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Another - Parking Charge Notice, G24 - oldroverboy.

On the 8th of may I went to Wickes here in Colchester and bought a new oven. Staff helpful, and all ok. I suppose i was in the store for only about 15 minutes, but returned a couple of hours later to buy something else.

Today all of 6 weeks later I have received a penalty charge notice for overstaying the allotted time of 90 minutes.

G24 say that i stayed over 2 hours when the "limit" is 90 minutes.

I did not.

I showed wickes my receipts/ showing they were separate transactions at different times and they have been honourable and contacted G24 to cancel the notice.

A couple of points though, How can someone appeal when they receive the "notice" AFTER the appeals period. ( Iam lucky i had my receipts and wickes were helpful), but how many people keep receipts for minor items?

Why do their cameras not show an entry, an exit and then 2 hours later another.

There is nothing that says that you cannot re-visit the store.

First bit to note. DO NOT PAY before contacting the retailer or the car park owners where the alleged offence has taken place. Afterwards it's too late!

Another - Parking Charge Notice, G24 - skidpan

Don't think you have won just yet.

There is normally a condition to using these car parks that prohibits you from parking again for a certain period after the first time allocation expires, usually its an hour.

So if that is the case in this instance you may well have broken the rules by reusing the car park during your prohibited time period and you will be liable to pay any fine.

Suggest you check the small print on any ticket and the car park signage before celebrating.

Another - Parking Charge Notice, G24 - oldroverboy.

Don't think you have won just yet.

There is normally a condition to using these car parks that prohibits you from parking again for a certain period after the first time allocation expires, usually its an hour.

So if that is the case in this instance you may well have broken the rules by reusing the car park during your prohibited time period and you will be liable to pay any fine.

Suggest you check the small print on any ticket and the car park signage before celebrating.

Did you notice that i said wickes have bee honourable and emailed to cancel the "notice" and phoned me to confirm it?

Did you notice that I said there is nothing to say you cannot revisit the store?


Edited by oldroverboy. on 29/06/2015 at 16:17

Another - Parking Charge Notice, G24 - skidpan

But have you received confirmation of this form the parking company.

Another - Parking Charge Notice, G24 - oldroverboy.

No i have not, but I have kept everything and if wickes instore and wickes cutomer relations say the same (and I have emailed wickes as a confirmation) then i would be inclined to accept their word, but there is now a store visit and name, an incoming call to me, a call to wickes , and an email trail, 'nuff for you...?

I'm cynical too but have kept the proof of calls and e mails.

In any case, both visits combined would not have exceeded 90 minutes. and why only "select" selectively 1 entry and one exit, Are they trying it on?

And as a totally separate issue on the subjecy of anpr cameras , why are people using the m25 darford crossing being charged twice per crossing, when 2 cameras capture the same vehicle at the same time and then it is up to the driver to complain, phone in their own time at their own expenses to get it rectified, another nice little bit of racketeering. (personally I have registered and set up a pepaid account and can monitor it.

Edited by oldroverboy. on 29/06/2015 at 16:37

Another - Parking Charge Notice, G24 - concrete

Well done oldroverboy, with the proof you have you are fireproof. I would let them sweat and then take me to court, where they would lose. You have proof positive that you did not transgress any rules. The rules are basically the same as previously, before the dreadful Protection of Freedoms Act. They now have the facility to pursue the registered keeper, which is usually the 'offender' anyway. However they still have to prove you broke the rules and you did not, so crack on. They are still as dispicable as ever these parking sharks and deserve no consideration whatsoever. If you can stick it to them, then do so. I too don't agree with HJ when he recommends you send £5 in full and final settlement of the so called offence. That way they know they have a live one on the line and will pursue you. Just ignore them if you are in the right.

Cheers Concrete

Another - Parking Charge Notice, G24 - FP

ORB - this is pretty much the same scenario as occurred a few years ago here in sunny Hemel Hempstead at B & Q. The local press got hold of it and had a field day.

As in your case, the shop got the ticket cancelled.

Interestingly, the ANPR cameras, notices and parking restrictions have now disappeared, whether as a result of bad publicity I don't know.

Edited by FP on 29/06/2015 at 16:27

Another - Parking Charge Notice, G24 - daveyjp

It's called a 'double dip' and happens because the ANPR system is deeply flawed for the motorist. They aren't always accurate and the database behind the system is poor.

For companies like G24 its great as many people just pay up.

Of course Honestjohn would just advise to pay up as apparently the tickets are all now legal - complete nonsense. He shouldn't actually be giving such 'advice' or sharing such an opinion without understanding the issue 100%.

Another - Parking Charge Notice, G24 - oldroverboy.
Reply from wickes

Thank you for your email in regard to your recent visits to our Colchester store. I would like to offer my apologies for the problems which you have encountered in the car park adjacent to our store.

I must advise you at this point that Wickes currently rents the land on which our stores stand and this does not include the car parks. Any parking enforcers are in attendance at the behest of the individual Landowners and not of Wickes.

That being said, we will always attempt to exercise our influence in such matters, in order to assist our valued customers. I can confirm that, should anything similar happen in future, we will always be more than happy to investigate in order to reach a resolution as quickly as possible.

We advise all customers to always retain their receipts, no matter how small a purchase may be. This will be needed should you wish to return the item, or if a guarantee claim needs to be made at any point.

I am glad that our Store Colleagues were able to assist you on this occasion, however should you require any further assistance at all, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards,

Customer Relations Team
National Customer Service Centre
Another - Parking Charge Notice, G24 - oldroverboy.

And having read the reply from wickes, there is no indication that the car park does not belong to them, so yes, looks like another opportunistic attempt to extract money.

Another - Parking Charge Notice, G24 - oldroverboy.

Reply (at last) from G24

Dear Sir,

RE: Contractual Parking Charge Notice Number xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Further to your dispute regardingthe above Cpcn, we would like to confirm that this is waived.

No further action is required by you.


Another - Parking Charge Notice, G24 - Avant

Good result ORB - common sense prevailed in that a human being dealt eith it instead of an idiot computer.

Some of these organisations need to understand that computers have many uses but should not be used to make decisions, at least not without human supervision.

Another - Parking Charge Notice, G24 - concrete

Good result ORB - common sense prevailed in that a human being dealt eith it instead of an idiot computer.

Some of these organisations need to understand that computers have many uses but should not be used to make decisions, at least not without human supervision.

They think computers are fool proof, but I have encountered some very clever fools!!! Concrete