence his final word was that I had not heard the last of the matter and that I would be getting a letter from his solicitor.

Now for the questions.

(1) Based on what I?ve told you, have I made a reasonable assumption that both the boundary and the hedge on the left is mine? Is it customary for the side boundary that you own to be the one on the left?
(2) Assuming that the hedge is indeed mine, does my neighbour have any right to claim that the foliage that has grown through his wire mesh now belongs to him? (I can?t think of any logic that says it does.)

I would be grateful for any comments. If there is anything that is not clear I will be happy to explain further.

If only we didn?t have to have neighbours!

Who owns which side boundary, and hedge - Pugugly {P}
I'm still getting my head around the boundary issue - but worth having a look at Part 8, Section 65 Anti Social Behaviour Act 2003....it's all about high hedges and making their cultivation above 2 meters (IIRC) an offence (criminal) when it causes a nuisance.
Who owns which side boundary, and hedge - Pugugly {P}
You mention the roots and the chain link fence. Are the roots on your side of the chain link fence ?
Who owns which side boundary, and hedge - L'escargot
You mention the roots and the chain link fence. Are the
roots on your side of the chain link fence ?

Yes. My neighbour constructed the chain link fence just touching the foliage (as it was at the time) on his side. I don't think that he was attempting to define where he thought the boundary line was. It was purely to stop me further reducing the height, based on the knowledge that my hedge trimmers would be no match for the top horizontal scaffolding pole of his "fence".

Thinking again about what he said, he doesn't deny me the right to cut the side of the hedge on my side, and the top of the hedge to the same height as his steel "fence", but he seems to be of the opinion that the side face of the hedge on his side belongs to him. I think he wants to limit the extent to which I can trim the width of the hedge. Because the hedge was not regularly trimmed in it's early life it's not very dense now I've reduced the width and consists largely of long vertical trunks with a small amount of foliage. What I don't want is to end up with the width so great that I can no longer cut the top all the way across.

I'm coming to the opinion that the best solution would be to present him with a fait accompli by taking the initiative and having the hedge removed completely and a fence erected. I would just have to assume that the hedge is planted exactly on the boundary line. In the unlikely (IMHO) event that he can prove the hedge is his, what could he do after the event?
Who owns which side boundary, and hedge - henry k
try Google with a boundaries hedges search throws up a few items.
Who owns which side boundary, and hedge - PhilW
I'm no expert - so pinch of salt required? However, the boundary to the left of me is my neighbours, mine is on the right so left boundary is not necessrily the rule - does it not say something on your deeds? Or the land registry? Are there any old fence posts? If it is your boundary, the supports are usually your side. I also think that if foliage from another's boundary comes to your side you can do with it as you wish as long as you return the bits to the owner (but open to correction)
I sympathise. On our left boundary (ie next door's responsibility) we have a cupressus hedge our side of the boundary. I'm not a lover of these cupressus, but I have controlled it, cut it and kept it neat and tidy and a nice 3 m high. This suited us and previous neighbours and every year I would go round, say that it was hedge trimming time and do the job and I would cart away the trimmings. Next door usually helped and afterwards we would have few beers, supplied by me. Latest neighbours wouldn't let me (You ain't coming in my garden was one of the politer thingshe said before refusing to speak to me 10 years ago - he kept his word) so on his side it got overgrown until he cut it back to the brown wood, which doesn't regrow. We still have a nice tidy, green and none see through boundary - he has an ugly, hacked, brown monstrosity - but its on my land - his fault. Have never understood why he adopted this attitude - I would have done it and shared a few beers with him. Some people are just bloomin' objectionable.
Who owns which side boundary, and hedge - Altea Ego
It is common practise, but not law, that the boundry on the left is yours - (mine is). The main drawback is that most deeds have been so badly copied, drawn and maintained that no-one knows.

*If* it is your boundry - you can cut it and maintain it as you like (as long as you dont create a nuisance or contravene any planning laws or covenants), but the clippings are yours. (even if they fall in the other garden)

I doubt you will see the letter from his solicitor.

TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >
Who owns which side boundary, and hedge - L'escargot
boundary to the left of me is my neighbours, mine is
on the right so left boundary is not necessrily the rule
- does it not say something on your deeds? Or the
land registry? Are there any old fence posts?

There is nothing physical apart from the hedge. Because my bungalow is relatively new (10 years) there are no "deeds" such as used to exist with older property. All there is is the Land Registry "Title Register" and "Title Plan". Because it was never properly updated the Title Plan doesn't even show the building, merely the outline of the plot.
Who owns which side boundary, and hedge - mare
ask over at www.gardenlaw.co.uk

Warning: this site has some very very sad and small minded posters. That said, you should get some constructive advice there, as your query is very much its bag.
Who owns which side boundary, and hedge - Pezzer
Is it possible to get a look at your neighbour's deeds through the land registry, local planning office or somewhere?
If I have read this correctly his property preceeds yours and would have the original boundary - this might give you the answer!

Good Luck, I understand the problem, but luckily my neighbours are very happy for SWMBO to cut down their trees - apparently it keeps the sun off her washing line.... I kid you not !

Who owns which side boundary, and hedge - L'escargot
Is it possible to get a look at your neighbour's deeds
through the land registry ....

Good thinking Pezzer. I would guess his property is of a similar age to the hedge. I'll get a copy of the title register and title plan for his property from landregisteronline.gov.co. It's only £4 for both documents. Could be well worth the money. Thanks for the tip.
Who owns which side boundary, and hedge - L'escargot
>> Is it possible to get a look at your neighbour's
>> through the land registry ....
Good thinking Pezzer.

Thanks again Pezzer. The title register of my neighbours property contains a "personal covenant" detailing the two boundaries that he has to maintain ~ and neither of them is the one between us. So the hedge is definitely mine. Problem solved. I'm going to ring up two fencing contractors today to get estimates/quotes for removal of the hedge and erection of a fence.
Who owns which side boundary, and hedge - Pezzer
Excellent news, enjoy your light !!

Amatrad E-mailer ?? - Petel
Does anyone out there have any experience of these machines please?

My sister has just been given one of these, it appears to be in good order and has its operators manual. A quick glance indicates that the machine can only be used with Amserve with nothing at less than 50p per min. Is it safe to begin the registration proceedure or will I be opening a can of worms?
Thanks Pete.
Amatrad E-mailer ?? - Stuartli
>>My sister has just been given one of these>>

Forget it.

Amstrad has been virtually giving them away to try and rescue a lost cause.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
Amatrad E-mailer ?? - Pugugly {P}
What made me laugh in The Apptrentice was the profusion of these as the acme of Executive life within Sugar's empire. (they were flogging these off at the local Tesco for less than 20 quid last week.)
Amatrad E-mailer ?? - Adam {P}
I was up at my uncle's company the other week and they had these but bought them when they were much closer to £100.

I was tempted to get one because I saw the flashy screen but I was told in no uncertain terms that they were a waste of money - most notably because you *have* to go through a complicated setup procedure which costs by the minute.

Not only that, it periodically "connects" somewhere to get all the ads it plasters over the screen and to check it's email. (It is an email phone after all)

Just make sure you know how much it's going to cost everytime it dials somewhere and you don't realise.
Amatrad E-mailer ?? - Petel
Thanks to all, especially to you Adam. Thanks for a timely warning well received.
Thanks Pete.
Amatrad E-mailer ?? - Altea Ego
The e-m@ilerplus is subsidised by the use of the email service (as is similarly the case with most mobile phones). The sending and/or collecting of email has a fixed cost of 20p per session*.

Note that several email messages may be sent and/or collected in a single session, all for the same per-session cost.

So that you don?t miss any email, the emailerplus is set to call and check for email once a day. This can be increased if required. Calls to check for email cost 20p*. On quarterly bills this charge may be shown as approximately 90 separate daily calls.

One of the conditions of sale relating to this subsidy is that the emailerplus is used within the UK only ? the unit will cease to operate unless it remains connected to a UK telephone exchange.

Note - a further condition of the subsidy is that from time to time you will see adverts displayed on the e-m@ilerplus screen (sent at no cost to you). You may respond to these adverts or delete them as you see fit.

The e-m@ilerplus incorporates Amsurf which allows connection to the internet enabling you to view low graphic content sites as well as a limited range of internet web sites. The cost of surfing is 5p* per minute at all times.


What are the charges associated with the e-m@ilerplus?

? Email - an email session on the Amstrad e-m@ilerplus costs a fixed rate of 20p per call* regardless of duration, time of day or day of week. Note that you may send and receive several emails in one email call

? Internet Surfing - 5p** per minute at ALL times.

? SMS - 50p** per message sent.

? Games - Charges vary - view on screen prior to ordering.

? Polyphonic ringtones - £1.50** per min and last approximately 2 mins 40 seconds.

? FAX - £1.00** per fax message sent.

? Electronic Greetings Cards: 50p** per message sent

*Email tariff until 28.02.06: 15p plus local rate; from 01.03.06: fixed fee of 20p per call. **Charges correct as at 24.02.06. Note these are the recommended rates as charged by BT and most leading telephone service providers. Some providers may charge different rates. If in doubt please check with your provider. Charges may vary.

TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >
Travel Insurance - pre existing medical - BobbyG
Trying to arrange travel insurance for our holidays in Bulgaria. Trying to do it on-line to save money.

Now all companies have a clause that says they do not cover pre-existing medical conditions. My son suffers from Anaphylaxsis (peanut allergy). We do not need to do anything other than carry epipen and piriton in case he does come into contact with any nuts etc.

Now, if on holiday he took a reaction and had to receive treatment, would this be deemed as a pre-existing medical condition and not covered? I have got various quotes and terms & conditions but none of them seem to mention this. Some do mention that asthma is not excluded which I would think could be a similar situation.

Just looking for some guidance / anyone with experience of this before I start trying to phone company call centres in some foreign country to explain!
Travel Insurance - pre existing medical - Altea Ego
My son suffers from Anaphylaxsis (peanut allergy). Trying to do it on-line to save money

In that case I wouldnt even consider trying to arrange travel insurance on-line.

would this be deemed as a pre-existing medical condition


and not covered?

No idea, BUT you have to tell them about it which is why on-line is not suitable in your case.

TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >
Travel Insurance - pre existing medical - drbe
Now all companies have a clause that says they do not
cover pre-existing medical conditions. >>

Not necessarily.

You could try Which? either online or in the magazine, if you are not a subscriber it may be in your local public library.

The url is www.which.co.uk/
Travel Insurance - pre existing medical - Doc
I have used Direct Travel Insurance on the internet.

Their telephone service was helpful and provided guidance.
It is best to declare everything if there is any doubt.

Although our Standard policies do not cover pre-existing medical conditions, we are able to cover the vast majority of pre-existing medical conditions under our Premier, Premier Plus and Senior Citizens policies without an additional premium loading.

In some cases you may be required to pay an additional premium in order to include cover for your pre-existing medical conditions.

Please note that cover will not be provided for any claim arising from undisclosed medical conditions.

If you have a medical condition for which you require cover we will need to discuss this with you.

Travel Insurance - pre existing medical - Dalglish
... Trying to do it on-line to save money.
Now all companies have a clause that says they do not cover
pre-existing medical conditions ..


you mean all online companies you have tried. well how about these for a start:


Travel Insurance - pre existing medical - BobbyG
Thanks for the info guys. Think will need to sit on the phone some time this week and call a few companies.
You are right, this is not something that I am going to get an answer on-line.
Travel Insurance - pre existing medical - Martin Devon
Trying to arrange travel insurance for our holidays in Bulgaria. Trying
to do it on-line to save money.

Bobby. This is exactly how it is. I have had Prostrate cancer and took the major Op' route. As for now I am OK and that is the way it should remain. I am also taking mild medication for hypertension (blood pressure), as is half of the country. My wife in her infinite wisdom mentioned this when booking travel insurance. There is a loading. On one policy it was minimal and on another a medium sized lottery win was required to pay the extra. In both cases I declined. Now they WILL NOT cover ANY pre-existing conditions and if they could place the blame for something at the feet of a pre-existing condition they will. It is as simple as that. If and when you declare this info it is not considered by an underwriter, it simply is box ticking and will place you in a category which I guess, and it is only a guess, will be quite high. I have very close connections with the major insurers and I take this information to be totally correct. It may also be worth considering exactly what you would do if your son became ill and was not covered. Not worth the risk IMHO.

Best of luck..........................MD.

P.S. All the insurers 'talk' to each other now. If you tell one of them one thing, DON'T change it for another one!
Travel Insurance - pre existing medical - helicopter
Google Club Direct - I have used them for a few years now and they do have an 0800 number on their website that you can contact.

I have recommended a number of people who had pre existing conditions, heart, cancer etc and they will assess the risk and issue cover at a reasonable rate if they are satisfied after letting you have discussions with their doctor or nurse.Like any other insurance , telling the truth about pre existing conditions is important.

I will declare an interest as my sister worked for their underwriters for many years.

I had to laugh over one claim she told me about.

They paid out to a gentleman whose wallet slipped out of his back pocket unnoticed into the plane toilet as he pulled his trousers up and then he flushed it away accidentally... They did eventually find it but perhaps understandably he decided he didn't really want it back...
Travel Insurance - pre existing medical - Gromit {P}
Try your health insurance provider, if you have one. Some now either offer travel insurance as an extra, or have an arrangement with a travel insurance provider to do so.

As they're covering the medical condition anyway, they generally don't charge much extra for the travel element.
Getting French TV - adverse camber

Thinking about language skills for my daughter, I wondered if it is possible to get any French TV in the north of england?

Im not expecting anything by terrestrial tv but what about sat ? Analogue or digital, what sort of kit would I need ? Any good links ?

Getting French TV - Dalglish
any French TV in the north of england?




Getting French TV - Citroënian {P}
TV5 is 805 on Sky digital, lots of French radio stations (and french speaking) stream over t'interweb too.

Lee -- You don\'t sell the steak, you sell the sizzle
Getting French TV - Xileno {P}
Television is a great way to learn a language. I watch french TV most of the time. We have a satellite and some sort of box thing attached to it. IIRC it cost £100, there is no on going monthly charge. I will have a look tonight and let you know exactly what we have fitted.
Getting French TV - adverse camber
Thanks Xileno, thats whe sort of thing I was thinking about.

I know I can stream stuff over the web, but I want if possible to make it just like normal TV (although we watch virtually no TV) I was thinking that I would look into the interweb thing more if I couldnt do it in a straightforward tv way. I cant really justify a sky subscription for one channel and the other half refuses to pay anything to murdoch anyway.
Getting French TV - Gromit {P}
You'd get French (and most other European) TV stations via an Astra satellite dish. For the public stations, there should be no charge other than installation of the dish - which you'd have to pay for with Sky or cable anyhow.

I'm in the process of moving to a newly-built house and that, at least, is the plan. Can keep you up to date on how it works out in practice, if you like.

- Gromit