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Help - Central Locking!!! - HF
Hi, urgent advice needed here with my Astra's central locking!

On way to pick up son from Cub's today, stopped off and local garage, locked car, bought purchases, and went back to unlock car.

Wouldn't unlock. Tried and tried, no luck. None of the doors would open.

After much panic and unanswered panicky phonecalls, realised that I could actually get in through the boot. Which I did, to the amusement of the bloke in the car next to mine. Tried leaving boot a little bit open so I could get out again, but it shut. More major panic until I realised I could get out through the window.

Parked up at Cubs place, of course crowds of people suddenly amassed so I couldn't perform my antics. Had to drive off again to simewhere more discreet, and in a delicate and ladylike manner, climb out of window. I have many bruises to show for it.

Son and I had to get back in car via boot, and I later had to again climb out of window to let him out of the boot.

I *really* don't want to have to do this outside his school tomorrow morning!

So, once you've stopped laughing at my afflictions, can anyone tell me what's happening here, and is something that I can very easily sort out myself? As most of you know, any advice will need to be explained in very simple terms.

Any comments much appreciated.
Help - Central Locking!!! - wemyss
HF, Presume you mean it won't open with remote or by using the key in the door or via all the door buttons from the inside ?.
Help - Central Locking!!! - David Lacey
I feel the need to know how old the car is........now I've stopped laughing!

MG-Rover Problems? forums.mg-rover.org
Help - Central Locking!!! - HF
David - it's a 1992, J reg car!
Help - Central Locking!!! - HF

It doesn't have a remote, just a key. It won't open using key in the door, or by trying all the door buttons inside.
Help - Central Locking!!! - volvoman
HF-tried to ring you but your line is busy - internet blockage methinks. Hope you get it sorted, sorry I can't help other than to say are you sure you're using the right key etc. I know it sounds stupid but I've been caught out like that and when you start to panic anything can happen. Why not pop outside again when you've had a chance to cool down and ask no 1 son to open the car (assuming you haven't already done this of course). Good luck !
Help - Central Locking!!! - bafta
HF. I wish I lived near you - never a dull moment! Lucky Volvoman.
Help - Central Locking!!! - HF

It's true, there's *never* a dull moment in HFworld ;) Don't think Volvoman would consider it lucky, though!!
Help - Central Locking!!! - HF
V, yes I'm sure it's internet blockage - and believe me it *is* the right key. Having tried it scores of times now, I've definitely not go that wrong! Oh, and I've done the cooling down period, and tried again, same result. (Panic mode only lasted as long as it took to realise that I *could*, indeed, get to pick my son up - after that, I just had to see the funny side).Assuming nothing sorted by tomorrow am, can I park at yours (preferably in drive?) so I can climb out the window in relative discretion?!!!

Help - Central Locking!!! - HF
Well, I was too late for those helpful people that were trying to offer me advice.

To those people, please if you can, and if you have any ideas, post tomorrow?

V I hope you see this before school-run time, because I'm going to park in your drive, unless I hear to the contrary!

Thanks to people for their interest so far, I hope to hear some more from you tomorrow?!! It's either that or the rest of my life spent climbing out of car windows, anyway ;)

Help - Central Locking!!! - Dynamic Dave

Suggest you go out in your pink fluffy slippers, dressing gown and hair net and give the door lock a squirt of WD40, in case it's semi siezed. Wiggle the key in and out a few times as well to see if you can jiggle it open.
Count yourself lucky it hasn't got a factory fit alarm, otherwise you wouldn't have been able to start the car, as you need to unlock the drivers door with the key to turn off the alarm and immobiliser.

For reference to the others that have asked what the car is, etc. It's a 1992 Astra with central Deadlocking. That's why HF can only access the car via the boot or through an open window. The drivers door is mechanically deadlocked, while the other 3 are electrically deadlocked. The boot lock is indipendant of the deadlocking system and can be overridden with the key.
Help - Central Locking!!! - David Lacey
Of nearly every Astra we have sold of that year (and later) we have been presented with door lock problems - something to do with the door lock barrel and it's associated components. Fixed with a service 'kit' from Vauxhall.

Is a 1991 car a bit early for deadlocking??

MG-Rover Problems? forums.mg-rover.org
Help - Central Locking!!! - Wally Zebon
Have you tried removing the central locking fuse? Once this has been done any electrical gremlins holding the door shut should be removed. It might not work, but at least it would eliminate one possible fault.

Help - Central Locking!!! - HF
Well, thanks for the input.

First, just to say, Dynamic, I couldn't believe it when I went out this morning (fully-clothed, not clad in attractive nightwear, I hasten to add) armed with ancient and not-easily-located can of WD40, sprayed liberally, and it actually worked!!!! So, so far, no climbing in boots and out of windows today! You will forever be a hero in my eyes, DD ;) Can't believe it was so simple, and am worried this is only a temporary fix?

So, David Lacey, thanks for your suggestion - interesting that you've had similar problems with all Astras of the same age. It definitely has deadlocking, and I'll bear in mind your 'fix kit' idea if it happens again.

Wally, thanks also - although, due to aforementioned technical inability, removing the fuse is something I'd have no idea about - would unfortunately have to be an outside job for me. Again, I will bear this in mind if problem recurs.

For now, am just grateful I managed to get in this morning - but will have WD40 can permanently with me for the foreseeable future, just in case.

Thanks again,
Help - Central Locking!!! - Alfafan {P}
HF, glad the WD40 worked. Had a similar problem on my Alfa 75 a couple of weeeks ago, difference being that I couldn't lock the car. Quick call to my local Alfaman, he suggested 3 in 1 oil rather than WD40 as effect of WD40 soon wears off. Anyway, no problems since
Help - Central Locking!!! - Mark (RLBS)
>>and I'll bear in mind your 'fix kit' idea if it happens again.

It might not work next time. You're better getting it fixed properly now, who knows when it might happen next ?

After an accident when you need to get out of the car quickly ?
Offspring sick and you need to get in it quickly ?

Best get it sorted - or, if you have the option, don't use the deadlocking.
Help - Central Locking!!! - HF
It might not work next time. You're better getting it fixed
properly now, who knows when it might happen next ?

Yes, that's what I'm worried about, M. Any idea of expenses/time involved here, or am I being lazy and should try looking at Vauxhall sites?
Best get it sorted - or, if you have the option,
don't use the deadlocking.


You mean by removing the fuse, as Wally said?

Alfafan - thanks for your idea - it seems I need to find a permannt solution though.
Help - Central Locking!!! - Dynamic Dave
can of WD40, sprayed liberally, and it actually worked!!!!
am worried this is only a temporary fix?

There is a thread somewhere in here that mentions the best course of action to take with door locks. If I get a spare moment later, I'll search it out for you.
WD40 will only be a temp fix as it will eventually dry/wash out the lock and you'll be back to square one. If you don't want to deadlock the car in case it happens again, just turn the key 45 degrees to the left and back to the vertical position. That way if you have to enter by the boot, at least you can lift the buttons and get in the conventional way afterwards. Turning the key 90 degrees to the left activates the deadlocks.
Help - Central Locking!!! - Dynamic Dave
There is a thread somewhere in here that mentions the best
course of action to take with door locks.

The whole thread is here:

Cyd's post on best course of action is here:
Help - Central Locking!!! - HF
Thanks, DD.

In the meantime I'll definitely try the 45 degree locking, at least no danger of being trapped inside that way.
Help - Central Locking!!! - Dynamic Dave
Have you tried removing the central locking fuse?

That won't work. Once the deadlocks are activated, the only way to disengage them is to unlock the doors via the drivers door lock. Otherwise if the battery went flat, it would make the thieves job a lot simpler. Mind you saying that, it's easy to defeat the deadlocks on Vauxhalls of that era if you don't mind damaging the doors, or door handles!
Help - Central Locking!!! - Dynamic Dave
Is a 1991 car a bit early for deadlocking??

Yes, but HF's car is a '92 mk3 Astra.
Help - Central Locking!!! - Dave_TD
HF -

Sounds to me like you've got road salt/grimy water in the door locks to the point where they've jammed! I had the same on my K-plate Cavalier, remedy was to swap driver and passenger lock barrels. (Not an easy job, unfortunately, but the passenger lock barrel was much less worn as nobody ever locked or unlocked the car with it!)
WD40 won't be a permanent solution, so for the time being I would only *lock* the doors, not *deadlock* them, i.e. Insert key at 12 o'clock position, turn left ONLY to 11 o'clock position so doors lock, return key to 12 o'clock position and remove key. I'd imagine you've been inserting the key at 12 o'clock, turning it left to 9 o'clock then removing it.
More help to follow...

Dave TD.
Help - Central Locking!!! - Cyd
Take a look through this thread and you will see I've given some advice on how to look after your door locks


there is another thread with some more detail, but I can't find it right now. Will post again if I do.
Help - Central Locking!!! - Cyd
found it!
