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I Have A Question Volume 116 - Dynamic Dave

***** This thread is now closed, please CLICK HERE to go to Volume 117 *****

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Car question - school boy
Hi,sorry I know it says no motoring qu's but what is it called when you restore an old car to its former self? I know its a stupid qu' but my mind has gone dead.
Car question - mss1tw
Car question - Dwight Van Driver
No, no its reinCARnation....

Hifi cables - BazzaBear {P}
Cambridge Audio finally having released the 640A v2, and it having got fantastic reviews, I'm finally ready to buy my first ever separates system (I'm a grown-up, at last!)
My mind is set on the Cambridge amp and CD player, which means I have to shop at Richersounds, but I've had a look on the net, and they don't seem to have a great choice of cabling.

I will be buying the Cambridge Audio 640A amp and 640C CD player, along with Wharfedale Diamond 9.1 speakers.

Can anyone point me to reviews of the Cambridge Audio Azur interconnects anywhere on the net? They haven't beeen reviewed at all by my tome of choice (what hifi). Also of Gale speaker wiring?

If not then it looks like I'll have to go elsewhere for my cables (which is a shame as I was thinking that, getting the whole kit from Richer, perhaps I could try haggling).
I'm currently salivating over Ven den Huls 'The Name' interconnects, and QED Silver Anniversary XT speaker cables.

Any advice gratefully received...
Hifi cables - Altea Ego
Get a roll of bell wire from focus diy

you wont tell the difference.

Expensive speaker wire is the biggest con of the century.
TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >
Hifi cables - Vin {P}
>Get a roll of bell wire from focus diy
>you wont tell the difference.
>Expensive speaker wire is the biggest con of the century.

What? Who are you trying to kid? You need deoxygenated copper at the very least, otherwise you'll find your £1000 amp and speakers are wasted. The deoxygenation helps by....erm... letting the electricity through the wire...erm...faster and less interfered with and...er....normal copper wire as used by electronics comapnies the world over will...erm...take out the tone and character of the sound. Spend less than £100 a foot and you're buying rubbish, that's what I say. You really don't want oxygenated sound (unless you're listening to Jean-Michel Jarre). You must be mad!

I suggest you ask to borrow the most expensive cable your dealer provides. Go to another shop and buy one at about a quid a metre. Then get someone else to wire them up (so you don't know which is which). If you can tell the difference, buy the one you like the most. If you can't, buy the cheaper of the two. I suspect I know which one you'd end up with.

Hifi cables - Round The Bend
TVM unblock your ears! There is a difference provided your set up/speakers are of half decent quality. I would see what Richer Sounds have got to offer and go mid price.

Some branches of Richer Sounds will do a demo, then you can hear the difference between bell wire and hifi wire for yourself.

Hifi cables - bell boy
Get a roll of bell wire from focus diy
you wont tell the difference.
Expensive speaker wire is the biggest con of the century.
TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >

i wouldnt agree with bell wire but any electrical cable capable of taking 5 amps is more than suited for the job,all this baloney about oxygen free cable is well marketing baloney, they will even try and sell you a power cord that goes from your amp to your 13 amp plug for £100 at some shops but i got one of these cables free today with my new £6.89 kettle at teco"s.
Been there done that know the cons.

\"a little man in a big world/\"
Hifi cables - AlastairW
Bazza, your nearest Richer Sounds is Stockport? Right next door is a branch of Superfi, a more upmarket HiFi supplier. Simply pop next door for your glorified bell wire ;)
Hifi cables - bell boy
i use superfi in leeds ,if you tell them you can get it cheaper at such and such they have always matched the price for me,they may have a little shop but i like their attitude.
\"a little man in a big world/\"
Hifi cables - JH
and don't forget that cables are directional, you'll have to connect them the right way round or it won't sound as good. They say....

Hifi cables - JH
Bazza, all joking aside, you're in for a treat. I replaced my ancient hi fi last year and even my cloth lugs can easily spot the difference. Just be careful, it can be an expesive habit.
Hifi cables - VR6
I have Gale speaker wire for both my set ups (£200 and £1000). To be honest, I cant tell the difference between various types. The only thing i'll say is that the gale speaker wire is a pain to hide as its not that flexible, and the plastic covering is very thick, and very pink.

For interconnects I use IXOS ones (£30 mark). Really well made and will last you a long time.

P.S the ive got a couple of friends with the Azur set up - its sounds excellent.
Hifi cables - mfarrow
Just be careful, it can be
an expesive habit.

I'll say... I just bought a second hand Rega Planar 3 and spent the sale price again on a new stylus (the old one had been tracked at >3g!).

You certainly do notice a difference the thicker the cable, but good quality 'pro' stuff is apparently just as good and a whole lot cheaper than the hi-fi cabling. IIRC, I have QED Silver Anniversary speaker cable, which performs well over long (5m) distances and isn't too pricey at £5 per metre.

Don't worry too much about termination, buy some cheap gold plated banana plugs from Maplin. The Profigold ones I got for probably £10 for 4 (Best Buy in What Hi-Fi?) are incredibly poorly built and strip their cheap plastic threads just pushing them into the amp!

Mike Farrow
Hifi cables - Marc
I bought my Cambridge Audio A1 MkIII SE amp about 7 years ago. It runs a Sony CD player, Yamaha tape deck and Eltax speakers. A real Richer Sounds special!

I kitted it out with Cambridge Audio "Atlantic" interconnects (the red ones) which used to cost a tenner apiece, Gale gold plated banana plugs at a fiver a pair and as for the speaker cable itself I cannot remember what it is (thick bi wired blue stuff - possibly QED). It all sounds good.

Not sure if interconnects make such a difference but speaker cable certainly does. I started out with the cheapest Gale speaker cable that Richers used to sell about 15 years ago and the difference it made to the JPW speakers I had at the time, running off my old ancient Sanyo amp was remarkable.

Not worth spending too much on wiring though IMO unless your gear is really high end...
Hifi cables - Marc
Just remembered, it's Cable Talk 3.1 speaker cable I have - reasonably priced at the time.

Try :


for reviews of the stuff you're interested in.
Hifi cables - arnold2

I spent several years running a recording studio.

Recording studios don't use oxygen-free directional £30/metre cables.

Go to:
Hifi cables - Mapmaker
I use some twin-core 13 amp cable cut off an old vacuum cleaner. I don't use the very thin cable that came free from Richer sounds.
Hifi cables - SpamCan61 {P}
I use some twin-core 13 amp cable cut off an old
vacuum cleaner. I don't use the very thin cable that
came free from Richer sounds.

Sounds good to me; I found some speaker cables on the net the other week which were 7 grand for a 5 metre length...can't find the link now:-(.

The amount of pseudo-science propogated by the Hi-Fi industry never ceases to amaze me. I can't recall any of these mind blowingly expensive cables being subjected to a double blind A-B test, or any remotely objective testing.
Hifi cables - Stuartli
>>I can't recall any of these mind blowingly expensive cables being subjected to a double blind A-B test, or any remotely objective testing.>>

It used to be done in the hi-fi when they first became all the rage about 20 years or more ago.

However, I found that twin 6amp wiring proved perfectly adequate for my system and was easy to hide under the carpets between the grippers' spikes.
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
Hifi cables - Stuartli
...in the hi-fi mags...
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
Hifi cables - BazzaBear {P}
Thank-you all for your advice. I have now taken the plunge (and I'm very pleased so far). Following the advice here and elsewhere, I've taken a moderate line, haven't bought interconnects, as a mate has offered me a set of reasonable ones, and bought proper (but relatively cheap) bi-wiring speaker cable.
Hifi cables - Stuartli
Just one small point. My best mate, who runs an independent audio/visual/appliances retail outlet, is emphatic about the fact that using top quality gold plated Scart leads and accessories for LCD and plasma large screen TVs does make quite a noticeable difference to picture quality over standard Scart leads.
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
Poplar trees follow up - Rebecca {P}
Our buyers pulled out a couple of hours ago. Nothing to do with the trees. Thanks for your replies on IHAQ 115.
Poplar trees follow up - Altea Ego
you are well rid, they sounded like trouble
TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >
Mapmaker (follow up from IHAQ 115) - Brill {P}
"EBAY, which courier? - Mapmaker 
Use a third party to book the courier - it's cheaper.
I use www.pharos-international.co.uk/cquote1.php"


Sorry, rude not to thank the Cartographic one for the advice in the previous thread, so...er...thanks! I'll check them out.
Boosting mobile signal in home - Nsar
Hi I've got one of those Vodafone 3g/gprs cards for my PC (we can't get broadband at home).
The signal is a bit flaky and I often drop the service altogether switching between pages and sometimes it is painfully slow, slower than dial up.
Has anyone got any epxerience of a domestic anntena I could fit to say my study window so I can improve the signal?
You can get a mobile antenna for it, but the user forums seem to suggest only a tiny improvement in signal strength. That might be OK on the move but for the most part I'm sitting at my desk so something huge and plug-inable would be fine.
Thanks in advance
Mods - if there aren't any replies would you mind pushing this over to PC questions please?
St Petersburgh & Petra - Duchess
I'm planning on expanding my travel horizons this year and two places I've wanted to visit for a very long time are St Petersburgh & Petra (not on the same trip I ahsten to add!).

I can find one or two travel firms offering the Russian part (although at eye-wateringly expensive prices) but can't find anywhere offering Petra. They are also the usual "sun and sand" type firms and I'm not sure if I would be better finding a specialist operator? Having said that, I would prefer a "package" style holiday as I really don't feel confident enough to be booking a diy trip to either country.

Has anyone been to either of these cities and/or can you recommend any tour operators?

St Petersburgh & Petra - daveyjp
Try Kuoni and Somak for Jordan.
I've used them both (not on trips to Jordan) and they were both excellent.
St Petersburgh & Petra - Happy Blue!
For Petra, you could go to Jordan directly, but you face some dodgy hotels in Aquaba.

Better to go Eilat in Israel on a package deal, about five minutes from Aquaba, and then take a day trip into Jordan for Petra. The benefits are far superior accommodation and food, less hassle towards women, and regular charter flights to Ovda (45 minutes away from Eilat) with transfers usually included.
Espada III - well if you have a family and need a Lamborghini, what else do you drive?
St Petersburgh & Petra - Group B
Dont know whether this will be your cup of tea, but for Petra you could try a company called Explore Worldwide: snipurl.com/mikh

I went on a 16 day "Nile Felucca Sailtrek" with them several years ago (which was a backpacking/camping holiday), and it was fantastic. You get lumped into a group of 20 or so people and have a permanent tour guide. Was a bit skeptical at the time we booked it, but met a good bunch of people and the tour guide deals with any hassle.

St Petersburgh & Petra - adverse camber
We did petra as part of a diy holiday in Jordan some years ago. If you stay in Jordan there is a lot more to see than just Petra. Im surprized that you are having trouble finding tour operators - its become quite a popular destination. The back of the guardian on a saturday has several offering it as a destination as part of a tour usually with Wadi Rum.

At that time accomodation was easy to arrange on the ground as long as you didnt want top end style accomodation. I am told that petra is now a regular tourist trap. I would recommend getting into Petra as early in the day as you can. It gets hot and the main sites get very heavy tourist traffic.

If you go from Israel be aware that they have the snottiest border guards known to man.
St Petersburgh & Petra - Pugugly {P}
Headwater Holidays Summer 2006 have a 9 day guided tour of Jordan including 2 days a Petra starts at £1269 pp in February to £141 in December. Used these a couple of times for European Hols. Very Good.
St Petersburgh & Petra - Nsar
Jordan is a lovely country to visit. We flew to Aman, hired a car and then spent a few days dawdling down to Aqaba (the military road along the Israel border is a good driving experience) and then Petra where we stayed in the Govt rest house which sounds like a hostel but is modern, large and well put together. We went in late Nov and had Petra to ourselves so I don't know what availability is like in summer.

If you go I'd strongly recommend the rest house in Wadi Rum where you can hire a tent and some blankets. It was fiercely cold when we went but you cannot believe the stars and the utter silence of the desert.

Our stay in Petra co-incided with the first organised tour from Israel and we got snowed in for a couple of days which was an unforgettable experience of two cultures forced to get along together in close proximity.

I wouldn't bother with Eilat, unless Blackpool style shops and teenage soldiers with automatic weapons riding around on BMX bikes is your idea of fun.
St Petersburgh & Petra - Stuartli
A visit to Petra is an absolute must if you have the opportunity to do so - it's 10 or 11 years since I went and it still stands out in my memory.
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
The Contract and The Code - drbe
Does anyone know what happened to a film (movie) that was going to be called "The Contract" it seems to have changed its name to "The Code" and also vanished from sight. The director is/was morgan Freeman (Driving Miss Daisy)
The Contract and The Code - BazzaBear {P}
You may already know about imdb, if so sorry:

This claims shooting due to start in May.
The Contract and The Code - drbe
You may already know about imdb, if so sorry:
This claims shooting due to start in May.


Thanks, in fact I had found that site. I know someone who acted in 2005 on "The Contract" which seems to have the same actors and plot as "The Code".

I wondered if anyone knew what was going on? Have they scrapped all the shooting done, I think, in Bolivia in 2005.
Right of Passage? - Dwight Van Driver
Been bemused by this for some time.

On the road in UK we all drive (at the least the majority of us do) on the left hand side. OK.

Now observe pedestrian flow down a passage or flight of stairs. They seem to walk on the right - ever noticed this?. Surely this is wrong as the reason given for our movement on the road is that our right arm, our sword arm remains free to bludgeon an enemy.

As a pedestrian I would have thought this natural instict would be to the fore, so QUESTION why do they do it?


Right of Passage? - Group B
At one of the schools I went to (11-14 y.o.), they always told us we had to walk on the left on stairs/corridors. I still do this when I can out of habit, but its clear the public in general were not taught this!
Right of Passage? - BazzaBear {P}
At one of the schools I went to (11-14 y.o.), they
always told us we had to walk on the left on
stairs/corridors. I still do this when I can out of
habit, but its clear the public in general were not taught

Same here. In fact the main corridor was even named the M6, after our closest motorway.
Right of Passage? - Dynamic Dave
At one of the schools I went to (11-14 y.o.), they always told us we had to walk on the left on stairs/corridors.

Complete opposite at the school I went to. They insisted you kept to the RHS.
Right of Passage? - Adam {P}
FWIW, we always got told to stick to the left at all times lest you risk a detention!
Right of Passage? - drbe
Now observe pedestrian flow down a passage or flight of stairs.
They seem to walk on the right - ever noticed this?.

Er, no. Observe travellers on The London Underground on the escalators and in most tunnels - almost 100% stand on the right, walk on the left.

Except for visitors that is - the conventions don't apply to them - they seem to think!
Right of Passage? - deepwith
Perhaps the pedestrians are all sailors following the laws of the sea - RHS! ;~)
Right of Passage? - L'escargot
The convention on stairways is to walk on the right. Don't ask me why, it just is.
Right of Passage? - Armitage Shanks {p}
On stairs at stations on the underground and main line stations one is invited to keep to the left
Right of Passage? - John24
Most people carry bags, parcels etc. in their left hand, thus leaving their sword arm free to grip the handrail?
swisstec lcd tv - phpete
Hi, anyone know if swisstec 27" lcd tv's are any good,or who makes them.I am thinking about buying the 27" on offer in makro @£400 any other cheap recomendations 32" is to wide.
swisstec lcd tv - Happy Blue!
Our 26" Philips LCD TV is less than one year old and cost over £700. It is adequate and not the best in the last Which? test. £400 for a 27" LCD seems like good value even if its no better than ours.
Espada III - well if you have a family and need a Lamborghini, what else do you drive?
swisstec lcd tv - adverse camber
have a look on the usual computer sites. Is the swisstec HDTV ready ? Some cheap ones have low resolutions.

its a good price if it is.
Mobile phones, boosting signals - cheddar
I have a 6230 on T-Mobile, the coverage is poor in the south west and we have decided that we will have to move to another provider when the contract is up (Vodafone for instance is fine locally). When a car rolled in front of me last week I had to sprint 200 yards back down the hill I had just driven up simply to get a signal so as to call 999.

The case in point however is when working at home, the signal is OK upstairs though it is poor downstairs to the extent that sometimes it disappears altogther and the phone beeps at me with a few missed calls about an hour later.

Is there any way I can boost the signal, perhaps an accessory antenna? Nothing listed on the Nokia site.

Mobile phones, boosting signals - Nsar
I posted pretty much the same question above, but oddly no answers from the usually mustard BR on questions like this.

If you hear anything yourself please post and I'll do likewise.
Mobile phones, boosting signals - Dynamic Dave
I thought if a mobile couldn't get a signal, when making an emergency call it would hook up with any of the networks? Unless things have changed you used to be able to make an emergency call without having a SIM card in the phone.

As for signal boosters, the grid type ones that you stick on the back of the phone are the equivalent of snake oil.
Mobile phones, boosting signals - Adam {P}
That's funny you should say that Dave.

At Uni, my phone doesn't get the best signal and sometimes a red message will appear on the screen saying "NO SIGNAL - EMERGENCY CALLS ONLY"

I always wondered why, if there was no signal, would it let me make an emergency call.

Now I know. Thanks!
Mobile phones, boosting signals - Nsar
Try these boys www.panorama.co.uk - they've been helpful so far in answering my query but I haven't bought from them yet, but they're clearly selling proper kit.
Mobile phones, boosting signals - Collos25
If we will not let the phone companies build the masts you cannot have the coverage.
Mobile phones, boosting signals - cheddar
If we will not let the phone companies build the masts
you cannot have the coverage.

I would rather move to Vodafone than let T-Mobile build another mast!

Since my post above I have driven across Wiltshire and Dorset and back and for miles and miles and miles I could not get a signal though I know from previous experience that Vodafone have pretty much got it covered in that area.

Not sure about emergency calls going to other networks, my phone certainly was not interested in doing that last week.
Mobile phones, boosting signals - normd
Vodafone's not always the best in the South-West; at my sister-in-law's place in Stithians I can only get a Vodafone signal half-way up their stairs whereas her 02 works all over the place.
Mobile phones, boosting signals - Altea Ego
T Mobile has and always has had the worst coverage of any kind, and that includes all its affiliates (like Virgin)

02 has best signal coverage,

To boost at home you need a window mounted aerial like this one


or the car type (provided your phone has an antenna socket)
TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >
Mobile phones, boosting signals - cheddar
Thanks RF, disagree on one point, reckon Vodafone has the best national coverage.
Mobile phones, boosting signals - Adam {P}
Just to throw a spanner into the works,

I had a phone on Vodafone and had, without a doubt, THE worst signal ever. Sometimes you'd get one in the living room but woe betide you if you walked over to the kitchen. Bang. Dead.

I've had 3 02 phones and can't ever recall losing the signal so as not to be able to make a call.

I'm on T-Mobile now. Nowhere near as good as 02 but still better than that abomination I had from Vodafone. Crap signal (i.e. -none) at Uni. Fine everywhere else.
Mobile phones, boosting signals - cheddar
According to the Carphone Warehouse the signal strength for the major networks in our post code is:

O2 - 43%
T-Mobile - 99%
Orange - 100%
Vodafone - 98%

So I would not have much faith in O2, on the other hand I know T-Mobile is carp so maybe it is their figures that are wrong. IME Orange and Vodafone are OK, Vodafone being the best.

On the other hand my parents postcode is in RF's manor, CFW lists them all as 100% however T-Mobile is again weak where they live because it is in a dip, just up the road and it is fine.
Mobile phones, boosting signals - Adam {P}
What does WN3 6JP come up with C?

Mobile phones, boosting signals - cheddar
What does WN3 6JP come up with C?

100% on all four.
Mobile phones, boosting signals - Adam {P}
Hmmm - although to be fair - the last time I was on Vodafone, was about two years ago so I'm guessing things much have changed since.
Mobile phones, boosting signals - drbe
According to the Carphone Warehouse the signal strength for the major
networks in our post code is:
O2 - 43%
T-Mobile - 99%
Orange - 100%
Vodafone - 98%
So I would not have much faith in O2, on the
other hand I know T-Mobile is carp so maybe it is
their figures that are wrong. IME Orange and Vodafone are OK,
Vodafone being the best.
On the other hand my parents postcode is in RF's manor,
CFW lists them all as 100% however T-Mobile is again weak
where they live because it is in a dip, just up
the road and it is fine.

Could you point me to the area in CPW's site where signal strength is shown, please?
Mobile phones, boosting signals - cheddar
Could you point me to the area in CPW's site where
signal strength is shown, please?

In a few places, for instance click on 'Pay as you go', select a phone that is available on a number of different networks then click on the network, you then have a small coverage map (useless) and a post code search function.
Mobile phones, boosting signals - drbe
In a few places, for instance click on ....

Thanks for that, Cheddar.
Hos is contracting out cheaper? - Xileno {P}
Related to the 'What's happening to our armed forces' thread:

The question asked was "Basically, how can it be cheaper to pay someone else to do the SAME job and make a margin on the business also."

Over to you, No FM2R...
How is contracting out cheaper? - adverse camber
Either it is something specialised that requires skills / kit you dont have and cannot justify aquiring to meet your needs (ie you would need 50% of a widgets capacity)
or it is something that has scaleable costs such that someone servicing 30 businesses can have savings over the 30 individual costs.

However - in most cases it is done because a firm is incompetent.
How is contracting out cheaper? - Number_Cruncher
One aspect of this that I have seen is that during the design, development, and qualification stages of aerospace projects, the engineering effort required is much greater than that required during the production and in-service life of the item.

Engineering companies tend to outsource non-core engineering work and/or employ hoardes of contractors during these phases rather than take on extra full time employees.

Of course, it would be ideal if there were a more consistent, or balanced work flow, but cyclic feast and famine are the rule in many areas of engineering rather than the exception.


How is contracting out cheaper? - No FM2R
>>Basically, how can it be cheaper to pay someone else to do the SAME job and make a margin on the business also."

[using IT as an easy example, but the principles apply everywhere]

1) Is the job being done efficiently ?

Typically the people doing the job will have been doing it for a while. They will have fallen into comfortable habits and approaches. It is probably that the procedures haven't been looked at in some considerable time. Revisiting job descriptions, process and procedures, job descriptions and changing management will cause an increase in efficiency. Some of that will be temporary, but some of it will hold. There is no reason that this cannot be done internally, but it never is. Or if it is, it isn't done well. It is virtually always done with outsourcing.

2) Is it a full time job ?

There may be a skill that you have to have. A DBII engineer to look after a barely used DBII database. But it might only take 50% of his time. Therefore he could look after two, but you don't have two. The outsourcer has 38,000 and can use that economy to fire one in two DBAs. Even if someone only has 10% free, that still means that you can reduce by every 10th engineer. ERPs can be a prime source of this difficulty - for example frequently a knowledge spread of 10 modules amounts to 6 consultants where only 3 FTEs are required.

3) Are there economies of scale ?

It might take 30 hours per week to look after a computer. But it doesn't take 60 hours to look after two. It probably takes 40 hours. Therefore every doubling of the amount of computers only causes an 25% increase in resource requirement. This ensures savings can be made.

4) Purchasing power

It is cheaper per unit if you are buying 1000 of something than if you are buying 10. That is true of computers, auditors, recruitment fees, cleaners, etc. etc. etc.

However, those four are not the significant ones. Here's the biggie which is best explained by an example....

5) Total lack of understanding

I once had to explain and show the pitfalls to a company considering an disastrous outsourcing approach and this was the method I used;

Take an IT group. Explain to them that they will timesheet their time to within 15 minutes. Anybody who does not complete a timesheet will be fired. Anybody who lies or exagerates on that timesheet will be fired. However, add an extra time code which represents "I was working but either I can't remember what I was doing, or it doesn't fit into one of the other codes" and explain that absolutely free use of that code is permitted, provided it is accurate.

At the end of [say] 3 months investigate bookings to that code. You will find that it amounts to around 30% of all activity. However, it is a 30% that you don't understand, haven't defined and therefore would not have outsourced. Since you hadn't outsourced it then the outsourcer does not have to perform it. If you insist he performs it, then he will charge you for it.

That area would represent one or more of the following to the outsourcer...

1) His profit margin
2) The free resource time he can use to achieve 1) - 4)
3) Additional revenue

And to you it would represent some combination of..

1) perceived service degradation
2) actual service degradation
3) increased cost

However, if you understood your group, if you controlled your group, if you removed all unneccesary or inefficient activity, if you correctly charged internally for performed activity, ran procurement aggressively, and truly understood people management and performance, - in fact, if you just did your job properly - then you could achieve all the above savings as the outsourcer could. Perhaps you would be a little limited around the economies of scale, but they are not usually independently significant and are more than outweighed by the fact that you are not now paying an outrageous 40% gross margin and 12.5% risk on top of the actual cost of the service you receive.

The reality is that many companies do not have the skills required to do the job properly. Many more do not wish to have those skills. For them outsourcing is an easy option. It also changes the way that the cost is handled on your balance sheet, which may be to their advantage.

Frequently it is actually nothing to do with any of the above, and actually represents one or two steps in a company strategy which you may nto be aware of. An actual case I was involved in was where we outsourced a group since we knew that the company we would merge with next year had already done so, and therefore synergy savings would be arrived at from combining two outsourcing deals. Outsourcing a group after merger might well be a saving, but it would not be a synergy saving and therefore could not be reported against merger cost. But here are many, many reasons for outsourcing which have nothing to do wiht actual cost.

But I do have to say that I do rather well out of everybody else's inability to understand or control outsourcing contracts, so please don't spread the word too far.
How is contracting out cheaper? - Stargazer {P}
Thanks Mark for that very interesting explanation....currently arguing about timesheets and charging projects directly for time spent rather than blindly allocation (and charging) resources to the projects, so all ammunition and examples gratefully received!

How is contracting out cheaper? - No FM2R
>>so all ammunition and examples gratefully received!

More than happy to help, but could you give me a clearer idea of the discussion ?
How is contracting out cheaper? - Stargazer {P}
Thanks, the explanation was enough for now. Basically my department is undergoing massive restructuring, also grant awards now are supposed to cover the full ecomonmic cost rather than a simple 46% overhead rate, this means that everything is becoming much more accountable....outsourcing conference/tea/coffee facilities,cleaning....but not IT yet...too specialised I suspect.

For example if I have a grant to fund a department technician
for one year, then when the grant is announced the salary is automatically deducted from the grant every month, the technician fills in a timesheet so that I can report on project progress against a project plan, but the loop isnt closed so the grant gets charged for hours worked....I dont think they want to have the problem of a 30% unfunded effort.


How is contracting out cheaper? - Nsar
Mark - related question..have you ever come across a simple time planning package, a bit like a time-sheet looking into the future where you can click client name, type of task, estimated time to complete task and enter date by which it should be completed? Suitable for a fee based business with retainer fees from a clients. A cheap one.........Ta
How is contracting out cheaper? - No FM2R
Sorry Nsar, not off hand.

However, I would think you should be looking for a cheap project management tool rather than time management. Look for something which allows program planning and then enter each of your clients as a project.

You could use MS Project but its really rubbish in dealing with resource/time/effort across multiple projects.

I'll have a mooch about later in case anything comes to hand.

Smelly Dog - Paul Robinson
Our new dog is really smelly! It seems to be her coat that's the problem. We did notice this at the rescue centre when we chose her and we weren't surprised knowing that she's a stray and had been in rehoming kennels for three months. They had already told us they bathe and groom the dogs before they go to a home, but this hasn't helped!

She's had pneumonia then kennel cough so the poor thing has had a bad time, so hopefully when we get her more 100% that will help but we've not had any experience of odour problems before so any tips would be very welcome.
Smelly Dog - adverse camber
how often do you bath her and what do you use?

Smelly Dog - Gromit {P}
As she's been ill, don't overdo it on the baths. Dog shampoo will strip the oils from her hair and skin. You will find that as her general condition improves with better food and care, so will her coat.

Other than that, rinsing her coat with dilute cider vinegar in water (keep it out of her eyes!) after a bath will help restore her coat, and an occasional meal of oily fish or tin of sardines or tuna helps too.

- Gromit
Smelly Dog - Stuartli
>>Dog shampoo will strip the oils from her hair and skin.>>

Not true if you use a quality product intended for dog use. We've just sadly lost our Sheltie at the age of nearly 16 who, obviously, has a double layer coat intended to meet the particular demands of the Shetlands.

It had to be cut every two months (after a full shampoo and wash) as Shelties don't moult and the hair grows at a surprising rate - his coat afterwards always remained immaculate for a few days until the daily walks on the golf course took its toll...:-)

However, he was also shampooed about every 10 days at home but it was never quite as good finish wise as that provided by the grooming centre.
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
Smelly Dog - No FM2R
Don't bathe her very often, it really isn't a good idea. Regular and thorough brushing will help enourmously.
Smelly Dog - Paul Robinson
We've only had her a day. It's more a case of advice on how often to bath her and what to use until the problem is controlled?
Smelly Dog - No FM2R
My two long haired dogs don't get bathed unless something specific has happened - ui.e. they've rolled in a cow pat, and then all they get is hosed down in the garden with no soap or shampoo.

Everytime they have been shampooed, either by me or professionally they smell within 72 hours.

I wouldn't bath a dog at all unless it was wearing a cow-pat or similar.

However, I do thoroughly brush them every week.
Smelly Dog - Paul Robinson
Thanks Mark, our previous dog only got a bath about once every 6 months unless he'd rolled in something! Never had an odour problem though. Just hoped someone would reply saying they'd had a similar problem and what happened. Hopefully a good clean home, quality diet and grooming will do the trick.
Smelly Dog - Xileno {P}
Our woof woof gets bathed every week, he just loves it. If you run the bath for yourself, then you have to keep the door shut otherwise he has been known to jump in himself!

We don't use shampoo though otherwise frequent bathing washes away all the natural oils. Just plain water and then a good towel drying. He's in heaven then.
Smelly Dog - Robbie
We've only had her a day. It's more a case
of advice on how often to bath her and what to
use until the problem is controlled?

Her odour is probably due to being contaminated with that from the kennels. This will clear up in a matter of days unless she has something on her coat.

Dogs should not be washed too often, as someone else has menioned. My dog is only washed about every six months unless he comes into contact with something. Fortunately, he doesn't have the opportunity to roll in anything disgusting so I'm quite fortunate on that score. However, being a cocker spaniel he has to have his coat trimmed about every quarter so this keeps him in good condition.
Smelly Dog - Pugugly {P}
Get her healthy first. I would follow the fish solution with caution as it can react badly in an untested dog leading to more unpleasant smells.

My dogs live outside (apart from a Cocker) and they live the full country life, the only baths they have is at clipping time or when they choose to go for a swim/paddle themselves, fresh air and loads of it.....
Smelly Dog - deepwith
Agree with the comments about restricting baths - ours get one when they roll in something unmentionable - they particularly favour 'eau d'fox'. Smelly dogs often caused by the food - it is worth experimenting with different foods - but with care! I found my present dog, a rescue blue merle, is much better on a dried complete food than on the original tinned+biscuits he arrived on. If you are changing food then change them gradually ie mixing new in with old until change-over complete. Some dogs do well on a mainly cereal diet, Merlin does better on a lamb or fish based food. His coat is now fine and smells all gone unless a visitor feeds him "human food" when we all know about it ... and not from his coat either!! Added advantage is that you can keep a handful of the food in a pocket for training treats, together with the odd piece of peeled carrot, which is a great favourite!
Smelly Dog - Altea Ego
All sound advice on here guys.

Fifi Brunhilda the TVM Lab gets bathed twice a year. During the summer she is in an out of ponds like a duck anyway so there is no point.

As someone (mark?) said - lots of brushing. Twice a day. It also comforts your dog and provides a needed early bond between animal and owner.

When changing dog food, do it gradually. Dry dog food makes pooch less smelly. (and the poo is much more user friendly) A couple of raw chicken wings once a week and a new bone once a fortnight keep the teeth cleaned.
TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >
Smelly Dog - Pezzer
Interesting .....raw Chicken wings. I suppose once upon a time it would all have been raw but I have been advised (vet ?) to never give a pet raw meat also I thought chicken bones were a bit dodgy too as they tend to shatter/splinter.

I dont know enough about it myself but it does fly in the face of what I've (mis)understood.

Smelly Dog - Altea Ego
Raw chicken wing bones are flexible.

Cooked chicken bones are hard and splinter and cause problems.

TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >
Smelly Dog - bell boy
couldnt raw chicken wing bones transfer to mad bad dog birdy flu? :~}
\"a little man in a big world/\"
Smelly Dog - Altea Ego
How do you tell a mad labrador from an ordinary one?
TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >
Smelly Dog - bell boy
look at the owner .........obviously ;)
\"a little man in a big world/\"
Smelly Dog - Pugugly {P}
...."comforts your dog"

RF, I would give you a month's wages if you could brush my Springer. He will allow me to do it but only when well bribed....he hates it with a passion that he only has to see the grooming kit and he's away.

All my dogs live on dried food bought in bulk (dead cheap) even the Springer's coat is sweet when dry (damp is another matter), I personally think that fresh air is a cure.
Smelly Dog - Pezzer
Pug, same type of dog same problem, although he loves going to the groomers. He also lives on dried but this is expensive stuff due to Colitis (?).
He stinks when he's wet and if they think Labs are mad they should try Springers !

Smelly Dog - Martin Devon
Any idea why they are called Springers!!! Off their heads the lot of them. I have 2 Labs and they are as mad as Blunkett

Smelly Dog - Martin Devon
I feed my Labs on Dr. John's gold. £7.50 a sack and they both shine on it. Sad though it may seem i actually like the smell of them when they return from kennels, but that is probably as much sawdust etc. than anything else. I never bath them and they live in the house and even the young one found her way via belly creep onto the bed this morning. She walks on farmland, sheep, cattle etc and don't stink. good grub, fresh air and brushing seems to do the trick. Try feeding a dog a raw carrot. No, I am not mad, just try it. I only have experience with labs, but most prefer carrot to chocolate....just try and let me know...good for their teeth too.

ID Cards? - drbe
Does anyone know what the "D" in "ID" stands for?
ID Cards? - Pugugly {P}
"Dentification" Probably an Americanism that has leaked into the Queen's English. Makes sense in a way - what would an "I Card" be?
ID Cards? - Pugugly {P}
Assuming you mean Identification and not that very personal thing, one's Id.
ID Cards? - Stuartli
It could be Identity Details.
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
ID Cards? - mare
Quick google reveals that ID = Identity Document. As in "can i see your ID". Sounds American as PU wrote.
ID Cards? - Pugugly {P}
I wouldn't let you see my Id though !
ID Cards? - Manatee
Quick google reveals that ID = Identity Document. As in "can
i see your ID". Sounds American as PU wrote.

That being the case, "can I see your ID" makes sense, whereas "can I see your ID card" doesn't.
ID Cards? - Doc
Identification data?