Bangernomics buy - TimOrridge
Hi All,

I am becoming the proud owner of an Audi 80 2.0E L reg this weekend. I am looking forward to keeping this car many years as the bodywork is immaculate and it drives well with 106,000 on clock. Just wundering any tips (espically mechanical) to keep this model of car in tip top shape as i believe it is a classic?



Edited by Pugugly on 28/02/2008 at 19:38

Audi 80 - Xileno {P}
Just keep it well serviced, change the engine oil regularly, also the coolant and brake fluid. Also make sure the cambelt gets done on time.
Audi 80 - TimOrridge
Thanx xileno,

Could anybody recommend a oil change interval for this age of car or should i just stick to manfs guide. oh and what grade of oil should i use. The engine is a 2.0 8v


Audi 80 - Xileno {P}
I think the oil change interval is 10K or once a year in these older VAG cars. I would use a good multigrade, no particular need for a synthetic in an older car.
Audi 80 - local yokel
I'd suggest you change the oil and filter every six months/6,000 miles. If you do it yourself it will cost less than £20.00 - all you need is an old washing up bowl and a spare oil can - your local re-cycling centre will take the oil free of charge.

Nice cars, the 80s, so why not give it that little bit extra TLC?
Audi 80 - sierraman
I would change at 5000 on a car of this age and mileage,particularly if it does short trips.
Audi 80 - daveyjp
A colleague had one of these which did will over 150,000 miles with regular oil changes (IIRC he used Silkolene lubricants), the only item I remember him changing was the exhaust when it was about 10 years old. A nieghbour had the 2.3 '90' version - both great cars let down only by the size of the boot.
Audi 80 - mark
My Brother had an J reg one of these that recently "died" at 137K.

A rusted heater matrix lead to head gasket failure so I second what was said about changing the coolant.

Other than that it was in good shape remarkably clean for a car of that age.

As always

Audi 80 - helicopter
12 or so years ago I owned a 'G' reg Audi 80 for one year which also suffered HGF and recurring overheating problems.

It spent more time in the garage than on the road and even at that time Audi wanted £60 per hour labour.

It was nice while it was working but never again will I buy a German car...
Audi 80 - Wally Zebon
I drove an Audi S2 (basically the souped up Audi 80) for 2 years.
Great cars, but getting a little tired now. A suspension overhaul woudn't go amiss, but otherwise great cars!
Find yourself a VAG specialist to service it rather than go through main dealers, and if you need spares go to places like Eurocarparts, GSF or VAG Parts.
Audi 80 - J Bonington Jagworth
Good choice. Very durable and pleasant to drive (especially the gearchange, which is wonderfully precise, thanks to North-South engine config). My 90 will be 17 this year...
Audi 80 - Aprilia
These are known for heater matrix failure - so keep an eye on the coolant level. The matrix is not dear, but a bit of a pig to change. The dash can be pulled out - remove steering wheel, release all dash fixings and pull it away at passenger side, leaving driver side as undisturbed as possible. Its the best part of a day's work.
I think these also have a plastic thermostat cover which warps and leaks. Not a dear part, so put a new one on when you change the coolant.
Audi 80 - TimOrridge
Thank you for all your replies.

I am quite looking forward to driving this car, like i said earlier the bodywork is un molested so no worries there. 1 years ago I owned a old shape 80 G reg 1.8E, which went like stink and had 235,000 on when I sold it to my mate and he has still got it now, so can conform their reliability if looked after.

I have a couple of questions?

Is the coolant a big job, because i might change it when i get it to be safe?

Is the timing belt change an easy job, Dad has a 20v A4 and his was easy to get to. Is it a similar layout under the bonnet?

Whats this suspension overhaul about, should I be listening out for anything particular.

Any info would be great?

Audi 80 - J Bonington Jagworth
"I owned a old shape 80 G reg 1.8E, which went like stink"

The new(er) shape one is a bit heavier (one reason it lasts) so it may not be as lively, but it should be smooth and quiet. Enjoy.
Audi 80 - local yokel
Get yourself the Haynes manual - about 20 on eBay right now, for about £10.00 delivered - then you can judge if the jobs suggested are easy enough for you - each job is coded from 1 to 5 in order of difficulty.
Audi 80 - Sprice
I really don't think the suspension will be an issue on this era Audi 80, it affects newer VAG cars.

The timing belt is easily accessible, but if youve never done one before take it to a friendly independant.

VAG cars of this era can have clattery tappets (especially on start-up)as theyre hydraulic, so regular (every 5-6000 miles) oil changes with some good oil will help there. If they clatter on startup, but the noise disappears quite quickly, thats fine.

Good cars, I had a B reg 1.8 that was surprisingly quick and was on 160k when I sold it.
Audi 80 - TimOrridge
Thanks guys for all your advice, im just looking forward to driving it, such a nice car.

Two problems which are not too major but slightly annoying.

1. The fuel gaug and temp gauge not working, guy who got car off said common fault on this car. Is it easy to fix?

2. I am missing an "audi 80" badge on dash (most annoying). Is that a dealer part or am i best trailing round scrappys looking for one.

Keep up the good work.
Audi 80 - richy

1. Fuel gauge not working: Does the mileometer still work? if so the fill up, do a couple of hundred miles say and then fill up again, should never run out that way , unless you get a leak.
Temp gauge not working, give the rad and water system a good flush out and fill with new antifreeze, keep an eye on all fluid levels once a week and forget about the gauge not working unless it starts to steam.

2. Badge missing: will the car run any better with it? no. will it make the car worth more when you come to get rid? no. Think of it as a 'weight reducing performance modification'

Bangernomics, it's the future, I've tasted it.
Audi 80 - Sprice
If both the temp and fuel guage not working, this is probably the voltage regulator at the back of the speedo binnacle, try a scrap yard for this and the badge.