Army vehicles - dilbert
Can anyone tell me why the differential housing on the rear axles of army trucks and Land Rovers is always painted white? Thanks!

Army vehicles - Peter
For when driving during blackout conditions and in convoy. So they can see each other. Simple really but then I suppose it has to be for the British Army.
Army vehicles - Civic8
Had to ring my Dad on this..His reply as Peters..Clever but simple.
Army vehicles - THe Growler
What I want is a Russian T-51 tank. A crude V-12 diesel that beat out the Panzers on the Eastern Front in winter. Plenty still available in the bazaars of Kabul......
Army vehicles - Wilco {P}
You want a Russian Tank?

Army vehicles - VTiredeyes
i want one.
that is a good 10K spent. but nobody bought it.
i wonder where he got it from ?
you just cant get one of them from your local dealer can you?
Army vehicles - Onetap
Israeli turret with 105mm gun. Probably captured in the 1973 or 1967 war and fitted with the 105mm British (I think) gun, to fit in with the ammunition for all the Centurions the Israelis had bought.

The main Soviet WW2 tank was the T34, which I think was developed (much) from a '20s British design. Cheap, mass produced & idiot proof. I heard the oil filter could collect 1 kg of swarf during running in. The first ones went a long way through the Wehrmacht before being stopped.

The WW2 US and UK tanks were junk in comparison with the Panzers. You'd have to have been a brave man to crew one of those.
Army vehicles - Ian (Cape Town)
>>The WW2 US and UK tanks were junk in comparison with the >>
Panzers. You'd have to have been a brave man to crew one of those.

Indeed. Including the marvelous Lee/Grant (M3, i think it was?) which was known as the Priest because the turret looked like a pulpit.
Clever US engineers worked out it was quicker to rivet them together than to weld them.
Excellent planning - until the tank got hit, at which point all the rivets popped, and rattled round the interior, killing the crew.
Later models were welded.

Army vehicles - Stuartli
>>you just cant get one of them from your local dealer can you?>>

A used car dealer on the outskirts of Preston, as you approach Penwortham, had a pretty big tank on his forecourt for sale a few years back. He occasionally used to drive it on the roads.

The unusual "used bargain" made the local and national newspapers at the time...:-)

By the way, whenever the Army is travelling through my area, whether solo or in convoy, the vehicles always have their headlights on during daylight hours. Any particular reason?
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
Army vehicles - L'escargot
What I want is a Russian T-51 tank.

You shouldn't get too much aggro from other drivers when you drive THAT down the main street in Manila!
L\'escargot by name, but not by nature.
Army vehicles - thallium81
The T51 beat the German tanks partly because the Russian tanks had very wide tracks that were less prone to sinking the mud and in winter were better over snow. Also no doubt the crews were more desperate than the Panzer chaps.
Army vehicles - djcj
I think you can tax a tank for about a fiver!!! It gets classed as an agricultural vehicle.

Army vehicles - djcj
Oh, and the military vehicles have a lighting switch with a "convoy" position that disconects all lights except the one that lights the dif housing.

Army vehicles - Ian (Cape Town)
Oh, and the military vehicles have a lighting switch with a
"convoy" position that disconects all lights except the one that lights
the dif housing.

I always wondered where the boy racers got the idea of under-car neon glowers!

Now we know!!

Army vehicles - Altea Ego
So if one drives off a cliff they all follow?
Army vehicles - hxj

T-51 tank that is a new one on me.

The main Russian tanks were the T34 in several guises, a T-50 was developed as a prototype light tank but had a V4 engine.

The T-54 was the main Soviet bloc tank in the 1950's

Maybe I need to go out occasionally ...

Army vehicles - Tomo
Not really my field but I think the T51, later M51, was a Yankee tank recovery vehicle after the war.

OK, I'll go to bed now.
Army vehicles - Pete M
The Russian T34 cut a mighty swathe through the most numerous of the German tanks on the Eastern Front, the Panzer IV. The Tiger 1 had superiority with its 88mm gun, but the sloped armour and manoeuverability of the T34 really had the Germans worried. They considered just copying it, but in the end developed the Panther very quickly, with the same sloped armour. The T34 was later up-gunned to an 80mm which gave it good parity against the Tiger 1, with better armour, more speed and wide tracks for good performance in soft conditions. The Tiger II (King Tiger) used sloped armour, but was produced in tiny numbers and had no strategic importance. The greatest advantage of the T34 ( and the M4 Sherman) was their numerical superiority and access to unlimited fuel supplies. IMHO, of course.
Army vehicles - THe Growler
LOL you've been watching Discovery Channel, haven't you? Two days ago. (TIC) ;+)
Army vehicles - Avant
....whereas a Swedish tank is the one with its lights on all day.
Army vehicles - THe Growler
Going back to Dilbert's original thought, I wondered whether this was a case of the old Army adage:

"If it moves salute it, if it doesn't paint it".
Army vehicles - Cliff Pope
They also have a colour code to mark those bits that are meant to be undone, etc. Don't they paint wheel nuts red, or something?
Army vehicles - madux
Can anyone tell me why the differential housing on the rear
axles of army trucks and Land Rovers is always painted white?

It's so those low-flying American A10 tank-busters can identify them!
Army vehicles - Pugugly {P}
Repot in today's paper on how the new state of the art radio system is so heavy that it breaks Landie's rear axle.....they won't work in the Warrior of Challenger and the "Portable" equipment is very heavy (we are waiting for new lightweight batteries) and the hand sets cause radiation burns, otherwise perfect...reading a book about Gallipoli at the moment, not a lot of change.
Army vehicles - John24
Was going to say 'Why not give them all mobile phones?' but in view of what happened in Al Majar, it's too serious a subject. A mobile phone might have helped,though.
Army vehicles - quizman
These tank stories are very interesting. Could someone tell me what the gearbox situation was on Italian tanks?
Army vehicles - malteser
No, but I bet they got tin-worm very quickly!
Roger. (Costa del Sol, España)
Army vehicles - Pugugly {P}
Ah but they handled as if on rails,looked as if they had been designed by angels and an exhaust note to die for !
Army vehicles - Altea Ego
And they could be parked anywhere
Army vehicles - L'escargot
<< the differential housing on the rear axles of army trucks and Land Rovers is always painted white...

Don't shoot until you can see the whites of his .......differential housing!
L\'escargot by name, but not by nature.
Army vehicles - madux
These tank stories are very interesting. Could someone tell me what
the gearbox situation was on Italian tanks?

One forward and five reverse gears, of course!
Army vehicles - quizman
Well done madux
Army vehicles - Ian (Cape Town)
Professor Ian takes over the lecture.
Pay attention, as there will be an oral quiz afterwards ....

Italian tanks, aircraft and most other weaponry was rubbish during WW2 due to Mussolini's armaments policy.
"More is better".
So they had really funky quick planes, with no armour and only two piddly little machine guns.
And some lumbering 3 engined bombers with no range or bombload to speak of.
Naturally, these things proved OK when slaughtering Ethiops etc, but weren't quite up to it against the RAF and USAAF.
Tanks were under-armoured and outgunned.

There was also the problem of his politicians lying to him re production figures etc etc etc - that is what happens when you appoint a toady cabinet.
Weapons were in short supply, as was ammo.
Then, to keep the 'nobles' happy (remember, Italy was still a very feudal society when Victor Emmanuel was in charge) he allowed them to form their own regiments.
And they did. With little or no training.

So we have a scenario of ill-led, under-trained troops, fighting with obsolete and/or unreliable weaponry.
Recipe for "Run away, run away!"
Army vehicles - GrahamF1
Picky little point I know, but:

People are referring to German WW2 tanks as 'Panzers'. As in 'Panzer IV', which I think I saw further up the thread.

Panzer is simply the German word for armour, also taken to mean tank in this sense - it doesn't describe any particular design (or series of designs).

n the above discussion about German tanks and their effectiveness (or otherwise) on the Eastern front, I assume people really mean Panthers? As in Panther IV, generally agreed to be the finest tank of WW2.
Army vehicles - mare
Picky little point I know, but:
People are referring to German WW2 tanks as 'Panzers'. As in
'Panzer IV', which I think I saw further up the thread.
Panzer is simply the German word for armour, also taken to
mean tank in this sense - it doesn't describe any particular
design (or series of designs).
n the above discussion about German tanks and their effectiveness (or
otherwise) on the Eastern front, I assume people really mean Panthers?
As in Panther IV, generally agreed to be the finest tank
of WW2.

To be even more picky

Panzer is the generic term for a tank. It is also the word for armour.

The full name of the Panzer IV is the PanzerKampfWagen IV. PanzerKampfWagen loosely translates as "armoured combat vehicle". The Panzer IV was in production throughout WWII, and capable of constant upgrading. The Panzer IV was a developement of the Panzer III.

The Panther was in fact the PanzerKampfWagen V, and as discussed above reflected many of the features encountered on the Soviet T34 (sloping armour etc). There was no Panther IV's, the sub type being designated with letters. My reference material is in the loft, but the subtypes were Ausf D and G from memory.

Just to round it off, the Tiger was PanzerKampfWagen VI, and i think was in service before the Panther. But i could be wrong (book's in the loft). Porsche's design for the tank was rejected.

Panzer IV's were used post war by Israel and Panthers by the Post war French Army.

And the Sherman's in Allied service were nicknamed Ronson's, after the lighters (they ignited easily).
Army vehicles - GrahamF1
Thanks for the clarification. I haven't played any of the Close Combat games for quite a while, so my knowledge is a bit rusty!
Army vehicles - Ian (Cape Town)
All this talk of tanks, and not ONE mention of a pink centurion!
No wonder this forum is going to the dogs!

(in-joke for the oldsters)
Army vehicles - John24
'And the Sherman's in Allied service were nicknamed Ronson's'

Only by the Allies - the Germans called them 'Tommycookers' for obvious reasons.
Army vehicles - Pete M
Thanks mare for coming to my rescue. Of course I could have defined the Panzer IV as a PzKw but Panzer is generally what the I through IV series is known as. Later PzKw obviously had names as above. I think that the Porsche turret design for the Konigstiger was rejected after a short production, and replaced by the Henschel one. Something to do with the mantlet, IIRC.

Army vehicles - helicopter
Of course the forward gear was only there in case the enemy attacked from behind....
Army vehicles - helicopter
The forward gear comment of course was meant to have slotted in with the discussion on Italian Tank gearboxes.

I do remember a few years back when I worked very near Parliament Square seeing a guy in a Tank circling the square outside the gasworks with protest banners hanging off it.

I have no idea which type it was but even London Buses got our of his way pretty smartish.
Army vehicles - Stuartli
Then there was the crackpot in the States who stole a tank and went ballistic in it, swiping cars and anything else in his way on a terrifying trip around a builtup area.

Eventually he stalled it on a motorway crash barrier and got several bullets pumped into his body....
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
Army vehicles - Adam {P}
I actually saw that video. Quite harrowing and I think a few people moaned at why he got shot.

I wonder if they watched the countless cars he drove over.
Army vehicles - Stuartli
I've seen the video of the incident at least twice on Channel 5's American police pursuits programme on Sunday nights - definitely no way of pitting a tank....:-)
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
Army vehicles - Mapmaker
There was an article in the Telegraph a month or so ago, stating that the Russians are selling off a huge quantity of second world war armaments. Machine guns, tanks, etc. One careful owner F(USSR)SH. I dare say that if you want one they won't be too difficult to get hold of at the moment...

There's a tank parked round the corner from my house, that is painted a fetching shade of pink.
Army vehicles - helicopter
This pink tank according to the caption is parked in Mandela Way , Bermondsey.

It amused me because it has echoes of Del Boy and Rodney ( address Nelson Mandela House , Peckham )

I can just see Boycies car lot with a nice line in second hand Russian tanks under the bunting....

Army vehicles - Ian (Cape Town)
Hehe - on this side of the world EVERYTHING is named after him!
Every sports stadium, bridge, shopping complex, etc etc etc...
Makes finding any place really difficult!

Army vehicles - mare
There's a tank parked round the corner from my house, that
is painted a fetching shade of pink.

And it's a T34 / 76, the upgunned larger turret version of the original T34. At least 60 years old