On the 8th of may I went to Wickes here in Colchester and bought a new oven. Staff helpful, and all ok. I suppose i was in the store for only about 15 minutes, but returned a couple of hours later to buy something else.
Today all of 6 weeks later I have received a penalty charge notice for overstaying the allotted time of 90 minutes.
G24 say that i stayed over 2 hours when the "limit" is 90 minutes.
I did not.
I showed wickes my receipts/ showing they were separate transactions at different times and they have been honourable and contacted G24 to cancel the notice.
A couple of points though, How can someone appeal when they receive the "notice" AFTER the appeals period. ( Iam lucky i had my receipts and wickes were helpful), but how many people keep receipts for minor items?
Why do their cameras not show an entry, an exit and then 2 hours later another.
There is nothing that says that you cannot re-visit the store.
First bit to note. DO NOT PAY before contacting the retailer or the car park owners where the alleged offence has taken place. Afterwards it's too late!