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Speeding (mostly excl cameras) Vol 40 - Dynamic Dave

***** This thread is now closed, please CLICK HERE to go to Volume 41 *****

Speeding (mostly excl cameras) Vol 39 is closed and this thread has been started.

For the continued discussions around the subject of speeds & speeding, usually excluding cameras which are in another thread.

Older versions will not be deleted, so there is no need to repost any old stuff.

A list of previous volumes can be found here:-

BackRoom Moderator
159mph speeding offence reheard - Happy Blue!
The policeman acquitted of doing 159mph has had the case sent back to the bench after the High Court upheld an appeal by the CPS.

Thanks heavens for some sanity.
Espada III - well if you have a family and need a Lamborghini, what else do you drive?
159mph speeding offence reheard - artful dodger {P}
Here, here for sanity. If a policeman can get away with such excessive speed it sets a very poor example to the rest of the population.

If high speed testing was required it should have been conducted at an off road track, not a public highway. If high speed training on public roads was essential then his high speed would have been authorised in advance by a senior officer.

I read frequently, but only post when I have something useful to say.
159mph speeding offence reheard - cheddar
Rather contradicts the case of the guy on the IOW who was doing 140 in a 60 and the judge said he was not driving dangerously based on the road conditions.
159mph speeding offence reheard - HisHonour
Someetimes judges are wrong. Not often, but occasionally!
159mph speeding offence reheard - exmondeoman
not is any way looking to justify this, but out of interest, isn't there a general principle that people cannot be tried twice for the same offence? Is that's what's happening here or have I misunderstood?
159mph speeding offence reheard - Armitage Shanks {p}
A higher court ruled that the acquital was faulty, in law, and while not directing the lower court to make a Guilty finding, they did say that the case must be reheard/retried.
159mph speeding offence reheard - Caveman
The policeman acquitted of doing 159mph--

But from previous posts by the BIB on here, he wasn't doing 159 mph.
159mph speeding offence reheard - henry k
>> The policeman acquitted of doing 159mph--
But from previous posts by the BIB on here, he wasn't
doing 159 mph.

From Reuters 01 Feb

"Milton, a qualified advanced driver, was recorded in December 2003, by an onboard camera in his upgraded unmarked Vauxhall Vectra police car travelling at 91 mph in a 30 mph zone and hitting 159 mph on the M54 motorway."


"The court heard he travelled at speeds of up to 159mph on the M54, 114mph along the A5 where the limit is 60mph, and 91mph in two 30mph zones, during the early hours of December 5, 2003."

159mph on a quiet motorway in the wee small hours is one thing but 91mph in a 30 limit is quite different however quiet the road is.

159mph speeding offence reheard - Dynamic Dave
From Reuters 01 Feb

And from midlifecrisis 19 May 2005


Besides which, Vauxhall's official figures on the the max speed of a Vectra GSi is 154 mph.

And lastly, as this subject has been extensively discussed in the past, ( www.honestjohn.co.uk/forum/post/index.htm?t=31928 ), can I ask that further conversations are to do with the driver being sent back to the bench after the High Court upheld an appeal by the CPS.

Unblemished Driving Record Goes - Woody
Just got home from a hard days toil to find my first ever speeding offence on the mat.

I am guilty of doing 37 mph in a 30 limit. It is a big wide B Road that I use every day and I cannot recall any plod ever being there and no cameras.

It is a mile away from where the teenage model was murdered back in November in South Croydon. Her killer remains at large.

Doing 30 mph around Croydon (which I try to stick to) means having some chav stuck a foot from your back bumper.

God, I hate what this country has become and I hate living here.

Unblemished Driving Record Goes - Stuartli
With all due respects, you must have had a speedometer reading of more than 40mph to be clocked at a genuine 37mph.

Why not ask to see the photographic evidence?
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
Unblemished Driving Record Goes - Woody
Big wide B Road, 40 on the clock? Good Lord string him up!

It's just another form of taxation, persecution of the law abiding average John. Just easy pickings. Those who don't bother to register their cars get away with it (about half the population around here).

Why bother getting a photo? I am done and that's that.


1. What will the fine be?
2. Do I have to tell my Insurance Co?
3. Will my premiums go up?
4. How many points on my licence?

Unblemished Driving Record Goes - AlastairW
1. £60
2. Yes
3. No
4. 3
Unblemished Driving Record Goes - DSLRed
1. £60.00
2. Yes
3. Probably not if you only have one offense
4. 3

Unblemished Driving Record Goes - DSLRed
SNAP! :)
Unblemished Driving Record Goes - Woody
Thanks for the swift replies.

Absolutely gutted to be honest and angry beyond belief. I tootle around in a modest hatch back, with aggressive dtivers stuck up my ar*e more often than not and I get done for speeding.

Unblemished Driving Record Goes - bell boy
but for you goes me mate and i feel for your anger and frustration 100%
\"a little man in a big world/\"
Unblemished Driving Record Goes - Bromptonaut
OK but you knew, or should have known, what the limit was? If you're over the limit the "law abiding" bit falls by the wayside. No doubt I shall also be gutted when caught (as eventually I will be) but I'm afraid it's just one of life's lessons.

1) £60
2) Yes
3) Probably no
4) 3 points

ANPR will get the unregistered sooner or later.
Unblemished Driving Record Goes - bazza1603

People in Northumberland have started getting a lesson in careful driving instead of the fine and points on there licence.

Not sure is this is up and running in other areas. People I know have so far got this option were driving 35MPH in a 30MPH outside a school.

Best Regards


Unblemished Driving Record Goes - Woody

With respect, I consider driving at 37 mph on a big wide B road in dry sunny conditions to be careful.

Daily I contend with idiot tailgaters, white van man permanently with phone glued to ear, the complete lack of indicator use at roundabouts and junctions, idiot overtaking in built up areas, people blocking junctions rather than stopping and letting people out, complete lack of common sense, manners and sympathy, drugged up drivers, boozed up drivers and just plain useless drivers and at the end of all that some plod who should be out catching criminals (and believe me Croydon is crawling with 'em) wants to lecture me on careful driving?

I give up.
Unblemished Driving Record Goes - bell boy
woody where i live they have changed the road from 40 to 30 and everyday i struggle to remember this as this road has been a 40 for the last 30 years i know 2 friends that now have 6 points for getting flashed so i understand where you are coming from.
\"a little man in a big world/\"
Unblemished Driving Record Goes - PhilW
"must have had a speedometer reading of more than 40mph to be clocked at a genuine 37mph."
Not on mine - corresponds within 1 mph of satnav at that speed and 72 on speedo is 70 on satnav.

Unblemished Driving Record Goes - BobbyG
Woody, total commiserations with you. Agree with everything you say. So far, I have kept a clean licence and would like to think that the day I get done for speeding, I will be rational and accept it as punishment for the last 19 years of driving , sometimes over the limit.

However, I know I won't - I will react just as you have.

Unblemished Driving Record Goes - Aprilia
I think its the old story. You broke the law and so shouldn't complain about being caught. If you don't agree with the speed limit then that's a different matter - complain about the law, not about being caught for breaking it.

BTW, I have been caught too (and had unblemished record), so I know its annoying, but I DID break the law.

I agree about lack of police on roads, but as we see on this forum, if they do nick someone for a minor infringement then another wail goes out that they are 'over zealous'. Basically it seems everyone is happy so long as jack-the-lad with baseball cap in an old Corsa is nicked, but if Mr Middle-Class is caught then its 'not fair'.
Unblemished Driving Record Goes - bazza1603
Hi Woody,

I didnot mean anything. I was saying hopefully you will get offered this course instead of the points.



Unblemished Driving Record Goes - Citroënian {P}
Can't help but wonder that this thread will end up in the Scamera thread - but


I agree wholeheartedly with what you say - I think (part of)your frustration is that general driving standards are appaling today - but if you so much as drift slightly over the limit, even if driving carefully there is a device that will Kodak you and then fit this into a neat system that dishes out fines, frustration and a diminishing respect for the forces of law & order.

What Barry suggests is a far preferable alternative for all involved if you ask me - education and no long term consequence for the speeding incident. A bit more palatable and thoughtful than a robotic fine.

IMHO, there should be more police on the roads policing driving standards - the chances of running into the local constabulary are next to zero these days, and if you do, they're so overstretched that they can't address the wholesale flouting of basic driving standards that is going on.

I'm not saying 37 in a 30 is acceptable. What I am saying is that the system in place to catch people doing this breeds nothing but resentment and I think in the long term will do more to sour relationships with the boys in blue than improve road safety.

--Lee .. Welcome to Anytown USA
Unblemished Driving Record Goes - Lud
Hard luck, but just part of the game. If you did it you did it, and if they caught you they caught you. I have no doubt at all that you were driving safely from your account. But that isn't the point with that sort of enforcement of speed limits, which by the way dates from the very earliest days of motoring in the 19th century.

There's nothing new under the sun. It isn't a badge of shame young man. It's a badge of honour.
Unblemished Driving Record Goes - Stuartli
>>It isn't a badge of shame young man. It's a badge of honour.>>

Would you feel that that also applies to the police officer checked doing 159mph in an unmarked police car?

Woody's minor blemish pales into insignificance alongside that episode.

As a crumb of comfort to Woody, Lancashire police have speed cameras in some area that nab motorists from 32mph upwards.

If ever there was a case to prove that most speed cameras are merely an incentive to raise money that's it.
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
Unblemished Driving Record Goes - Lud
There's a blemish in a way, but it isn't something I personally would wish Woody to take to heart. Everyone gets a few scars on their body and blots on their escutcheon. But no one should feel in any way ashamed of a piffling speeding fine, just mildly irritated at being caught. Jobsworths hiding behind hedges have been trying to catch motorists out, for money, since the 19th century. Sometimes they succeed. As I said, it's just the luck of the game.

The policeman is a bit different because he probably reckoned he wouldn't be caught. Is there any suggestion that the speed was dangerous in the conditions - crests, water on the road, blind turnings in high hedges, that sort of thing? Or was he a professional pursuit driver stretching a very able car to its limit? Absolutely flat feels slightly dodgy in quite a lot of cars. But I wasn't there.
Unblemished Driving Record Goes - Adam {P}
Lancashire Police (or rather the supposed Safety Camera Pratnership) also like hiding in an unmarked van in a layby on a deserted road by Uni with no recent accidents as it happens. There's been a rape, and countless muggings but no accidents. (As far as I know anyway)

The fact that every house on the road has an S Class or equivalent in the drive and the residents are anti students I suppose has nothing to do with it.

(They were there on the first day back of term)
Unblemished Driving Record Goes - Pete M
Sorry to hear about the demise of your unblemished record, Woody.
With reference to your last sentence, if you were thinking about emigrating to New Zealand to get away from excessive traffic policing, think again.
I lived in the UK for over five years and drove many miles for business and pleasure. In that time I received no NIPs, was never stopped by police and was generally left alone.
Since I returned to New Zealand, about three years ago, I have been stopped three times, and had a speed camera fine. All of these were momentary small excursions over the 50km/h urban or 100km/h rural limit. This is enforced with a 10km/h, or sometimes 5km/h margin for error. It's pointless telling them that I used to drive all around the UK with much greater traffic volumes at 70mph (112km/h). My wife was fined NZ$150 for going 116km/h. So here we engage the cruise control, if we have one, or watch the speedometer very closely.

Not many people here can maintain an unblemished record!
Unblemished Driving Record Goes - Woody
Thanks for some kind words and sympathy.

I have been driving around the familiar patch today, extremely concious of my speed.

It seems to me my 1.6 Seat Leon has a 'natural' speed in 4th gear between 35 and 40, so I am now using 3rd gear. The queues behind me are quite ridiculous, but there you go.

As regards speed limits, there are very few signs around and the normal traffic flow seems to be 40-45 mph, but they are in fact 30 MPH zones.

Isn't it something to do with lamp posts?
Unblemished Driving Record Goes - Woody

Wise words.

As regards my respect for the Police (and that utter idiot Ian Blair in particular), as the old saying nearly goes:

I wouldn't help one if they were on fire.

Unblemished Driving Record Goes - J Bonington Jagworth
"I wouldn't help one if they were on fire"

That's the trouble, isn't it? The Police need all the help they can get dealing with genuine crime, but making them the agents of alternative taxation is the worst sort of PR.

I believe that in Germany, tailgating is considered a far more serious offence than speeding (which just happens to be easy to measure), which is as it should be, IMHO.
Unblemished Driving Record Goes - Citroënian {P}

My drive home goes 40-30-40-30-40-30 on roads that would easily handle 60 in the 40 bits. I'm so loathe to find myself at the wrong end of this farce that I use the cruise control in the Fabia to keep to 30/40 - it's a bit of a guess but I think an indicated 32/43 is about right. Queues, tailgating and much annoyance behind me ensue. Given the Fabia is gold, I'd wondered that they had me down as a TOG; however, the C4 allows digitally setting the speed to exactly 30/40 and the same happens. This is a black, shiny brand new sporty looking Coupe. Same thing happens.

There's no simple device that will catch those pink fluffy dice behind me, but their driving (and the line of pink fluffy dice behind them doing the same thing) is a far more dangerous proposition than simple speeding.

If they're now nicking people for 32mph then I give up. They've finally gone nuts.
--Lee .. Welcome to Anytown USA
Unblemished Driving Record Goes - NVH
Having just completed a Speed Awareness Course...

TVP/Northumbria/Manchester & other forces are piloting the courses
but generally only at 35/36 in a 30
Keynote for 30mph limits (simplified) was:
if there is street lighting - there is a 30 limit
if there is no street lighting but the area is "built-up"- 30mph signs + repeaters must be visible

this advice saved me yet another ticket in the Reading area last week, where road signage is frequently absent - different from anywhere else I know in the country - and constantly changing
50-32-20 in villages...

20mph limits exist but are not legally enforced, except on one road near Windsor ( camera + act of parliament enacted ?)
30mph limits enforced at 35/36 depending on force area
34mph NIP not generally issued

Observation suggest fixed cameras are triggered at speeds of 35+ or else cameras would run out of film
mobile cameras - up to the operator...then reviwed at processing unit

Unblemished Driving Record Goes - J Bonington Jagworth
"20mph limits exist"

Has anyone seen the '20 is plenty' signs that are designed to look like official limits, but aren't? Highly illegal, I should have thought, and probably counterproductive...
Slowing down at the speed camera - FP
I regularly drive the A1 between Hatfield and Peterborough. Generally drivers observe the speed restrictions (though the temporary 40 mph limit at the Black Cat roadworks is something quite a few drivers just cannot take seriously.)

However, I am regularly irritated by the drivers who correctly slow to a new speed limit, but as a speed camera approaches either don't have confidence in their speedo or their ability to control their speed and drop a further 5 - 10 mph.

So a whole queue of cars can end up doing 40 mph in a 50 limit.

Incompetent driving or what?
Slowing down at the speed camera - Adam {P}
Far from it. I've read too many stories about dodgy cameras etc and I'll always slow down to an indicated 5mph less than the limit when going past one or heading into a speed trap just to give me that extra leeway should they cock up and send me an NIP.

It's also instinct (not really with cameras) but when I see a camera van I hit the brakes. Can't help it. I'll concede that's probably incompetent but cameras who slow for cameras I have every sympathy with.
Slowing down at the speed camera - mss1tw
Same here, though I admit it's not a 'professional' way to drive, I'd rather have that than 3 points and a 60 quid fine, on my mind...
Slowing down at the speed camera - Adam {P}
Naturally I didn't mean to say "cameras who slow for cameras".
Slowing down at the speed camera - Lud
The A3 Kingston bypass, an old-but-good mainly 3-lane dual carriageway, has for a few years now had a 50mph limit, absurdly slow for the road. Many cars go at a more appropriate speed between the speed cameras, lifting off or more often braking as they approach them. I am consistently infuriated by the tendency of quite a lot of cars to slow to under 50. Speedometer 55 is perfectly all right. Indeed 90 would usually be OK were it not for the speed limit.

The road can get crowded at times, but under normal non-rush hour conditions there can be no good reason for the 50 limit. There is a good case for a changeable speed limit here, a la M25.
Slowing down at the speed camera - henry k
Re A3 the 50 limit IS required.
There are many accidents on this road and at least 2 deaths in the very recent past. Note the shrine at New Malden.
The A3 is far from straight and has very narrow lanes in places.
Visitors slow for the road markings at Hook and the camera has gone.
I have seen a biker doing a long wheely in lane 3 once past the camera.
We already have bikers doing vast speeds in the immediate area all in 40 /50 limit.
Slowing down at the speed camera - Altea Ego
You wot? The A3 kingston bypass is a death trap. Narrow lanes, heavy traffic, lots of little side roads on and off. he 50 mph speed limt was long overdue and probably the only one in the country I stick to!
TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >
Slowing down at the speed camera - mss1tw
Agree with that entirely.
Slowing down at the speed camera - Lud
You wot? The A3 kingston bypass is a death trap. Narrow
lanes, heavy traffic, lots of little side roads on and off.
he 50 mph speed limt was long overdue and probably the
only one in the country I stick to!
TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >

I stand contradicted, TVM and henry k, but not, I feel, corrected. I just don't agree. True, there are intersections and slip roads. True, the lanes are narrow in places. True, the road has crests, curves and underpasses. But 50, except when there is severe congestion? Do me a favour.
Slowing down at the speed camera - mss1tw
Before this thread degenerates entirely, can someone answer a quick question for me: Does the A3 have SPECS anywhere?
Slowing down at the speed camera - Altea Ego
Specs? Nope

Nearest specs is on the lighwater bypass
TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >
Slowing down at the speed camera - Dynamic Dave
but as a speed camera approaches either don't have confidence in their speedo or their ability to
control their speed and drop a further 5 - 10 mph.

Annoys the hell out of me as well. On my way home at night there is a speed camera at the bottom of a hill in a 50mph limit area. Some of the numpties aren't even doing 40 mph and yet they still stamp on their brakes to reduce their speed down to 30 mph. If there is no one in front of me then I just change down into 4th gear and keep my foot off the brakes therefore maintaining a speed of between 45 to 50 mph.

ps, this thread will move across to one of the appropriate speeding threads shortly. DD.
Slowing down at the speed camera - mss1tw
I thought your car was an auto?
Slowing down at the speed camera - Adam {P}

Woah - can't have it both ways chaps.

If a camera is there then SURELY it's an "accident blackspot".

SURELY this would mean that it would be prudent to exercise caution in the area and drive cautiously which, so I'm told, means slow not necessarily AT the limit.

The limit is exactly that. A limit not a target ;-)

Slowing down at the speed camera - Lud
Woah - can't have it both ways chaps.
If a camera is there then SURELY it's an "accident blackspot".
SURELY this would mean that it would be prudent to exercise
caution in the area and drive cautiously which, so I'm told,
means slow not necessarily AT the limit.
The limit is exactly that. A limit not a target ;-)

What is an accident blackspot? Somewhere where some sort of accident has happened at some point. The whole damn country is one.

It is essential to drive cautiously and carefully at all times, not just in 'accident blackspots'TM. This need not involve slowing down to an annoying mimse.

The limit is very often just carp, begging to be broken.
Slowing down at the speed camera - Adam {P}
You obviously don't know me very well Lud!
Slowing down at the speed camera - Lud
You obviously don't know me very well Lud!

True. I'm learning, however :o)
Slowing down at the speed camera - Dynamic Dave
I thought your car was an auto?

It is ##, but with most, if not all auto boxes it's still possible to manually change gear.

##Actually my Vectra has a tiptronic type gearbox where you slide the gearstick left to put it into manual mode.
Slowing down at the speed camera - Adam {P}
Wow! So you have gears 1-5 when in that mode?

How do you change gear manually? Just move it up and down?
Slowing down at the speed camera - mss1tw
Learn something new everyday. Might give it a go next time I put the parents car in the garage...(With a minor detour)
Slowing down at the speed camera - Dynamic Dave
So you have gears 1-5 when in that mode?
How do you change gear manually? Just move it up and down?

Yes & yes. There's also an LED dispay in the speedo housing to tell me what gear it's in. As well as all this, the kickdown still works and will downshift if need be. It won't however automatically upshift again when in manual mode.
Slowing down at the speed camera - Adam {P}
That really is very cool. Why aren't all cars like this then? I'm not really a fan of autos but if you can switch them into manual mode then it's the best of both worlds isn't it?

Actually - don't answer that. We're straying dangerously off-thread!
Slowing down at the speed camera - daveyjp
I will answer it - auto clutch systems especially the VAG DSG is exactly what you want Adam and it has 6 (7 in the Veyron, but that's probably above your budget!)not 5 gears to play with! Change automatically or manually by pushing the gearstick up and down or using the paddles behind the wheel (yes just like Schumacher et al!) - a readout tells you what gear you are in (even when in auto mode)

Why aren't all cars like it? Because UK drivers are still obsessed with manual, they cost more and some of the auto clutch systems are still rubbish in terms of the speed of change.
Slowing down at the speed camera - peterb
"I'm not really a fan of autos but if you can switch them into manual mode then it's the best of both worlds isn't it?"

"some of the auto clutch systems are still rubbish in terms of the speed of change"

I was the world's biggest manual fan.... until I drove the Lexus IS250 Auto.

It has six speeds, flappy paddle overrides (but still does kickdown) and tells you which gear it's in.

Better yet, it is SOOO smooth that you really do not notice when it changes. It also has better economy and emissisions than the manual.

Can't wait until it arrives in April!
Slowing down at the speed camera - Adam {P}
I shouldn't think I'll be able to afford a Veyron OR a DSG box for a good 10 years!

Thanks for the explanation though!
Slowing down at the speed camera - Altea Ego
Re the A1 I troll up and down 150 miles of it each way at leats twice a week

I know all the cameras, and at the appropriate places stick the cruise on nailed to limit+10% as indicated by sat nav (so in the 50's round sandy I am doing 55 sat nav and speedo indicated 60mph)

Lovely Jubly
TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >
Slowing down at the speed camera - artful dodger {P}
On the A20 just west of Brands Hatch there is a steep decline with a derestricted sign at the top. The road is wide as it is a 3 lane road, reduced to a single carriageway each way in selected places. This hill has the local name of death hill. Halfway down there is a speed camera to catch any mad drivers who leave Brands Hatch or the locality. Well recently I was driving down the hill behind a small van doing about 45 mph. I was not in any hurry so I was happy to drive at this speed. As soon as the driver saw the speed camera he braked to under 30 mph in a 60 mph limit - what a plonker! Luckily I turned off a few hundred yards later, otherwise I would have overtaken at the first oportunity.

I read frequently, but only post when I have something useful to say.
Slowing down at the speed camera - pmh
A lot of this over cautiousness could easily be eliminated by putting a sticker on the back of the camera to show the speed limit in operation. Can everybody on here say that they know exactly what speed limit is in operation at every point of their journey. Particularly those roads where there are numerous 30- 40 - 50 and NSL changes in a short distance.

You could have some fun putting fake "over speed" signs on the back of cameras! Raise the local revenue at other peoples expense.


pmh (was peter)

Slowing down at the speed camera - Lud
Slowing down at the speed camera - Navara Van man
I raerly seem to get caught out by speed cameras except on down hill streches or when visibility of the camera in advance is obstructed. In most cases it is the camera vans that cause me probs, however the detector picks these up.

Suerly an auto box uses far more fuel?
Slowing down at the speed camera - Adam {P}
>>however the detector picks these up.<<

I wouldn't rely on that too much mate.
Slowing down at the speed camera - Navara Van man
Belt and braces aproach. Most of the time i tend to spot them.

31 Points and still driving - AlastairW
On NW tonight there was an article about a sales rep who has amassed 31 points, but each time the powers that be tries to ban him under the totting up rules he has argued his licence is vital for his work and been let off.
Was a funny handshake with the magistrate involved, I wonder? (purely speculation on my part I hasten to add)
31 Points and still driving - Dwight Van Driver
I would gather that at a single appearance for a number of offences which attracted that amount of points, his brief was wise enough to make a plea of hardship that a ban would cause which is allowed under the RT Act and was successful. He cannot use this again for a period of three years.Guess what happens if he offends again where points could be awarded. Living life on a knife edge for 3 years.

Lords to hear of waving lorry driver - henry k

Latest on driver waving at others re speed trap.
Nabbed by speed camera - advice ? - pfm401
I expect this will be familiar to many !!

My wife got caught on camera doing 36mph in a 30mph zone, on what we thought was 40mph (everyone does 40 and we've been using that road for years !) It's 2 lanes either way with no central reservation in a town - is 30mph really the limit there ? I always thought it was 30 on single carriageways with street lights and 40 on dual, has the law changed ?

More worrying than this, we've travelled that road a few times since (it was a week from the first offence to receiving the NIP). Say you commute can you get "done" 5 times in a week for the same offence - and hence lose your licence - even though you weren't aware it was an offence ? Seems a bit ridiculous.

Any advice appreciated, Paul.
Nabbed by speed camera - advice ? - daveyjp
My advice is to pay up and read the Highway Code.

Yes you can be done 5 times in a week - you break the law 5 times you can get caught five times.
Nabbed by speed camera - advice ? - mss1tw
Assuming you aren't a Terminator-esque machine with no capacity for wrong doing, yes it is a bit worrying.
Nabbed by speed camera - advice ? - Group B
If there are no posted speed limit signs then it is a 30 limit. If it was a 40 limit there should be big signs at the start of the limit and small repeater signs on lamp posts every few hundred yards.
I dont mean to alarm you but a mate of mine got done twice in two weeks by the same camera.

Fingers crossed, eh!
Nabbed by speed camera - advice ? - pfm401
Well there's a lesson learned the hard way then. I'm sure when I learned to drive (16 years ago) it was 40 on urban dual carriageways, have they changed it or have I just been wrong all that time and never got rumbled ?

I agree, pay up and learn the lesson, tough and seems unfair but that is the law. It is a lesson learned and we won't be doing it again, even with the undertaking and light flashing that goes on on that road for sticking to 40 never mind 30.

However surely one aim of the law is room is for us to learn this lesson, not be punished way out of proportion to the crime ? I know ignorance is no excuse but 36 on a main road out of London after being unaware of the law is hardly crime of the century, and if you do it multiple times BEFORE you're aware of it getting banned seems like the punishment not fitting the crime. Fair enough if it happens again that's plain stupidity. Fingers crossed OK, but is there any room in the law to allow flexibility in the punishment or is it 5 x fines and 3 points end of ?
Nabbed by speed camera - advice ? - Mapmaker
I dop't know how many identical threads you have started {I've deleted them and merged all the replies here - DD} , but doing 36 in a 30 limit probably means that your speedo read 40. If you really think it acceptable to do 40 in a 30 limit, then you deserve all you get.

Multiple offences leads to a punishment fitting the crime very neatly.

If you want to drive in the UK then you need to know the rules & drive according to them.

I for one would not be sad to see you off the road for a few months if you manage to be banned. The law is there to be obeyed, not to enable you 'to learn this lesson'.

If they'd changed the speed limit, or if the signing was unclear, then yes, there might be some sympathy for you. But for flagrant breach of the law - hang 'em.

I regularly drive out of London on all sorts of different routes, and I am not aware of being flashed for obeying the speed limit. Stick in the inside lane and you will be fine.

Learn to obey the law, become a better driver.

With luck, you might have a few months off the roads to learn the Highway Code. In an ideal world you would have to retake your driving test so that you can learn how to drive.
Nabbed by speed camera - advice ? - pfm401

Look man I'm not saying at all it's acceptable to do 40 in a 30 zone, or be unaware of the law, or break the law, and I started multiple threads by accident because of my browser (I expect you want me banned for that as well ?) Far from it my wife and I carefully obey the law in all things including driving, except on this occasion where we've clearly screwed up, and been caught fair and square.

I do see it as learning a lesson, because it won't be happening again regardless of what the punishment turns out to be. But no matter what you might think of the law part of it is fair reparation to society for what you've done, and we're prepared to accept that.

I suggest you go and have a cold drink, calm down, and be satisfied in the knowledge that you've never done anything wrong in your life, ever. It must be nice to be so perfect !
Nabbed by speed camera - advice ? - Mapmaker
Lots of people speed. I dare say my needle goes over the limit occasionally. But I know what the rules are.

You, on the other hand, are apparently prepared to go out in a tonne of metal, travelling very quickly, with only a vague idea of the rules under which you appear to be operating!

Then you whine and whinge that if you've managed to be wrong five days on the trot that it's unfair if you're banned!

Nabbed by speed camera - advice ? - pfm401

So you think it's acceptable to break the rules as long as you know what they are ? And you consider yourself better than me and my wife given you KNOW you're doing wrong and do it anyway ? What sort of respect for the law is that ? LOL.

But yes I do consider it unfair, because I think it is out of proportion to what has happened. THat is a fair comment to make about the state of the speeding laws and punishments in this country, if I was simply whingeing I would refuse to take any resposnibility at all, which I'm not. I'm asking if that is what happens in reality. Given my wife has received a notice if in future it happens then by all means we deserve everything we get. On a different camera, yes. Driving at 50mph in a school zone, yes.
Nabbed by speed camera - advice ? - Dynamic Dave
Then you whine and whinge that if you've managed to be
wrong five days on the trot that it's unfair if you're

Mapmaker, calm down.

pfm401 came here seeking advice, not a dressing down and a lecture. I'm sure you're not whiter than white on the road, so don't start criticising others for their misdemeanours please.

Nabbed by speed camera - advice ? - Mapmaker
>even with the undertaking and light flashing that goes on on that road for sticking to 40 never mind 30.

You don't get the message, do you. If you're being undertaken, then you're in the wrong lane. Get into the inside lane.

You do not have a God-given right to stop others from breaking the law.

You do have a responsibility to others to know what the law is.
Nabbed by speed camera - advice ? - Roly93
My advice is to pay up and read the Highway Code.
Yes you can be done 5 times in a week -
you break the law 5 times you can get caught five

Sympathy is in short supply these days !
It is easy to get snapped by a camera if you lose concentration for a short period, it doesn't mean you are a monstrously bad driver !
Nabbed by speed camera - advice ? - Collos25
It your business to be aware ,if there are no signs and its urban its 30
Nabbed by speed camera - advice ? - Armitage Shanks {p}
No signs and urban AND street lighting at a prescribed interval SFAIK
Nabbed by speed camera - advice ? - borasport20
Actually, it COULD be 20.....


a confusing distinction between a 20mph limit and a 20mph zone

Go on, get out of the car...
Nabbed by speed camera - advice ? - Mapmaker
I'm sorry. I've tried. But I cannot come up with any sympathy for you whatsoever.

Did you ever do a driving test? Have you ever read the Highway Code?

I suggest you go to WH Smith, or any other good bookshop and buy a copy of the Highway Code. It's even on the internet. Read it and learn it.

It seems a bit ridiculous that you have been driving for years and have not managed to work out that the speed limit on roads in towns is 30mph.

Speed cameras are designed to catch the foolish, and I'm afraid that is you. Yes, you can be banned by breaking the law repeatedly.

Oh yes, and I suggest you read up on the definition of 'dual carriageway'. There has to be 'land' between the two carriageways - and a four lane road with no central reservation such as you describe is not a dual carriageway anyway.

My view is that drivers displaying the level of ignorance that you and your wife display should not be on the roads at all.

This is a website full of careful drivers who consider themselves to be good drivers. Maybe there will be somebody a bit more sympathetic than I am, but I doubt it...
Nabbed by speed camera - advice ? - pfm401
I don't want any sympathy, we've got it wrong and learned a lesson the hard way, which after all I would say is the point of the law. But to abuse someone for doing 36 in a 30 zone, on a main road with 2 lanes, where you get flashed / undertaken for doing the 40 never mind 30, after no accidents or other convictions in 16 years of driving seems a little OTT, but you're entitled to your view.
Nabbed by speed camera - advice ? - dom grimes
As a rough rule of thumb a dual carriageway is not a dual carriageway unless there are signs indicating as such or there is a physical barrier - armco or such like. Just because there are 2 lanes does not make it a dual carriageway.

Nabbed by speed camera - advice ? - The Lawman
oh goody, we're all being splendid again.
Nabbed by speed camera - advice ? - Dynamic Dave
This will get moved across to the relevant speeding related thread shortly.

Nabbed by speed camera - advice ? - Adam {P}
Well - I'm glad that every single person on the BackRoom has never made a mistake. It'd be really painful to watch all the hypocrisy.

Paul came here for advice not a lecture off everyone. One person saying "it's not a 40 limit" would be enough really.

Sorry to hear about what happened Paul but Mrs Paul won't be doing it again in a hurry will she?

Nabbed by speed camera - advice ? - Thommo

Surprised I am the first to mention this but get yourself over to the truly excellent Pepipoo.


Virtually all tax camera tickets are avoidable with the right advice. They're looking for the quick cash if you make a nuisance of yourself they will drop it.

The backroom is unfortunately having one if its fits today.
Nabbed by speed camera - advice ? - Lud
Hard luck pfm. Happens to the best of us, but only the best. If it never happens to you you're a mimser. Congratulations to you and your wife, and I do hope they haven't clocked you five times in a week... most unlikely I think.