I bought a Legacy Estat last January. At 1700 miles without any warning, the clutch disintegrated leaving my wife stranded on the motorway.
It was replaced and after another 2000 miles (4 weeks) the clutch gave way again without any warning.The first time it happened, Subaru said it was due ti "excessive towing" but I pointed out that all I tow was a wheelie bin 50 yards to the end of my lane. The second time they sais it was "excessive driving"! Their engineer monitored it and said it had not been driven excessively and that he could not conclude that it could not have been caused by my style of driving. An executive in Subaru (Ireland) sent me an email saying I was not used to driving a common rail diesel - he ignored the fact that my previous car which I drove for 11 years was a top of the range Citroen common rail diesel Zantia. An independent enginerr observed me driving and said that I did not drive with my foot on the clutch nor slip it. Subaru (UK) refused to replace it under warranty saying that it was "normal wear and tear (after only 2000 miles!) so the dealer did saying this was that last time. I drove it home from him (25 miles) and there was a strong smell of burning. The dealer (Eastwoods of Lisburn) had it for the weekend and said that the smell was caused by the burning off of carbon deposits from the last 2 clutches - my many motor engineering friends split their sides laughing at this excuse!
For a long while after, there was a smell of burning. At around 9000 miles, again the clutch gave way without any warning again stranding my wife, this time in the dark on a very remote road in depths of Donegal in the West of Ireland.
Eastwood contacted Subaru (UK) and they said I had to give my permission for him to dismantle the car and if there was no fault found, it would be a case of normal wear and tear and they would not replace it under warranty leaving me with a bill of some £1500.
All the motor engineers I have spoken with say the same thing - DualMass flywheel! I consider that having failed 3 times in a year, it is not fit for purpose under The Sale of Goods Act - as some-one said "you were unlucky to buy a Friday afternoon car"!
I have had 20 previous cars, some being powerful sports car and I have never had any failing in such a manner. My previous Zantia (2 litre common rail diesel) had a new clutch but this was after 100,000 miles and it gave plenty of warning before giving out. I do very little town driving, living in the country as I do.