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New Vectra is Uglyyyyyyyyyyy - Richard_H
Now that I have seen more of these on the road, I have to say that this is one of the most ugly cars on the road.

The front looks like a giant Focus (bad enough in itself)and the back end looks like one of those dreadful Kia executive cars from a few years ago.

The front windows make the driver look like they have been shoehorned in, and all drivers of these cars look very uncomfortable. The interiors look like a black hole.

For all its faults, the previous model was not the eyesore the latest model is.

For all I know they may be an amazing drive but when a car is this butt ugly who cares !
New Vectra is Uglyyyyyyyyyyy - Paul Mykatz-Tinks
No, it's not.

No, it doesn't. No, it doesn't.

No, they don't. No, they don't. No, they don't.

No, it wasn't, because this isn't.

Who, indeed?

I know these things....................
New Vectra is Uglyyyyyyyyyyy - Richard_H
I take you don't agree then.

However, this doesn't change the facts.

I am not picking on the Vectra because everyone does.

The new Vectra is a very muddled looking car. I'm sure if you drive one you won't agree ever.

That back end....GOD DAMN thats just to much ass

Best Regards
New Vectra is Uglyyyyyyyyyyy - svpworld
Looks too much like the new Mondeo to me, especially the back end! I also found the inside dull and too "flat", give me the 7 series anyday!


SVPworld (incorporating PSRworld)
New Vectra is Uglyyyyyyyyyyy - Dynamic Dave
Now that I have seen more of these on the road,
I have to say that this is one of the most
ugly cars on the road.

I thought the reverse. Seeing it in print I thought it looked ugly, but when I saw it in the flesh my opinion changed. The only thing I don't like about it is the back end. Instead of putting the "Vauxhall" and Vectra" badges on the chrome strip along the bottom edge of the boot lid, they should have put them along the top edge like on the previous Vectra. All that spare metal could have done with being broken up a bit.
Also the one I got to have a play in the other day was a very good drive.
New Vectra is Uglyyyyyyyyyyy - Dogbreath
I think the new Vectra design is great. I like the clean lines - especially on the rear
New Vectra is Uglyyyyyyyyyyy - Pugugly {P}
As one who is never likely to step in one as a driver, I must say in the tin that they are far more handsome than in the write ups. As regards the 7 series, I agree its horrid to look at but I have driven one and it is SUPERB and what's better when you're actually in it you can't see the horrid shape that BMW's "designer" has lumbered on the company that builds the most fluidly designed mass-produced cars ever to grace tarmac.
New Vectra is Uglyyyyyyyyyyy - Robbo
Anybody else think that the front end of the new Ford Fusion bears more than a striking resemblance to the new Vectra ?
New Vectra is Uglyyyyyyyyyyy - Trisha TR
Have to say the new Vectra is sick, I nearly spewed the first time I saw one on the road. Thankfully I didn't have to hose down the interior as the laughter kept the stomach in. It's not quite the ugliest car though - there's a Kia Shuma in the car park and that really is a pile of hessian undergarments. I thought the Vectra looked Okay (I say Okay, I mean it wasn't necessary to spoon my eyes out) in print but that's where it should have stayed - in print.

Who's the Fusion aimed at.... people who want an MPV but are afraid of the ridicule of driving a bus/scared someone will put the orange 'Taxi' light on the top.
New Vectra is Uglyyyyyyyyyyy - Robbo
I seem to recall a similarly masive furore about the Ford Cortina replacement back in the early 80's; references to Jelly-Moulds spring to mind. If Ford were to release the Sierra today, everyone would be slagging them off for being boring and conventional. Like it or not, with the new Vectra at least GM are prepared to risk being different.
New Vectra is Uglyyyyyyyyyyy - CM
Like it or not, with the new Vectra at least
GM are prepared to risk being different.

I would disagree with you and say that they are not being different at all. The looks of the car are very similar to those of the Astra, which itself is not cutting edge! The looks of the new Vectra are growing on me but I still think that the large swathe of chrome at the bag looks awful.

Moving on a bit, GM are being different with the forthcoming Signum (?) esp as it is going to be a hatch-back. However, from the picture that I saw of it, it looks just like a big Audi A3.
New Vectra is Uglyyyyyyyyyyy - Baskerville
Oscar Wilde hated the Eiffel Tower, but he used to have his lunch at the top of it as often as he could because it was the only place in Paris where he couldn't see it. Unfortunately, it doesn't work with BMWs, which are everywhere.
New Vectra is Uglyyyyyyyyyyy - Steve S
Opinion pretty divided on this one then. I reckon it's bland more than ugly but then we are talking about sensible saloons.

But if we're really looking for ugly, I give you: FIAT.

The Multipla. Brave? Innovative? Hah. This one fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down. The Stilo isn't far behind. Was the Fiat Coupe really off the same drawing board?

At least with GM you don't expect style.
New Vectra is Uglyyyyyyyyyyy - Big Man 2
The new Laguna ain't none to pretty either

Huge panel gaps and dodgy electronic gadgets

This is just an updated Renault 25 and I think we all know about them.
New Vectra is Uglyyyyyyyyyyy - AndyT
I drove past a new Vectra today, which had just been pulled in for speeding.
On the side of the car was the wording, in large graphics, NEW VECTRA - NEW RULES.
Hmmm I thought......obviously not!!
New Vectra is Uglyyyyyyyyyyy - volvod5_dude
I agree, first impression the car is ugly, but I expect we will all get used to it in time. I had one from Avis last week for a couple of days, it was only a 1.8 and I felt it was underpowered, I've previously had 2.2 models and they go extremely well. However, it was ok to drive, handled well, comfortable and did the job, and the CD player worked fine.