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Mr Angry - woodster
Can we have a 'Mr Angry' thread and rant about anything that makes us angry, especially since the 'M6 Police operation' thread has been closed???

(You seem to have got one. HJ)

Edited by Honestjohn on 08/02/2009 at 15:04

Mr Angry - madux
You know what really makes me sick?

27 pints of bitter.

Edited by Honestjohn on 08/02/2009 at 15:09

Mr Angry - motorprop
Yes, this makes me blinking angry, as a driver and cyclist : In the murky driving conditions we've been having of late, almost nobody drives with sidelights on. Most cars have dark colours these days, and against a grey sky with rain they can be very hard to pick up, especially in the rear view mirror

In Scandinavia, you are obliged by law to drive with sidelights regardless of conditions - that's one law we need to adopt , definitely a life saver .

Edited by Webmaster on 09/02/2009 at 00:08

Mr Angry - quizman
It is illegal and stupid to drive on sidelights in this country.
Put the headlights on.
Mr Angry - madux
I thought you just had to show a white light at the front and a red light at the back?
Mr Angry - Stuartli
>>It is illegal and stupid to drive on sidelights in this country.>>

A case of a little knowledge...?

It is NOT illegal providing certain circumstances are met, but it IS stupid.
Mr Angry - motorprop
Not as stupid as driving with NO lights at all in the day, which is my point. Of course after dark you must drive with headlights on !!

Edited by motorprop on 08/02/2009 at 22:58

Mr Angry - gordonbennet
Presumably pedestrians who venture onto the roads will have to be lit up as well then, they do have to cross the roads before the pedants start, and the pavements are hardly walkable at the moment.

It isn't stupid to use side lights, this fetish for headlights makes all cars stand out, wonderful, unfortunately the poor old pedestrian/cyclist trying to battle their way home fades into the murk beside the onslaught of hundreds of far too brightly lit cars.

We've gone over this many times, dimdip was superb and those 21W side lights that 80's Volvo's had were just right too for murky conditions.

The drivers who make me angry are those with (usually powerful) cars who pull out in front of you on an otherwise clear road, making you brake to their 20mph crawl...then they put the boot down and zoom off to show you just how powerful their car is....morons.
Mr Angry - Stuartli
>>.. fades into the murk..>>

But, unfortunately, so all to often does the car being driven using only sidelights when travelling in a line of traffic.
Mr Angry - captain chaos
Strange how there are so many advocates of driving with headlights on all the time who are the first to complain about impossible headlight bulb access. What a shame.
I have fallen into line with general concensus and now drive with ALL my lights on all the time. I also stand on the footbrake at traffic lights to avoid being rear ended by some myopic incompetent. Be seen and be safe is my motto ;-

Mr Angry - madux
I also stand on the footbrake at traffic lights to avoid
being rear ended by some myopic incompetent. Be seen and be safe is my motto.

Hmm interesting subject this. HJ keeps saying that keeping your foot on the brake dazzles
the driver behind - but in the US they are taught to do it to show following traffic that you are stationary.
Mr Angry - Mr X
Choose your rant.. either for this man, giving the system a kicking or against this man , for breaking the law in the first place.

As reported in the Daily Mail (tinyurl.com/d838um)

'Anyone who has ever received a parking ticket and reluctantly paid up will probably applaud the man who turned the tables on his local authority by sending in the bailiffs and walking away with £20,000.

Z-Un Noon, of Tower Hamlets, east London, received four parking tickets between October and November 2007 - although one was dropped for duplicating another - and was fined £50 for each.

But he refused to pay.

Instead, he decided to persue Newham Council for damages, claiming he had been caused emotional distress.

When the council failed to appear at the county court hearing, he was given judgement by default, and was awarded £5,000 for each ticket, making a total of £20,000.

A further hearing at the High Court gave the council the chance to challenge the award, but again it failed to show, so bailiffs were sent to the authority's Parking Shop in East Ham last November to present a 'notice of seizure'.

The bailiffs started ripping out computers and were about to pull out a vital server when staff gave in and agreed to pay up.

Newham Council spokeswoman Si-Ling Pang said: ' They were unplugging the computers and taking them away. If they had unplugged the server it would have cost thousands of pounds worth of damage, so we had to pay to stop it.'

By now the cost - ultimately to the taxpayer - had risen to £27,566.83, including a service charge and costs resulting from the time taken to settle the case.

Last month the council - which claims it never received the summonses - took the case to Bow County Court, which ruled in its favour and ordered Mr Noon to give the money back.

The problem there is that Mr Noon cannot repay the money as he has already spent it. ''

Edited by Honestjohn on 08/02/2009 at 16:04

Mr Angry - Armitage Shanks {p}
I smell a bit of collusion here - an inside job? Man who got the tickets was Z-un Noon and council spokesperson was Si Ling Pang. Not born within the sound of Bow Bells I'd guess!
Mr Angry - Bromptonaut

I think there's an almost offensive suggestion there. Fraud is not limited to people with foreign names and given the East End's absorbtion of succeeeding waves of immigration I suspect there plenty of cockney Patels, Shah's and Si Lings!!
Mr Angry - Armitage Shanks {p}
The suggestion was made, light heartedly, that there might be collusion between two people of the same nationality, whatever it was, as implied by the foreign sounding names. Not just that they were perhaps foreign
Mr Angry - Bromptonaut
For Newham LBC to loose the summons is unfortunate, to loose all the subsequent paperwork is sheer incompetence. Not just the public sector - banks have been caught exactly the same way.
Mr Angry - captain chaos
No doubt they will be handsomely rewarded, then ;-)
Mr Angry - jbif
Mr X:
Can't you read? Note addressed to you from Honestjohn:

Why the stress? Guess you didn't notice the thread was locked... :-) smokie

Edited by smokie on 08/02/2009 at 16:14

Mr Angry - Mr X
I can but have not returned to the thread in question since it was made read only.


(Mr X, please could you use www.tinyurl.com to reduce the length of your URL links. It's very easy. HJ)

Edited by Honestjohn on 08/02/2009 at 16:06

Mr Angry - 1400ted
Velcro makes me angry....it's a real rip-off.
Mr Angry - madux
Velcro makes me angry....it's a real rip-off.

hehehehehehhhe - love it!
Mr Angry - Vansboy
Velcro makes me angry....it's a real rip-off.

Little known - or well known fact about Velcro.

This was an invention, put foward to the man who bought the company, 'cos he liked the shaver so much (Remington), but he felt it wasn't worth marketing!!

Mr Angry - Mr X
Have put the Tiny URL on the tool bar. Quick lesson on how to use it with mac, any one ?
Mr Angry - Mr X
Quick test here to see if I have got the hang of it.
Mr Angry - jbif
Why the stress? Guess you didn't notice the thread was locked... :-) smokie

I did notice [ as the first post in this thread points out!], but I guess your powers of observation are not as good as mine. Yours, Mr Angry. ;-)

Edited by jbif on 08/02/2009 at 16:20

Mr Angry - 1400ted
Really, anything that the Grumpy Old Men find irritating works well with me. Motoring-wise people who think they are doing you a good turn by flashing at you annoy me.
When waiting to turn right, it's always the last one in the queue coming towards you, but he slows down first and only flashes when he's almost stopped. Would have been a lot quicker to keep going. As he flashes, of course, he doesn't check his nearside mirror and misses the young lad on the scooter 'undertaking' him. I stopped acting on other driver's 'instructions' many years ago. I think being a biker makes you like this to some extent. SWMBO is always saying 'He's flashing you, go on ! Not noticing the bus coming the other way. As I get older, I more and more adopt the attitude that everone else on the road is a 'barmpot' and should be avoided.
Mr Angry - Westpig
the following make me Mr Angry (well maybe Mr A Tad Displeased, depending on how the day has gone)

- fog lights, esp rear
- failure to indicate on roundabout...(so you sit there when you could have moved off)
- CLOG..(why have a 3 lane road if people refuse to use one of them)
- turning inconsiderately off main road i.e. failing to position car, to detriment of others
- flashing headlights and/or gesticulating at someone just because they've overtaken you (in
non dangerous or non difficult circumstances)
- parking blocking my drive way
- parking in the middle of a slot that could take two cars
- playing a radio so loudly that everyone else has to hear it as well, esp with the window
- driving down a turn right lane because it's more empty, then barging in at the end
- tailgating
- no lights or sidelights when the weather is bad

in other words being selfish

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 08/02/2009 at 18:24

Mr Angry - captain chaos
- parking in the middle of a slot that could take two cars

Must confess that I'm guilty as charged on that one, Westpig, especially in supermarket car parks. I park as far away from the entrance as is reasonably possible and well away from trolley parks. As it's a two door coupe the doors are very long and if I park within the lines I'd never get in or out, especially as the person parking next to me probably may not realise it's left hand drive. Also avoids careless numpties banging their door against my car
Mr Angry - Westpig
Must confess that I'm guilty as charged on that one Westpig especially in supermarket car parks. . Also avoids careless numpties banging their door against my car

I should have clarified it better..i meant long ways i.e. in side streets
Mr Angry - captain chaos
Ah, yes, quite agree. That is selfish.
Mr Angry - midlifecrisis
the following make me Mr Angry (well maybe Mr A Tad Displeased depending on how
the day has gone)

- flashing headlights and/or gesticulating at someone just because they've overtaken you (in non dangerous or non difficult circumstances)

Ah! The joys of an unmarked car ;)
Mr Angry - Westpig
Ah! The joys of an unmarked car ;)

oh yes.....the change from arrogance and aggression..then fleeting confusion..then slumped shoulders and realisation....whilst everyone else around smiles broadly at their come uppance
Mr Angry - Fullchat
That momentary warm glow makes up for all the flack!
Mr Angry - ifithelps
... that momentary warm glow makes up for all the flack!...

Well, all you policemen can go hang because I am a perfect driver and treat every other car as if it's an unmarked police car. :)
Mr Angry - smokie
I'm not sure this thread is a good idea. I can't imagine it will relieve all the anger that is in other threads, and could end up in a full scale melee.

However seeing as HJ sort of sanctioned it, I'll let it run for now, but please don't leave any valuables here as they may disappear later. :-)

There are Anger Management forums for genuine Mr Angry's...

Edited by smokie on 08/02/2009 at 16:40

Mr Angry - Mr X
I am worried about those who don't know the difference between ' anger ' and ' concerns ".
Mr Angry - 1400ted
I was careful not to mention 'anger', cos I only do mild annoyance and irritation nowadays. Anger can lead to loss of control and coronaries...and I've had one of those so I won't risk another. Get annoyed but keep a smile on your face.
Mr Angry - woodster
And I thought the moderators would pull my thread for p-taking, since I was only referring to the now closed 'M6 police operation' thread', and the responses therein. Guess we're all friends really after all! (Fat chance!!)

1400ted - I thought you were something of an advanced driver and took it that you would neither respond to, nor offer, implied right of way by headlight flashing. It has it's inherent dangers as you highlight. If I'm to let someone out I do it by simply waiting and let them make their own decision. Safer I think.

Anyway, played my part in the M6 thread, enjoyed it, but kind regards to you all. Even MrX!!!!!
Mr Angry - quizman
I have always understood that it illegal to drive with only sidelights on. I thought it was an admission that you needed lights, so you should have your headlights on.

My real number one hate is people driving along in fog or snow with their sidelights on. You can see the car at exactly the same time as you can see the sidelights. Idiots.

Mr Angry - captain chaos
They should stop putting them on cars then. Go back to dim dip lights. Increase taillight bulbs to 21 watts and brake lights to 50 ;-)
Mr Angry - DP
People who think it's their job to enforce speed limits - often the same muppets who drive at 40 mph on NSL B-roads, and then continue at the same 40 mph through the towns and villages.

People who use rear fog lights in heavy rain.

People who deliberately block filtering motorcyclists. Rare, but they do exist.

The appalling, disjointed, unreliable, overpriced and filthy public transport network that doesn't give me a useable or affordable alternative to the car for commuting and days out.

I used to get angry at the barger-ins and the people bereft of simple manners and social skills who are prepared to inconvenience an entire lane of people to skip a few places in a queue, but this is now such a common occurrence, I'm not going to risk a stroke over it. Nowadays, I just take a deep breath and pray for karma.

Mr Angry - Waino
I get annoyed about texting/phoning drivers and (uninsured) drivers who drive when banned - but nothing gets me like the thought that G Broon removed the 10p tax band which benefited the nation's poorest workers and is giving it to banks to pay their bonuses. Grrrrr!!!
Mr Angry - Hector Brocklebank
People who get shirty about being overtaken.

I once attempted to overtake a VW Golf in perfectly safe circumstances, only to have the driver accelerate as soon as I began to pass. It was only my superior temperament which prevented me from brake-testing the little ****** afterwards.

I can only assume people who do this are the kind of self righteous do-gooders who think it is their job to enforce the speed limit and endanger everyone's life in the process.
Mr Angry - isisalar
Cyclists who ignore traffic lights.
BMW and laterly Audi drivers, who think that lane markings etc don't apply to them.
People carrier and 4by4 drivers who block one's view by pulling alongside when trying to turn into a major road.Oddly enough van drivers don't seem to be so guilty of this.
Drivers reversing out of driveways.If you can reverse out you can reverse in.(much safer)
Mr Angry - captain chaos
Buses. We'll hold all the traffic up while we take the fares. Bring back the conductors!
Progress my eye!
Mr Angry - isisalar
I give Bus drivers the same amount of respect they give me ,which is none.
When I was in the taxi game 90% of the accidents drivers were in ,involved buses.I've overheard their conversations and it's deliberate.Curse them!
Mr Angry - gordonbennet
involved buses.I've overheard their conversations and it's deliberate.Curse them!

Agree with that, some 27 odd years ago a bus driver deliberately scraped the entire length of his loaded town bus down my n/s front wing (land crab), and i ended up losing my no claims as the insurance co involved happened to cover both of us.
The chap behind me couldn't believe it and went scatty at the driver, made no difference to the ins co. having a witness.

Its ok though should i a young dad working about a hundred hours a week to provide, ''take the bus co to court and get judgement they'll reinstate my no claims''. Young chaps like me were always doing that.
Quote me silly....yeah right.
Mr Angry - Old Navy
Buses. We'll hold all the traffic up while we take the fares. Bring back the
Progress my eye!

More traffic calming. :-)
Mr Angry - L'escargot
You should learn to not get angry at anything whilst driving. Getting angry adversely affects your judgement and driving style.

Like chill, man, and stuff innit.
Slowcoach day. - FotheringtonThomas
Out early this a.m., to see all those who didn't venture out last week driving around at a snail's pace in iced-up cars resembling igloos.

Slowcoach day. - L'escargot
around at a snail's pace ..........

There's nothing wrong with my pace! Admittedly we've got hardly any snow here on the Lincolnshire coast.
Slowcoach day. - Old Navy
Why igloos? It doesnt snow or freeze in my garage.
Slowcoach day. - quizman
And another thing, I hate being followed on a sleety busy dark motorway by a car with xenon headlights. The horrible blue lights are very off putting, why can't these people have proper lights, like everyone else.

Edited by quizman on 10/02/2009 at 19:15

Slowcoach day. - FotheringtonThomas
How did my "grumble" turn into "angry"? Oh well.
Mr Angry - Bromptonaut
TfL issued PCN's to drivers who admitted the infractions and paid up. Unfortunately TfL's systems for tying up cheques with the right PCN were not up to scratch resulting in further demands for payment and visits from disbelieving bailiffs.

Full story at tinyurl.com/c2xj8b

Mr Angry - Westpig
resulting in further demands for payment and visits from disbelieving bailiffs.

that's the thing nowadays...in effect you're prevented from pleading Not Guilty and having your day in a court...because some authority will have passed the debt to bailiffs and/or had your credit rating fiddled with