My car was reported as being in an accident 270 miles away - what do I do?

My car has been reported as being in an accident 270 miles away. First I knew of it was via my insurance underwriter 10 days after the alleged date, stating my car reg was reported as being in an accident, in a location the car was not in, driven by a woman I have never heard of who is not on my car insurance. A solicitor has put in a claim for injury. I have made a statement to the insurance investigator for the underwriter and provided a statement from my manager saying where my car was parked. They say this is not an independent statement and insist my car be inspected - even though it was miles away. If I don't I'm failing to cooperate. They do not have full information from the solicitor, as they are not cooperating so it could be a wrong or cloned number plate. My insurance seems to be more interested in inspecting my car than getting full details. I am feeling very harassed and don`t know what to do next.

Asked on 25 February 2019 by D Akitt

Answered by Honest John
Are there any images of your car on CCTV anywhere? At work or home? Do you have any car park tickets for while you have been shopping? Advise your insurer that you wish for them to contact the other party and advise that this is a vexatious claim without merit, that they request from the other party a description of your vehicle, i.e colour, what it looks likect. Stickers ? Markings? Does their client have any photographs at the scene of the incident showing their and the other parties vehicle?

It is very rare that someone would not be out with their phone and activating the camera straight away in this situation. Allow your insurer to inspect your car, you must assist them in every way you can. You might well find that Google maps has tracked where you have been and can show a record of where you were on a particular day.
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