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Why Do Flies Like My Car?? - antonios gubba
This may sound a little strange, but its honestly not a wind up!

I have a white Ford Mustang, and just lately it seems to be covered in flies every time I go out to it....I don't mean just one or two, but literally swarms of the horrid things. Its like something out of a horror film!

My partner's car is parked right next to it, but they don't go on her car, nor on my neighbours car. (her car is dark grey and the neighbours is red).

I'm thinking that it must be to do with my car being bright white in colour. Has anyone else with a white or very light coloured car noticed this phenomina? and if so, is there anything I can do to keep the things off my car?

Terry :-)
Why Do Flies Like My Car?? - Round The Bend
Is n't a Mustang a type of horse? You need a tail to swish them away!
Why Do Flies Like My Car?? - antonios gubba
lol, yes, that did occur to me! I know it sounds like a wind up (Mustang = horse = attracts flies), but its not a wind up!

I've wanted a Mustang ever since I can remember, but now I've got one its making me feel ill every time I go out to it as I have to flap away at swarms of horrible flies. I'm sure its the white paintwork that attracts them....or maybe its the polish? (Meguairs Gold Class).

I'm stumped to be honest.
Why Do Flies Like My Car?? - Civic8
>>or maybe its the polish?

Highly possible,some flies are attracted to some of the old polishes
Why Do Flies Like My Car?? - Dynamic Dave
I'm thinking that it must be to do with my car
being bright white in colour. Has anyone else with a white
or very light coloured car noticed this phenomina?

Yep, same with my metallic silver Vectra. They totally ignore the blue Astra parked next to it.
Why Do Flies Like My Car?? - Dwight Van Driver
Pokes head round corner of screen...grins.....

Ok Flykiller. Whats the last thing that goes though the mind of a fly when it hits the Mustang's windscreen at 60 mph?

Its backside of course....

...............................exits cackling hysterically. dvd
Why Do Flies Like My Car?? - frazerjp
Does anybody reckon my 'Pepper red' Ford Ka can be a target? it is for spiders!!!
Its not what you drive, its how you drive it! :-)
Why Do Flies Like My Car?? - JohnM{P}
Those that were around at the time may remember that there was a plague of ladybirds in 1979. I parked my orange/yellow Magnum 2.3 Viva in Manchester one day and came back to find it looking a lot redder. I presumed the ladybirds thought it was a giant buttercup!
Why Do Flies Like My Car?? - MegaMan

Holy Thread Revival Batman!

I too needed to find out about this earlier in the week and stumbled across this thread. I then also came across another thread where a chap with some bug knowledge posted what appears to be a credible answer. I thought I'd share it here as this site seems to be the oracle on all other motoring matters!

"Most flies lay their eggs in water. When you wash your car, then polish and wax it, the surface (especially on dark colored cars) looks like a pool of water to the flies, which attracts them as they attempt to lay their eggs. Though dark colors will attract more flies, light colors do as well. It's the reflectivity that the flies are attracted to more than the color.

The reason that birds will always target freshly waxed cars is still a mystery to science, I'm afraid."

So although mildly annoying when there are flies around, you could argue that the more flies you have the better prepared your car is, and subsequently it is a bizarre measure of how effective your polish/waxes etc is/are!

Why Do Flies Like My Car?? - postie1

Not to keep them off, but autoglym have a chemical that burst their blood vesels which helps cleans them off, all you do is spray interior cleaner on the vehicle first before you shampoo the car. Leave it on for about 5 minutes and when you wash/shampoo your car they come off easily. This link is where you can buy it from. valetingcars.com/gift-ideas.html

Why Do Flies Like My Car?? - kohaine

Most probably t's the color, thus not sure if flies see colours, probably just the gradient (and your car is at the end of it)

Could be the scent of car polish-try changing it

Could be the mustang itself - flies do mess with horses :)

Why Do Flies Like My Car?? - postie1

I know when i polish cars i always get flies landing on them after, it must be a chemical in the polish. The polishes are made of powders so it may be they like the powder but who knows.

Why Do Flies Like My Car?? - Dutchie

Could be the powder flies like to powder themselses before they go out to the pictures.:)

Why Do Flies Like My Car?? - chell

They love white for some reason. People say its the wax and Polish. But I don't use all that. I just use dawn. You can keep them away but. If you take a drier sheet put in spray bottle. Shake around a couple times then get a new one out of box. Spray it on your car use the new one to add little pressure and it will take fly poop and dried bugs off easy. It took me about 15 mins.to do all my car. I live on a farm where they are lots of flies. They are not a lot to land on it now. I got the tip from an older man. Try it. I was suprized by it myself.

Why Do Flies Like My Car?? - bathtub tom

I bought a six-month-old silver Yaris from Motorpoint recently. Every time the sun comes out there's flies all over it. I guess it's something they prep it with.

The tyres seem to have been treated with a 'dressing' that I suspect is old engine oil. It's still wet after a couple of weeks, it rubs off like old engine oil and they haven't responded to my question about the stuff which makes me even more suspicious that it's old engine oil.

Why Do Flies Like My Car?? - brum

Probably due to the decaying corpse locked in the boot. ;)