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V reg ford ford 2.0 petrol - LOUD bang from underneath car earlier. - amyamandaallen


Wondering if anyone can give an insight please. I'll ring the garage in the morning.

Car did 350 miles last week no issue, been driving it earlier and on the way back we went round a small left hand incline and heard a MASSIVE bang from underneath. Got out couldn't see anything on the floor, all tyres good ( though poss blowout ) and bounced the shocks all seemed ok. Slowly drove home and put on the drive.

Have been underneath and pulled everything that might be loose ( DIY ) and visual inspection cant see anything. Just moved it off the drive to get other car out and 2 more bang ( quieter this time as I was only about 3/5 MPH ). Seems to happen on braking or on a full lock. If car is stationary I can do lock to lock and I don't get a bang just a very low 'klunk' which might just be some play. The steering wheel before all this did feel a tiny bit 'sticky' when you move from dead centre to slight right before this but has done for the last 500 miles. Top of suspension mounts seem fine.

All the springs look in tact?

Any thoughts please? This will be a garage job regardless.

Will it be safe to driv ethere slowly ( bout 1/2 a mile )


V reg ford ford 2.0 petrol - LOUD bang from underneath car earlier. - RobJP

Yes, it should be perfectly safe to drive a short distance to the garage in the morning.

Have a look around it again in the morning before you do so (though I'm sure you don't need to be told that). It might be a wheel arch trim that has come loose and is occasionally fouling on the tyre / wheel.

V reg ford ford 2.0 petrol - LOUD bang from underneath car earlier. - amyamandaallen

Deffo a loud metalic 'dunk' when turned.

V reg ford ford 2.0 petrol - LOUD bang from underneath car earlier. - elekie&a/c doctor

Could well be a broken spring,but you may not be able to see a clear indication with all the wheels on the ground.

V reg ford ford 2.0 petrol - LOUD bang from underneath car earlier. - hardway


Had a Peugeot partner in last week with reported loud bang from underneath

top coil on the road spring had snapped.

not really easy to see but real easy to feel with my hand up near the top of the spring.

Very common theses days.

V reg ford ford 2.0 petrol - LOUD bang from underneath car earlier. - amyamandaallen

Any idea what the cost might be at an independant?

thanks all replies.